A Lapland Bunting was at Loop Head. (Mark Gibson) A Merlin and two Whooper Swan flew down the Shannon. Two Northern Wheatear and three Redpoll were at the Lighthouse. A Yellow-browed Warbler one Chiffchaff, two Goldcrest, five Redwing and three Swallow were at Kilbaha village.(MG & John N Murphy)
A Pink-footed Goose was at Ross Ringing Station early this morning along with one Merlin and eight Whooper Swans which flew east and one Buzzard flew west over the Station.(JNM)
There were two White-tailed Eagle, two Kingfisher, 18 Whooper Swan and a White Wagtail at Lake Atedaun.(Nuala and Tom Lynch)
There were two Red-throated Diver and 40 Common Scoter at Lahinch.(Geoff Pearson)
A Barn Owl was seen on the road, half way between the Anvil B & B and Kilbaha village at 23.45.(Mark Gibson)
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