Clare Bird Sightings

Wednesday 30th November 2011

Wednesday 30th November 2011

Whimbrel on the Flaggy Shore © John N Murphy

Four Black-throated Divers, one adult Sandwich Tern, 200 Dunlin, 40 Bar-tailed Godwits and 60 Brent Geese were in Ballyvaughan Bay.
The Pink-footed Goose and 74 Greylag Geese were at Lough Muchanagh.
One Whimbrel was still feeding along the Flaggy Shore.
Two Little Egrets, 40 Brent Geese and 30 Wigeon were at Lough Murree.
A flock of 200 Teal, 30 Wigeon, 25 Shellduck and 60 Redshank were at Bell Harbour.
One male Hen Harrier and 300 Golden Plover were at Tool’s Lough.
Ten Whooper Swans were at Burrin lake.
Two Chiffchaffs were at the Ailwee Caves.
A female Blackcap was at Oak Park Ennis this morning.
One Woodcock was at Roxton, Corofin.
There were 300 Golden Plover at Moveen, Kilkee.

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