Clare Bird Sightings

Thursday 29th August 2024

A Barolo Shearwater flew south-west past the Bridges of Ross at 17.00.(Keith Langdon, Des Higgins et al)

From 06.30-18.45 at the Bridges of Ross there were 6585 Great Shearwater, (6000 of those during the first three hours), 1870 Cory’s Shearwater, (including two that looked like Scopoli’s but not photographed, Chris Cullen & Niall T. Keogh), 98 Sooty Shearwater, 9000 Manx Shearwater, 68 Leach’s Petrel, 60 Storm Petrel, one blue Fulmar, 16 Long-tailed Skua, (8 adult, 1 subadult, 7 juvenile), 22 Pomarine Skua, 23 Arctic Skua, 64 Sabine’s Gull, (38 adult, 26 juveniles), one cy Little Gull, 365 Arctic Tern, 80 Sandwich Tern, one Black Tern, six Grey Phalarope, eight Puffin, 120 Light-bellied Brent Goose and four Common Scoter.(KL, DH, CC, NTK, and 14 more observers)

At the Bridges of Ross between 06.30-08.30 there were over 4870 Great Shearwater and 720 Cory’s Shearwater.(Niall Keogh, Des Higgins et al)

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