Clare Bird Sightings

Sunday 25th August 2024

The seawatch at the Bridges of Ross today produced a Fea’s or Zino Petrel at 17.40(Keith Langdon), three Scopoli’s Shearwater at 11.30, 11.50, 16.33,(BMcC, AGK, SM), one Wilson’s Petrel, 15 Sabine’s Gull, 22 Long-tailed Skua, three Leach’s Petrel, 29 Storm Petrel, 527 Great Shearwater, 1045 Cory’s Shearwater, 740 Sooty Shearwater, two Balearic Shearwater, 23 Arctic Skua, seven Great Skua, seven Pomarine Skua and five Grey Phalarope. (BMcC, VC, AGK, NK, SM, KL, JA, DH, CMcN, AMcM, MB, JFD, MS, DM et al)

A Scopoli’s Shearwater was off Ross Ringing Station at 11.00.(JNM)

Also at Ross Ringing Station between 10.00-13.00 there were 532 Cory’s Shearwater, 210 Great Shearwater, over 450 Sooty Shearwater, five adult Sabine’s Gull, two Long-tailed Skua,(2CY +adult) four Pomarine Skua, nine Arctic Skua, one Great Skua, four Common Scoter, five Storm Petrel, 30 Arctic Tern, 15 Sandwich Tern and four Whimbrel.(John N Murphy)

At Black Head from 09.15-12.10 there were nine Sooty Shearwater, one Balearic Shearwater, eight Storm Petrel, four Common Scoter, one Great Skua, one Pomarine Skua and five Arctic Skua.(Paul Troake)

Two Sabine’s Gull (one juvenile and one aged not determined) were at Black Head at 12.45.(PT)

A juvenile Sabine’s Gull and three Sandwich Tern were at Quilty this afternoon.(Geoff Pearson)

There were 31 Cory’s Shearwater and one Sooty Shearwater was off Castle Point, Kilkee.(JNM)

Two Golden Plover(present for a month) and a Wheatear were at Loop Head.(JNM)

A Golden Plover was at Liscannor. (Jeff Copner)

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