A Fea’s Petrel flew past the Bridges of Ross at 14.02.(Noel Keogh, Chris Cullen, plus eight others.)
At Black Head between 07.20-10.35 there were seven Pomarine Skua, eight Arctic Skua, one Great Shearwater, one Cory’s Shearwater, seven Storm Petrel and one Puffin.(Paul Troake)
At the Bridges of Ross between 06.20-13.40 a seawatch produced 161 Cory’s Shearwater, 115 Sooty Shearwater, 68 Great Shearwater, 28 Arctic Skua, four Pomarine Skua, 64 Whimbrel, three Puffin, one Red-throated Diver, one Great Northern Diver, one Wilson’s Petrel, 15 Storm Petrel, two Balearic Shearwater, seven Sabine’s Gull, four Great Skua and 85 Arctic Tern.(Noel Keogh, Chris Cullen, Ray Glynn et al)
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