The adult Iceland was on view at Bishop’s Quay.
A female Hen Harrier was seen at Kilmeedy.
73 Whooper Swans and 44 Greylag Geese were at Newtown, Clarina.
A Barn Owl was seen crossing the N21 at Coolanoran, Newcastle West.
The adult Iceland was on view at Bishop’s Quay.
A female Hen Harrier was seen at Kilmeedy.
73 Whooper Swans and 44 Greylag Geese were at Newtown, Clarina.
A Barn Owl was seen crossing the N21 at Coolanoran, Newcastle West.
A Barn Owl crossed the road in front of my car on the N21 at Coolanoran on the Limerick side of Newcastlewest around 5.45 on the 17.01/2012. Nuala Lynch Ennis