Clare Bird Sightings

Wednesday 7th August 2024

One Scopolli’s Shearwater was picked up flying alongside a Cory’s close to the shore off Ross Ringing Station (09.30)(John N Murphy)

At Ross Ringing Station between 06.00-09.00 there were three Wilson’s Petrel, 50 Storm Petrel, over 200 Cory’s Shearwater, ten Sooty Shearwater, 6000 Manx Shearwater per hour, one Long-tailed Skua, seven Pomarine Skua, five Arctic Skua, three Common Scoter and 16 Arctic Tern.(John N. Murphy, Johannes Laber)

Between 9.30 and 12.00 at Ross Ringing station there were 12 Wilson’s, Storm Petrels, over 300 Cory’s Shearwaters, two Great Shearwaters, 15 Sooty Shearwaters, two Sabine’s Gulls, five Pomarine Skuas, three Arctic Skuaa and ten Arctic Terns. (John N Murphy & Johannes Laber)

1 Fea’s/Desertas Petrel west @ c08:53 (C.Cardiff, N.T.Keogh et al)
11 Wilson’s Stormies (N.T.Keogh, B.McCloskey & N.Keogh)
400+ European Stormies
780 Cory’s Shears
32 Great Shears
59 Sooty Shears
c27,500 Manx Shears
1 Blue Fulmar
7 Long-tailed Skuas (2 adults + 5 imms)
29 Pom Skuas (light morph adults + subadults)
16 Arctic Skuas
1 Great Skuas
7 Sabine’s Gull (3 adults + 4 subadult types)
15 Puffins
1 adult Roseate Tern
95+ Arctic Terns.
(N.T.Keogh, N.Keogh, B.McCloskey, J.Dowdall, S.Holland, C.Cardiff, J.Proudfoot, P.Troake, G.Pearson, E.Flynn).
A two hour watch (15.00 – 18.00) off Ross Ringing Station in the afternoon produced one Wilson’s Petrel, one Sabine’s Gull and ten Sooty Shearwaters. (JL)


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