Clare Bird Sightings

Friday 16th February 2024

Friday 16th February 2024

This male Brambling was caught and ringed at Ballycar John N Murphy

One male Snow Bunting was at Loop Head.(James Hayes)
Four Ring-necked Duck, (two male and two female) were at Kilkee Reservoir. (JH)
There were 80 Purple Sandpiper and six Chough at Seafield, Quilty. (JH)
The drake Green-winged Teal is still present at Bell Harbour. (Paidí Cullinan, Geoff Pearson)
Two Brambling were still at Applewood, Ballycar.(John N Murphy)
The Greater Scaup is still present at Ballyallia Lake. (Finbarr McGowan)

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  1. Saturday 22nd February 2025- Mid Clare Lakes

    February 22 @ 11:00 am

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