Clare Bird Sightings

Thursday 15th September 2011

One adult Mediterannean Gull was at Coonagh along with 45 Tufted Ducks, six Wigeon and 80 Coot.

4 Comments to Thursday 15th September 2011

  1. Pat Murphy

    I would to know if theres any birdwatching outings coming up in the Limerick
    area and does Limerick have i’ts own Branch of B W I.

    Pat Murphy.

    • Tom Tarpey

      The Limerick Branch does have its own Branch. The next outing will be to Westfields Marsh on December 27th next at 10.00 am. Maura Turner (087-7927972) is the Branch Secretary. You can also get branch information on the Birdwatch Ireland Limerick Branch Facebook page.

  2. Tom Tarpey

    The Coonagh Settlement Ponds Nature Reserve can be accessed by taking the Coonagh Road off the Coonagh Roundabout. (This is the roundabout on the old main road to Ennis, beside Elm Motors, new Tesco store and Travel Lodge Hotel) The Coonagh Road takes you to T-junction after 1km approx. Take the right turn for the Coonagh Ponds. (The left turn takes you to the airfield) The road gest quite narrow as it winds its way past a few bad bends. After about 750m you will find a sliding steel gate blocking the road. Press the button on the intercom system and hopefully you will be let through. The road then passes under the motorway, swings left and eventually terminates at the gate to the nature reserve. The ground is a bit rough in places in the reserve with a few hidden hazzards, e.g. hidden wheel track sin the long grass, steel bars protruding from the ground in places, tinbers sleepers so caution is advised while walking around the site.

  3. Can you tell me how I get to Coonagh to Birdwatch please…..I can see it from motorway but carnt figure out how to get to it

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