Grey Phalarope at Quilty © Dave Mc Namara
One Grey Phalarope was at Seafield, Quilty this morning . One WILSON’S PETREL was off Bridges of Ross 5.50pm-6.14pm then flew west (Tom Lowe et al). Also a juvenile Long-tailed Skua 5.10pm-7.10pm plus four Sabine’s Gulls (, three Pomarine Skuas (ad.dark morph ad.pale morph +imm), 15 Leach’s Petrels, four Grey Phalaropes, six Storm Petrels, 14 Arctic Skuas and six Bonxies. Two Pomarine Skuas (both ads) flew west past Bridges of Ross early morning along with six Arctic Skuas, two Bonxies and one Ruff. The AMERICAN GOLDEN PLOVER adult was still at Kilkee near the west end of beach at 12.45pm, along with one juvenile Little Stint (Tom Lowe et al). One juvenile Sabine’s Gull was off river mouth at Doonbeg. One second-winter Ring-billed Gull was at Quilty on beach along with six Grey Phalaropes one Leach’s Petrel at Seafield flew inland plus five Grey Phalaropes and one juvenile Curlew Sandpiper. One REDSTART was on the west side of Poulnasherry Bay. A adult Hobby was at Kilmacredy, Liscannor (Dave McNamara).
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