One Grey Phalarope was at Lisscannor. (Nick Larter).
One Spotted Redshank and four adult Mediterranean Gulls were at Corronroo Bay. (John N Murphy)
Off Aughinish Island there were two Black-throated Divers, four Long-tailed Ducks and another adult Mediterranean Gull. (JNM)
A flock of 44 White-fronted Geese were at Lough Muchanagh. (JNM)
One Red-throated Diver, four Goldeneye and a Marsh Harrier were at Lough Cullaun, the Burren. (JNM, Chris Cullen)
A Peregrine was over Clarecastle village.(James Organ)
Four Goldeneye, 25 Greylag Goose were at Lough Muckanagh.(Charlie Lyons)
There were seven Yellowhammers at Tubber.(JNM & CL)
Two White-tailed Eagles and 50 Greylag Geese were at Termon Lough on the Clare/Galway border (MC) along with one
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