Clare Bird Sightings

Saturday 21st January 2012

Saturday 21st January 2012

First-winter Iceland Gull at Loop Head © John N Murphy (for more photos of white-winged gulls see

One Little Auk was off the Bridges of Ross (John N Murphy & Finbarr MacGabhann).
There were 21 white-winged Gulls in the county today with a breakdown as follows:
Six Iceland Gulls and one second-winter Glaucous Gull were at Ballynacrinan Bay, Moneypoint.
Six Iceland Gulls and one first-winter Glaoucous Gull were at Kilbaha and Ross Bay Loop Head.
Three Iceland Gulls were at Illaunonearaun, south of Kilkee.
One adult Gaucous Gull was at Kilkee.
Two Iceland Gulls and one first-winter Glaucous Gull were at Farrihy Bay between Doonbeg and Kilkee.
Two Snow Buntings were at the White Strand, Doonbeg.
At Loop Head there was one Carrion Crow, two Chough and one Raven.
One Little Egret and one Great Northern Diver were at Kilcredaun Marsh, along with a small flock of 29 Pale-bellied Brent Geese.

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