Clare Bird Sightings

About US

Clare Branch of Birdwatch Ireland

The Clare Branch of Birdwatch Ireland was founded by Philip Brennan and John Murphy in 1990.
Both were active birdwatchers and ringers and with the help of an interested committee ensured that the branch became one of the most prominent in the Birdwatch Ireland network in a short period of time.

Down through the years many birdwatchers and the general public have benefited from the branch’s activities.
Outings are held on a monthly basis and are open to everybody young and old.
Most outings are to birding sites within the county but now and then trips are arranged for birding hot spots in other parts of the country.
In 1994 a book titled ‘Birds of Clare and Limerick 1982-1991’was published in association with the Limerick branch.
More recently in 2003 ‘The Shannon Airport Lagoon-A unique Irish Habitat’ was issued with the support of our organisation.
Members have contributed to radio programmes on Clare FM and RTE and a few have featured on TV programmes from time to time.
The objectives of our branch are preservation, conservation and education for the betterment of bird life in Clare and beyond.

An fhaid a bheidh naosc ar mhóin is gob uirthi.

The officers of the branch at present are:
Chairperson: Austin Cooney
Vice-Chairperson: Stan Nugent
Secretary: Tom Lynch
Treasurer: John Murphy
PRO: John Rattigan.

1 Comment to About US

  1. I sent a comment nearly a month ago. My family heard a loud bird singing louder than most birds.. This bird tweeted birdy birdy.. I looked up on line.. The male cardinal came up.. We all agreed it was the same bird.. It seems the male cardinal is only in USA.. Not Ireland… I’m sure I sent this comment a month ago.. I would like a comment from you as to is it or not .. Is it possible to hear this amazin bird in this country? Thank you john.. Margaret Brady Rockmount grove balllybeg.. Across from the woods l.

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    February 22 @ 11:00 am

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