Black Redstart at Kilkee John N Murphy
The female Lesser Scaup, the hybrid drake Tufted Duck x Scaup and three Ring-necked Ducks were at Ardclooney this morning. (Davey Farrar)
Two drake Ring-necked Ducks were still at Knockaglough. (John N Murphy)
One female Ring-necked Duck and three Pochard were at Kilkee Reservoir. (JNM)
One Black Redstart was at the west end Kilkee. (JNM)
An adult Mediterranean Gull was at Islandavanna.(Chris Cullen)
There was a flock of 260 Golden Plover at Goleen. (JNM)
In Kilbaha harbour there were 150 Oystercatchers and one Great Northern Diver. (JNM)
Seven Purple Sandpipers were off Ross Ringing Station. (JNM)
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