A Wilson’s Petrel flew past Ross Ringing Station at 10.35.(John N. Murphy)
At Ross Ringing Station between 07.20-08.20 there were 15 Cory’s Shearwater.(JNM)
An all white albino Hen Harrier was in the field at Ross Ringing Station.(JNM)
Off Ross Ringing Station between 14.15-15.15 there were two Great Shearwater, three Sooty Shearwater, two Arctic Tern, five Sandwich Tern and 11 Storm Petrel.(JNM)
Between 06.00-08.00 there were 18 Cory’s Shearwater, one Sooty Shearwater and 12 Common Scoter.(Tony Cully, Dara Cully.)
A Scopoli’s Shearwater was off Loop Head at 15.25. ( Vittorio Cashera, Dan Mantle, Jim Dowdall, Niall Keogh et al)
Between 11.45-19.30 1120 Cory’s Shearwater, 25 Great Shearwater, 35 Sooty Shearwater, 42 Storm Petrel, 10 Arctic Tern and 20 Puffin were recorded.(TC, DC, VC, DM, JD, NK et al)
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