Clare Bird Sightings

Saturday 12th October 2024

A seawatch at the Bridges of Ross between 07.30-11.30 produced 150 Sooty Shearwater, 550 Cory’s Shearwater, 330 Great Shearwater, one Grey Phalarope, one Little Gull, two Arctic Skua, one Sabine’s Gull, two Brent Goose and eight Common Scoter.(John Jackson & Mark Gibson)
A Seawatch at Black Head between 08.45-11.30 produced 150 Manx Shearwater, 20 Sooty Shearwater, ten Cory’s Shearwater, three Great Shearwater and a Merlin.(Paul Troake)
Two Cory’s Shearwater were at Kilkee Cliffs.(Geoff Pearson)
Five Whooper Swan were at Kilkee Reservoir.(GP)
Two Yellow-browed Warbler and a Goldcrest were at Kilbaha.(John N Murphy, Peter Whelan, Sean Whelan, Charlie Lyons, Mark Gibson & GP)
Three Grey Phalarope, 30 Manx Shearwater, 47 Cory’s Shearwater & four Puffin were at the Bridges of Ross.(Chris Murphy)
A Hen Harrier and five Whooper Swan were at Loop Head.(CM)
Two Cory’s Shearwater and two Redwing were at Loop Head.(SW & CL)
There were 21 Whooper Swan & two Water Rail at Lough Atedaun.(James Organ)
Thirty Brent Goose were at Poulnasherry Bay.(John Glynn)
One Hen Harrier, four Waterford Rail and 30 Golden Plover were at Kilcredaun. (PW,SW & CL)
A flock of 13 Whooper Swans were at Clare Abbey. (PE,SW & CL)

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