Clare Bird Sightings

Saturday 23rd March 2024

A male Long-tailed Duck, 15 Great Northern Diver, 60 Brent Goose, 19 Shelduck, eight Red-breasted Merganser, four Sandwich Tern and a Black Guillemot were at Ballyvaughan and Rine during a well attended Clare Branch outing.(Ray Glynn, Nuala and Tom Lynch, Sean and Peter Whelan, Dixie Collins et al)
At the Bridges of Ross between 09.20-11.20 there were 69 Manx Shearwater, three Gannet, 265 Kittiwake, 49 Common Guillemot, nine Razorbill, three Cormorant and three Shag.(Chris Cullen)
Sixty seven Herring Gull were at Ross.(CC)
At Loop Head between 12.00-12.35 there were 160 Manx Shearwater, 222 Kittiwake, two Gannet, one Great Skua and 20 Golden Plover.(CC)
At Kilbaha there were 100 Herring Gull and a Little Egret.(CC)
Sixteen Sand Martin were at the western end of Lake Atedaun.(James Organ)
Nineteen Fieldfare were at Cahercommaun.(Dave O’Connor)

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