At Ross Ringing Station between 07.30-08.30 one Wilson’s Petrel, (07.52) Eight Cory’s Shearwater, 12 Great Shearwater, 50 Sooty Shearwater, 12000 Manx Shearwater, one adult Sabine’s Gull, 85 Arctic Tern and four Storm Petrel were reported.(John N. Murphy)
Between 08.30-13.30 236 Cory’s Shearwater, 34 Great Shearwater, 45 Sooty Shearwater, one Pomarine Skua, one Grey Phalarope, 42 Arctic Tern, 24 Common Scoter, 17 Whimbrel, seven Sandwich Tern and one Storm Petrel were recorded.(JNM, Eanna O’ Flynn)
At Black Head between 07.45-11.00 a seawatch produced one Balearic Shearwater, 12 Cory’s Shearwater, three Great Shearwater, two Sooty Shearwater, two Great Skua, four Arctic Skua and one Storm Petrel.(Paul Troake)
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