Clare Bird Sightings

Tuesday 15th October 2024

Tuesday 15th October 2024

Cattle Egret at Loop Head, 8th county record John N Murphy

A Siberian Chiffchaff was at the gardens, Kilbaha (John N Murphy), along with one Common Chiffchaff, three Goldcrest, one immature Hen Harrier and seven Chaffinch.
A Cattle Egret was at the Bog Road, Kilbaha.(JNM and James Organ)
There were over 900 Great Shearwater, 119 Sooty Shearwater, 34 Manx Shearwater, one pale-phased Arctic Skua, a Red-throated Diver and eight Common Scoter at the tip of Loop Head during the course of a two hour seawatch.(Mark Gibson)
There were 50 Common Scoter at Lahinch.(Geoff Pearson)
An adult Yellow-legged Gull and 60 Golden Plover were at the Inagh Estuary.(GP)
Eighty Golden Plover were at Clahane and 60 more were at Crab Island.(GP)
An evening seawatch at Loop Head produced 46 Sooty Shearwater, 347 Great Shearwater, nine Manx Shear and five Great Skua.(MG)
There were 110 Golden Plover on the Bog Road.(MG)
One male Hen Harrier was at Lisdeen with a female close to Kilkee. (JO)

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