Clare Bird Sightings

Thursday 10th October 2024

Three Pink-footed Goose flew west over Ross Ringing Station this morning and six Barnacle Goose flew east.(John N Murphy)
A Merlin was also hunting in the area.(JNM)
Eight Barnacle Goose flew over Kilbaha and a Hen Harrier was hunting there.(Mark Gibson)
Two White-tailed Eagle were at Lake Atedaun.(James Organ)
Two Buzzard were at O’Toole’s Lough.(JO)
There were 12 Whooper Swan at Lough Bunny and five more were at Lake Atedaun. One of those was almost taken by a White-tailed Eagle.(JO)
Later today two Yellow-browed Warbler and two Goldcrest were at Kilbaha.(JNM MG, Tom Tarpey, Ray Glynn)
Over 20 Cory’s Shearwater, one Great Skua, two Manx Shearwater and seven Barnacle Goose were off Ross.(JNM, MG TT & RG)
Three Cory’s Shearwater, one Red-throated Diver and one Great Northern Diver were at the tip of Loop Head.(JNM, TT & RG)
There were 180 Golden Plover at Clahane with another 100 at the Inagh Estuary.(Geoff Pearson)
Thirty four Whooper Swan were at Lough Donnell.(GP)
A ringtail Hen Harrier and a Merlin were at Hags Head.(Jeff Copner)
A Barn Owl was at Hags Head.(JO)

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