Clare Bird Sightings

Monday 19 February 2024

The four Ring-necked Ducks were still at Kilkee Reservoir. (Geoff Pearson)
There were 130 Purple Sandpiper, 200 Sanderling and 600 Dunlin at Seafield, Quilty.(John N. Murphy)
Eight Tree Sparrow, 14 Rock Dove and 18 Brent Geese were near Seafield.(JNM)
Two White-tailed Eagles were still at Lough Muckanagh. (Maura Crowe)
Another White-tailed Eagle was at Lisheen Cross.(Chris Cullen)
Six Buzzards were just east of Darragh. (Finbar MacGabhainn)
One Buzzard was near Connolly. (JNM)
A flock of 400 Golden Plover were at Ross, Loop Head. (GP)

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    February 22 @ 11:00 am

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