Aughinish Island is found on the north Clare coast in Galway Bay. It is connected to the mainland by a causeway and has a Martello Tower on the north east end of the island. You can drive onto Aughinish from the main road (N67) which runs between Kinvarra and Ballyvaughan.
It is best in winter for Divers, Grebes, Brent Geese, Long-tailed Duck and a variety of other seabirds and diving duck.
Scarce and rare birds here have included Ross’s Gull, Snow Bunting, Slavonian and Red-necked Grebe, Black Redstart and Forster’s Tern.
It is best in winter for Divers, Grebes, Brent Geese, Long-tailed Duck and a variety of other seabirds and diving duck.
Scarce and rare birds here have included Ross’s Gull, Snow Bunting, Slavonian and Red-necked Grebe, Black Redstart and Forster’s Tern.
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