Clare Bird Sightings

2006 Report

Clare Bird Report 2006
Compiled by John Rattigan on behalf of the Clare branch of BirdWatch Ireland.
Red-eyed Vireo John N Murphy

This report is based on records submitted to during 2006, only the second full year of coverage  since the site went live in 2005. Records were submitted for a total of 285 days during the year, up on 184 days in 2005. Coupled with the increased coverage, greater effort was made to record localised resident species, hopefully presenting a more complete picture of their status within the county and presenting base data from which population changes can be measured in the future.

Other sources consulted include the Galway Birding website, Birding World and the Clare Cuckoo Survey.

There were three new species added to the county list during the year: a Little Ringed Plover was found at Lough Donnell in September and a Canada Warbler – new to Ireland and only the second western palearctic record – spent several days at Kilbaha during October. The third new addition concerns the 1994 record of a Black Kite at Shannon Airport Lagoon, recently accepted by the Irish Rare Birds Committee. Consequently, the county list currently stands at 305 species.

Other major rarities recorded during the year included Spotted Sandpiper and Purple Heron (both second records), Lesser Yellowlegs and Wilson’s Phalarope (both third), Red-eyed Vireo (fourth), White-rumped Sandpiper and Common Rosefinch (both fifth), American Golden Plover and Long-billed Dowitcher (both ninth).

Along the coast, Black-throated Diver numbers were up on the previous year at their traditional haunts along the north coast of the county and two Red-necked Grebes were found during the year in the same locality. Off the west coast, four Fea’s Petrels, one Little Shearwater and two Wilson’s Petrel’s were reported from the Bridges of Ross during the main seawatching period in the early autumn. A Canada Goose was also found between this seawatching site and Ross Bay – the first record for a number of years, while Green-winged Teal were found at Bell Harbour and Querrin and Garganey at Shannon Airport Lagoon. In recent years Ring-necked Ducks have become a regular feature in the county, and this year was no exception with several at Ballyallia, Inchiquin and Knockalough lakes.

Raptors of note included a Buzzard reported from two different locations in the county in April and the second half of the year saw several Marsh Harrier reports. However, the outstanding raptor of 2006 was an occasionally accommodating Osprey that lingered at Lahinch during the autumn.

A number of memorable Neararctic waders also feature in the report with the aforementioned Spotted Sandpiper, Lesser Yellowlegs and Long-billed Dowitcher all appearing for the second year in succession. Up to nine Pectoral Sandpipers were recorded at four localities, including one carrying a Brazilian colour ring. The westerly storms which lashed the county in November and December brought Grey Phalaropes to the shoreline at Liscannor, Quilty and Kilkee with many of them staying into 2007.

There was the usual smattering of Mediterranean, Ring-billed, Iceland and Glaucous Gulls from around the coast. Although Sabine’s Gull numbers were down at the Bridges of Ross, an adult that stayed in the Shannon area for almost a week in August at times gave great views, while several Little Gulls were found sheltering along the coast during the bad weather in December.
For many, however, the highlight of the birding year was the Canada Warbler. This tiny transatlantic vagrant, accompanied by a Red-eyed Vireo, sparked an unprecedented international twitch that resulted in coverage in the national broadcast and print media. It was these visiting twitchers who reported the Red-breasted Flycatcher and a Common Rosefinch in the locality; while later in the autumn, two Yellow-browed warblers were also located in Kilbaha.

While good numbers of Blackcaps were recorded throughout the year, there is anecdotal evidence that Willow Warblers and Tits occurred in lower numbers. There were only two records of Tree Sparrow and it is unclear as to whether this was due to their ongoing decline or under recording. Perhaps increased vigilance and submission of records could illuminate the status of this species; an improvement in Yellowhammer reports by local observers during 2006 is reflected in this report.
Thanks to everyone who sent in their sightings during the year, we appreciate your time and efforts.

The Systematic List
The sequence followed is that of Professor K.H. Voous’ "List of recent Holarctic Bird Species" (1977). Some records within this report may not have yet been accepted by the Irish Rare Birds Committee (I.R.B.C.). For rare species with bracketed numbers e.g. Canada Warbler (1,1), the first number stands for record of occurrences within the county Clare to date and the second one for number of occurrences within the year covered by this publication, 2005.

Red-throated Diver Gavia stellata
Regular winter visitor and passage migrant.
Bridges of Ross: one passed on 11th August; one on 26th August; two on 19th September; five passed on 6th October.
Liscannor: ten on 27th December.
Loop Head: one on 4th November.
Querrin: a group of 24 were off the point on 4th March.

Black-throated Diver Gavia arctica
Regular winter visitor.
North Clare: a total of 15 were seen of Finvarra Point and the Flaggy Shore on 28th January; 17 between Traught beach and Black Head on 4th November.
Ballyvaughan: two along the Rine on 13th December.
Bishop’s Quarter: three, on 18th April.
Bridges of Ross: six passed on 19th September.
Doonbeg: one in the bay on 29th October.
Fanore: two on 3rd November; four on 26th December.
Flaggy Shore: seven present on 18th February; six on 25th February; five on 25th November.
Finvarra Point: three, on 4th March; 15, between Finvarra Point and Aughinish Island on 25th March; six off the point on 5th April.
Kilkee: one was seen in the bay on 31st January.
Kilrush: two were seen between Cappa and Aylevarroo on 1st March.
Kinvarra Point: 13 were present on 6th May.
Liscannor: one was present in the bay and two off the rocky beach at Clahane on 2nd March.
New Quay: ten on 2nd December.

Great Northern Diver Gavia immer
Common winter visitor and passage migrant.
Bridges of Ross: two passed on 6th October
North Clare: 50 were seen along the coast on 28th January.
These were the only records received.

Slavonian Grebe Podiceps cristatus
Scarce winter visitor.
One was seen off the coast road near Fanore on 2nd November (Barry O’Donoghue).

Little Grebe Tachybaptus rufficollis
Common resident.

Great Crested Grebe Podiceps cristatus
Common resident.

Red-necked Grebe Podiceps grisegena
Rare winter visitor.
Doorus: one off the pier on 25th March (John N Murphy, Brian Finnegan, Finbarr MacGabhann, Stan Nugent, John Rattigan); one on 23rd December and 26th December (Dave Mc Namara).

Cory’s Shearwater Calonectis diomeda
Regular passage migrant.
Bridges of Ross: five on 28th July; one on 29th July; six on 23rd August; three on 24th August; five on 26th August. one on 27th August; ten on 1st September.

Great Shearwater Puffinus gravis
Regular passage migrant.
Bridges of Ross: one passed on 18th August; 92 on 23rd August; 39 on 25th August; 189 on 26th August; four on 27th August; 227 on 1st September; 25 on 2nd .

Fea’s Petrel Pterodroma feae
Rare vagrant.
Bridges of Ross: an unconfirmed report of a single bird passing on 8th August; another unconfirmed report on of one on 21st August; one on 23rd August (Andy Clifton); one unconfirmed on 29th August.

Little Shearwater Puffinus assimilis
Rare vagrant
One was reported from the Bridges of Ross on 28th August.

Manx Shearwater Puffinus puffinus
Regular passage migrant
Bridges of Ross: 3,000 during a 2 hour seawatch on 7th July; 570 on 17th August;
Quilty: 4,000 off Lurga Point on 1st August; 3,000 there on 2nd August.

Mediterranean Shearwater Puffinus yelkouan
Scarce passage migrant
Bridges of Ross: one on 28th July; one on 15th August; one on 18th August; three on 19th August; two on 20th August; two on 21st August; two on 22nd August; five on 23rd August; five on 24th August; five on 25th August; five on 26th August; one on 27th August; one on 29th August; six on 1st September; five on 2nd September; one on 6th October;

Sooty Shearwater Puffinus griseus
Regular passage migrant
Bridges of Ross: three during a 2 hour seawatch on 7th July; 11 on 28th July; twelve on 18th August; 44 on 19th August; five on 20th August; one on 21st August; eight on 22nd August; 120 on 25th August; 22 on 26th August; 160 on 28th August; seven on 29th August; 305 on 1st September; 16 on 2nd September; 16 on 19th September; 18 on 6th October
Quilty: five off Lurga Point on 1st August; five on 2nd August; 62 on 17th August;
Storm Petrel Hydrobates pelagicus
Common passage migrant
Bridges of Ross: one on July 28th; four on 14th August; two on 17th August; 12 on 19th August; six on 20th August; 15 on 22nd August; 12 on 25th August; eight on 28th August; two on 29th August; 5 on 6th October;
Quilty: two off the pier at Lurga Point on 9th June; two off the beach at Lough Donnell on 14th June; 20 off Lurga Point on 1st August; 15 on 2nd August; 15 on 2nd September; 21 on 19th September;

Wilson’s Petrel Oceanites oceanicus
Rare vagrant
Bridges of Ross: an unconfirmed report on one passing on 8th August; one on 28th August;

Leach’s Petrel Oceanodroma leucorhoa
Regular Autumn passage migrant
Ballyvaughan: one at the Rine on 2nd December
Bridges of Ross: the first of the year was recorded on 19th August; three on 25th August; two on 27th August; six on 28th August; 14 on 1st September; one on 2nd September; one on 19th September; 25 on 6th October; 25 on 6th December
Doorus: four on 2nd December
Liscannor: one 2nd December; one seen flying inland at Clahane Beach on 3rd December;

Gannet Morus bassanus
Common passage migrant
Bridges of Ross: 940 passed on 19th Septemeber.
Little Egret Egretta garzetta
Scarce localised resident
Aughinish: eight on 5th November
Clarecastle: two flew over the bridge on the evening of 12th April
Doonbeg: single birds were seen in the bay on 14th January and 12th February; one on 16th November
Lahinch: one at the marsh in the Inagh estuary on 26th December
Lough Murree: one present on 2nd December
Meelick: one was seen feeding in a drain on the 6th January
Newmarket-on-Fergus: one at Clenagh Lake on 16th September.
Poulnasherry Bay: one was present on 30th January; two were seen at Blackweir Bridge on 5th February; two in the bay on 28th February and 5th March; five on 14th March; a total of 11 were recorded at Moyasta on 22nd March; four in the bay on 4th April, increasing to seven on 6th April; one at Moyasta on 11th April; two there on 24th August; one on 25th August; one in the bay on 29th August; three on 2nd September; two on 9th September; four on 21st September; one on 23rd September; one at Moyasta on 11th October; four at Blackweir Bridge on 18th October; six on in the bay on 24th October; nine at Moyasta on 4th November.
Shannon: one at Tullvarragha Marsh on 17th January; two were at the Airport Lagoon on 2nd April; one there on 17th May; two on 10th June; two on 21st August and 22nd August; one 23rd August; one on 27th August;
The eight at Aughinish is a high count for North Clare.

Grey Heron Ardea cinera
Common breeding resident

Purple Heron Ardea purpurea (1,1)
Rare vagrant
Quilty: one at Lough Donnell on 1st – 3rd October (Dave McNamara, John N Murphy et al). It was seen again on 10th October (Dave Mc Namara)
This is the second Clare record. The first was recorded at Doora in October 1996.
Purple Heron John N Murphy
Mute Swan Cygnus olor
Common resident
Whooper Swan Cygnus cygnus
Common winter visitor.
Ballygireen: there were 67 at this regular haunt on 29th January; 93 were present between Ballygireen and Latoon South on 12th March.
Clarecastle: 15 at Islandavanna.
Cullenagh: thirty, on wet meadows along the Cullenagh River south of Cullenagh on 16th March.
Doonbeg: 15 in the bay on 21st October.
Ennis: six at Ballyallia Lake on 6th November.
Kilkee: three at Tullagher Bog on 21st October; two on the beach on 23rd October; four at Moanmore on Tullagher Bog on 4th November.
Newmarket-on-Fergus: one at Ballycar Lough on 22nd October; 30 at Ballycar Lough on 27th December.
Quilty: eight at Lough Donnell on 27th December.
Quin: 18 at Keevagh on 30th November.

Bewick’s Swan Cygnus columbianus
Scarce winter visitor.
Corofin: seven at Lough Inchiquin on 12th February; seven on 26th December.

Greenland White-fronted Goose Anser albifrons
Winter visitor in small numbers.
Kilkee: a total of 15 birds present at Tullagher Bog on 14th January with the same number recorded on 10th March; 20 on 22nd October.

Pink-footed Goose Anser brachyrhynchus
Scarce winter visitor.
Lahinch: one at the marsh in the Inagh estuary on 3rd October; one on 8th October.
Loop Head: one juvenile near Kilbaha on 10th October.
Quin: one in a flooded field at Keevagh on 28th –30th November.

Greylag Goose Anser anser
Regular winter visitor
Clarecastle: two at Islandavanna on 3rd November
Newmarket-on-Fergus: a flock of 17 was seen at Ballycar on 15th January increasing to 35 on 16th January. Ten were seen at Ballycar Lough on 27th January; five were at Finn Lough on 12th March; two flew over Ballycar on 10th May; six at Ballycar Lough on 30th December.
Sixmilebridge: six flew over the village on 19th November

Canada Goose Branta canadensis
Rare vagrant.
Loop Head: one of the race Brants hutchinsii hutchinsii, or Richardson’s Canada Goose, was present in a field adjacent to the Bridges of Ross on 21st October.

Barnacle Goose Branta leucopsis
Winter visitor and passage migrant.
Lahinch: one on 8th October.
Loop Head: nine near the Bridges of Ross on 21st October
Kilkee: there were 125 present on Mutton Island and 50 at. Illaunonauran on 14th January; 80 were at the same site on 22nd December; 50 on Mutton Island on 23rd December; 90 at Illaunonauran on 24th December; 25 on Mutton Island on 27th December.

Brent Goose Branta bernicla
Winter visitor and passage migrant.
Ballyvaughan: 150 along the Rine on 13th December; 27 along the Rine on 31st December
Doonbeg: seven on 23rd September.
North Clare: a flock of 204 were seen in fields adjacent to Lough Murree on 14th January, a high number for North Clare; thirty were present along the north coast on 28th January. A dark bellied bird was observed at Lough Murree on 25th February and on 25th March.
Liscannor: 16 on 27th December.
Loop Head: 12 near Ross Bay on 12th October; three on 4th November.
Poulnasherry: 150 on 4th April.

Shelduck Tadorna tadorna
Resident and common winter visitor.
Shannon: 21 at the Airport Lagoon on 16th May.
This is the only count received. High counts are welcome.

Mallard Anas platyrhynchos
Common resident.

Gadwall Anas strepera
Scarce winter visitor and rare breeder.
Shannon: three were present at the Airport Lagoon on 11th May; two on 16th May; five on 17th May; two on 4th June.

Pintail Anas acuta
Scarse winter visitor.
Ennis: 20 at Ballyallia Lake on 27th November.

Shoveler Spatula clypeata
Common winter visitor.
Shannon: four at the Airport Lagoon on 11th May and 16th May and 17th May; two on 4th June; two on 10th June.

Wigeon Anas penelope
Common winter visitor, occasionally summers.
Ennis: a drake was present at Ballyallia Lake on 9th May.
Shannon: two at the Airport Lagoon on 7th May; one on 11th May; one on 16th May and 17th May.

Teal Anas crecca
Common winter visitor, scarce breeder.
Shannon: 14 at the Airport Lagoon on 3rd July.

Green-winged Teal Anas carolinensis
Rare vagrant.
Bell Harbour: one present on 28th February was probably a returning bird. It was still present on 22nd April (Tim Griffin); one on 2nd December (Finbarr MacGabhann) was probably the same bird.
Querrin: a drake was located on 22nd February and was still present on 4th March (Maeve Meehan, Christy Meehan).

Garganey Anas querqedula
Rare passage migrant.
Shannon: one male at the Airport Lagoon on 15th May (John Rattigan); two males there on 16th May (John Rattigan). one drake on 17th May and 19th May; two drake’s were reported there again on 16th June (observer unknown).

Pochard Aytha femia
Common winter visitor.

Scaup Aythya marila
Winter visitor.
Bridges of Ross: one drake passed on 25th August.

Tufted Duck Aythya fuligula
Common resident and winter visitor.
Ennis: 70 at Ballyallia Lake on 9th November.

Ring-necked Duck Aythya collaris
Rare vagrant.
Records below refer to about five birds.
Corofin: a drake at Lough Inchiquin on 5th – 12th February (Maeve Meehan et al); one female and an eclipsed drake there on 26th December (Christy Meehan, Maeve Meehan).
Ennis: a male and female were at Ballyallia Lake on 16th – 20th January (John N Murphy, Stan Nugent et al); with the drake alone seen on 22nd January (John N Murphy, Austin Cooney) and 26th January (Finbarr MacGabhann and Kieran Grace) and 29th January (Austin Cooney and Brian Finnegan); a lone drake on 10th March (Stan Nugent), seen again on 15 March (John N Murphy); both drake and duck present on 24th March; drake only on 25th March; both duck and drake on 30th and 31st March (Tim Griffin, John N Murphy); one at Ballyallia Lake on 24th November (Finbarr MacGabhann); a female on 28th November (John N Murphy, Barry O’Donoghue); a male and female present on 1st December (Dave McNamara); a male and female on 10th December (John N Murphy, Tom Lynch & Finbarr MacGabhann); one male on 21st (Finbarr MacGabhann).
Kilmihil: three females were observed at Knockalough on 5th March (John N Murphy et al).

Common Scoter Melanitta nigra
Common winter visitor and passage migrant.
Aughinish Island: 30 were present on 28th January.
Bridges of Ross: three passed on 22nd August; ten on 26th August;
Doonbeg: a flock of 20 at Doughmore Bay on 25th June
Flaggy Shore: 35 on 25th November.
Loop Head: three on 23rd September.

Velvet Scoter Melanitta fusca
Scarce winter visitor.
Aughinish Island: one was present with a flock of Common Scoter on 28th January.

Long-tailed Duck Clangula hyemalis
Scarce winter visitor.
Durrus: one, on 25th March; three off the pier on 23rd December.
Flaggy Shore: four were present on 18th February increasing to 20 on 25th February; three on 25th November.
North Clare: a total of 32 were observed between Traught Beach and Flaggy Shore on 28th January.

Goldeneye Bucephala glangula
Regular winter visitor.

Red-breasted Merganser Mergus serrator
Common winter visitor.

Black Kite Milvus migrans (0,1)
Rare vagrant.
One seen on 8th May 1994 at Shannon Airport Lagoon was recently accepted by the Irish Rare Birds Committee (Kieran Fahy). It is the first county record.

Osprey Pandion haliaetus
Scarce passage migrant.
Lahinch: one at the Inagh estuary marsh on 12th – 14th September (Dave McNamara); one on 15th September (Finbarr MacGabhann); on 16th September (Brian Finnegan, Austin Cooney); one on 17th September (Brian Arthurs, John N Murphy, Dave Mc Namara, Hugh Delaney, Richard Bonser et al).

Marsh Harrier Circus aeruginosus
Rare vagrant.
The records below refer to about three birds.
Burren: one near Mullaghmore on 7th May (Christian Ostoff)
Doora: one at Bunnow Marsh on 20th November (John N Murphy)
Ennis: two, an adult and a juvenile, were at Ballyallia Lake on 13th September (Tim Griffin); one on 23rd September (Stan Nugent); one there on 25th September (Tom Lynch); one female on 30th October (Myles Carey); one female on 5th November (Dave McNamara); one on 24th November (Finbarr MacGabhann); one female on 27th November (Dave McNamara).

Hen Harrier Circus cyaneus
Scarce resident and passage migrant.
Black Head: one flew in off the sea on 4th November
Bridges of Ross: one white-bellied female flew in off the sea on 24th August
Clarecastle: a single female was seen at Islandavanna on 12th February; two females were present there on 23rd July.
Connolly: a male was seen west of the village on 2nd March.
Corofin: two at Lough Inchiquin on 12th February.
Doonbeg: one female was seen near the village on 29th January.
Ennis: one female at Ballyallia Lake on 30th October.
Fishermans Hill: a male was seen near Ballycar North on 13th June.
Lahinch: a male was seen at the marsh in the Inagh estuary on 12th December.
Liscannor: one, near Clahane on 5th April; one male on 27th December.
Lissycasey: a male flew over Boolynegleeragh Bog on 29th June.
Loop Head: one female on 26th August; one female on 22nd September; two on 23rd September; one male on 1st October; one male on 12th October; one on 14th October; one male on 29th October; two on 4th November.
Kilkee: a male was seen at Tullagher Bog on 15th January; three there on 30th September; two females at Farrihy Lough on 11th October.
Kilrush: one male was seen at Moanmore Bog on 26th August.
Newmarket-on-Fergus: one female at Ballycar on 29th January.
Poulnasherry Bay: one female, 6th April.
Quilty: one ringtail at Lough Donnell on 24th August; one female on 10th September; one male on 1st October; one on 5th November.

Buzzard Buteo buteo
Rare vagrant.
Burren: one was seen near Mullaghmore on 14th April (Meehan family).
Poulnasherry Bay: one, on 6th April (Meehan family).

Sparrowhawk Accipiter nisus
Common resident.
Kestrel Falco tinnunculus
Common resident.

Peregrine Falco peregrinus
Scarce resident and under recorded in 2005.
Bridges of Ross: one on 6th October.
Cliffs of Moher: two, on 21st July.
Ennis: one at Ballyallia Lake on 24th November.
Kilrush: one at Doughmore on 22nd December.
Lahinch: two at the Inagh Estuary on 17th September; two on 30th September; one on 12th December.
Liscannor: two on 30th December.
Lissycasey: one at Boolynagleeragh Bog on 20th July;
Loop Head: one on 22nd April; one on 23rd September; one on 29th October; one on 4th November
Newmarket-on-Fergus: one at Lough Gash on 30th September
Quilty: one at Lough Donnell, on 7th April; one at Seafield on 30th September; one at Lough Donnell on 27th December
Quin: one on 23rd April
Shannon: one at the Airport Lagoon on 3rd September; one on 16th September

Merlin Falco columbarius
Scarce passage migrant, rare breeder.
Bridges of Ross: one on 6th October.
Newmarket-on-Fergus: a female was seen at Ballycar on 9th February.
Ennis: a male was seen at Toonagh Cross on 9th February; one at Lee’s Road Wood on 15th December
Kilkee: one at Illaunonearaun on 24th December; one at Tullagher Bog on 29th December.
Kilrush: one was seen 2km east of the town on 21st February.
Lahinch: one on 12th December.
Loop Head: one on 11th October; three near the lighthouse on 14th October; one near the lighthouse on 21st October; one on 29th October; four on 4th November; one on 29th December.
Quilty: one on 23rd March; one at Lough Donnell on 3rd October; one at Seafield on 28th October; one at Lough Donnell on 28th October.
Quin: one at Knockroghan on the Ennis-Quin road on 15th March.

Red Grouse Lagopus lagopus
Scarce resident.
Cratloe: one was seen at Woodcock Hill on 14th February.

Pheasant Phiasianus colchicus
Widespread and common.

Water Rail Rallus aquaticus
Scarce Resident.
Under recorded in 2005.
Ballynacally: one at Ballcorrick Bridge on 13th October.
Kilcredaun: one at the marsh there on 23rd September.
Lough Bunny: one seen with chicks on 27th June.
Newmarket-on-Fergus: one was present at Ballycar Lough, 14th February; two were heard there on 5th April and June 24th; one present on 1st –2nd July; two on 10th July and 16th July; three on 28th July; two on 5th August; one on 7th August; one at Ballycar Lough on 24th September; two on 25th September; one on 22nd October; two at Ballycar Lake on 5th November; two on 8th November; one on 20th November.
Shannon: four at the Airport Lagoon on 3rd July; five there on 28th July; two on 30th July; one on 1st August; two on 5th August; one on 10th August; three on 11th August and 23rd; one on 23rd September; one on 8th December; one at Fenloe Lake on 26th December.

Moorhen Gallinula chloropus
Widespread and common.

Coot Fulica atra
Common resident.

Oystercatcher Haematopus osttralegus
Resident and common winter visitor.

Little-ringed Plover Charadrius dubius (0,1)
Rare vagrant.
Quilty: one at Lough Donnell on 9th September. (John N Murphy, John Rattigan, Finbarr MacGabhann). It was seen again on 10th September (Brian Finnegan, Austin Cooney, Brian Arthurs).
This is the first Clare record.

Ringed Plover Charadrius hiaticula
Common resident and winter visitor.
High counts:
Quilty: 200 on 21st September.
Shannon: 120 at the Airport Lagoon on 23rd August; 11 on 6th September.

Golden Plover Pluvialis apricaria
Common winter visitor.
On passage:
Loop Head: 11 on 19th September; 125 on 4th November.
High count:
Shannon: at Saint’s Island and Tradaree Point there were a total of 2,500 present on 17th January.

American Golden Plover Pluvialis dominica (8,1)
Rare Vagrant.
Doonbeg: one frequented the shoreline with a flock of Golden Plover from 11th –16th October (Dave Mc Namara).
This is the ninth county record.

Lapwing Vanellus vanellus
Common winter visitor and breeder.
High count:
Shannon: at Saint’s Island and Tradaree Point there were a total of 2,000 present on 17th January.
Knot Calidris canutus
Common winter visitor.
On passage:
Shannon: 70 at the Airport Lagoon on 4th June; 30 there on 11th August; 12 on 6th September.

Sanderling Crocethia alba
Scarce winter visitor.
Quilty: 30 on 21st September.
Shannon: nine at the Airport Lagoon on 29th August; one on 6th September.

Purple Sandpiper Calidris maritima
Scarce winter visitor.
Quilty: 20 at Seafield on 9th November; 70 on 16th November.

Turnstone Arenaris interpres
Common winter visitor.
Quilty: 150 on 21st September.
Dunlin Calidris alpina
Common winter visitor.
On passage.
Quilty: 60 on 21st September
Shannon: 154 at the Airport Lagoon on 11th May increasing to 1,000 on 13th May; 500 on 16th May; 50 on 17th May; 20 on 10th June; 150 on 10th August; 90 on 11th August; 300 on 29th August; 900 on 6th September;

Curlew Sandpiper Calidris ferruginea
Scarce passage migrant.
Carrigaholt: two on 23rd September.
Lahinch: two on 19th September.
Quilty: two were on the beach on 17th August; four at Lurga Point on 9th September; five on 10th September; three between Lurga Point and Lough Donnell on 11th September; two at the same location on 15th September; three at Lurga Point on 15th September; five on 17th September; two juveniles on 21st September; five on 23rd September; three on 26th September; two at Seafield on 30th September.
Shannon: the first of the autumn was a summer plumaged bird seen at the Airport Lagoon on 28th July; two present on 18th August; one on 19th August; two on 21st August; one on 22nd August; one on 23rd August; one on 29th August; two juveniles on 3rd September; one on 6th September; 14 on 16th September; four on 16th September; one on 14th October.

Little Stint Calidris minuta
Scarce passage migrant.
Quilty: four on 2nd September; two between Lurga Point and Lough Donnell on 10th September; three on 23rd September; four on the beach at Seafield on 24th September; 12 on 26th September; four on 30th September; five at Seafield on 1st October; five at Seafield on 3rd October; one at Lough Donnell on 3rd October; two at Lough Donnell on 4th October; two at Seafield on 14th October.

Little Stint with Dunlin John N Murphy

Green Sandpiper Tringa ochropus
Scarce passage migrant, occasionally winters.
Ballynacally: two at Ballycorick Bridge on 4th October; three there on 9th and 10th October.
Clarecastle: on was present at the quay on 29th January.
Doonbeg: one on 5th – 6th September; one on 9th November.
Ennistymon: one at the falls on 14th – 17th October; one there on 25th December.
Moyasta: two on 19th August; one on 25th August; two on 19th September; one on 11th October.
Newmarket-on-Fergus: one on the Rine River at Dromoland on 24th December.

Common Sandpiper Tringa hypoleucos
Scarce breeder and regular passage migrant.
Bunratty: one was seen on the Owengarney River on 22nd January.
Burren: one near Mullaghmore on 15th May.
Clarecastle: one at the quay on several dates between, 4th – 29th January; two present on 30th January; one on 8th March; two on 22nd March; one 4th April; two at Islandavanna on 8th August; one at the quay on 15th August; two on the pier on 11th October.
Doonbeg: one on 7th September; one on 9th September; one on 2nd October.
East Clare: two pairs were at Lough Graney on 25th May.
Ennis: two, Ballyallia Lake on 6th July.
Loop Head: one at Kilbaha 13th August.
Lough Bunny: two on 27th June and again on 30th June.
O’Brien’s Bridge: two on 25th December.
Quilty: one at Lough Donnell on 9th September.

Redshank Tringa totanus
Common winter visitor.
Shannon: 30 at the Airport Lagoon on 3rd July; 500 on 6th September.
Spotted Redshank Tringa erythropus
Regular passage migrant.
Liscannor: two on 17th December.
Shannon: one adult summer was at the Airport Lagoon on 3rd – 4th July; two on 6th September; one on 16th September.

Greenshank Tringa nebularia
Common winter visitor and passage migrant.
A high count was ten at Doonbeg on 5th September, increasing to 22 there on 7th September.

Black-tailed Godwit Limosa limosa

Common winter visitor and passage migrant.
Shannon: 180 were at the Airport Lagoon on 11th May; 300 on 16th May; 350 on 17th May; 300 on 4th June; 400 on 10th June; 600 on 30th July; 400 on 10th August; 320 on 11th August; up to 600 on 23rd August; 1,000 on 6th September.

Bar-tailed Godwit Limosa lapponica
Common winter visitor.
Shannon: 50 were at the Airport Lagoon on 4th June; five on 11th August.

Whimbrel Numenius phaeopus
Passage migrant.
Kilkee: 50 at the Golf course on 5th May with 60 there on 9th May.
Liscannor: 20 were seen at Clahane on 1st May.
Newmarket-on-Fergus: 55 flew over Ballycar heading North West in the evening of 23rd April; 28 there on 26th April and 63 on 30th April; 48 on 4th May; a total of 52 birds flying north west during the day at Ballycar on 7th May; 30 flew over on 8th May; 112 flew over on 9th May; 62 on 10th May; 14 on 13th May .
Poulnasherry Bay: a flock of 54 were in the bay on 25th April; three at Moyasta on 11th October.
Quilty: six near Seafield on 19th April were the first recorded for the year; one at Seafield on 9th August was the first of the Autumn; 30 on 26th September.
Shannon: 15 at the Airport Lagoon on 7th May; 94 were seen there on 10th May; 31 on 11th May; six on 16th May.

Curlew Numenius arquata
Resident and common winter visitor.
The albino bird that has frequented Poulnasherry bay over the last number of years was again seen on 5th March and 15th August and 29th August and 9th September.
Clarecastle: 46 at Islandavanna on 23rd July.
Newmarket-on-Fergus: a flock of 40 were at Ballycar on 19th July.
Sixmilebridge: a pair were seen in bogland near Oatfields on 30th May.

Woodcock Scolopax rusticola
Scarce under-recorded resident and winter visitor.
Newmarket-on-Fergus: one at Ballycar on 13th February.
This was the only record received

Jack Snipe Lymnocryptes minimus
Scarce under-recorded winter visitor.
Ardnacrusha: one was seen at Ballycar North, 13th February.
Bunratty: one was seen on the Owengarney River on 22nd January.
Ennis: one was flushed at Ballyallia Lake on 2nd March.
Loop Head: one on 4th November.

Snipe Gallinego gallinego
Common resident.

Grey Phalarope Phalaropus fulicarius

Scarce passage migrant.
Bridges of Ross: one on 25th August; 12 on 6th October; three on 6th December.
Kilkee: two on 30th December.
Liscannor: two were seen in the bay on 12th December; one off the pier on 13th December.
Quilty: one on 2nd December.

Wilson’s Phalarope Phalaropus tricolor (2,1)
Rare vagrant.
Loop Head: one stayed just long enough to be photographed in a flooded field at Ross Bay on 23rd September (John N Murphy). This is the third county record and the first away from Shannon Airport Lagoon where it was recorded in August 1981 and August 1984.

Wilsons Phalarope in flooded field at Loop Head John N Murphy


Ruff Philomachus pugnax
Scarce passage migrant.
Doonbeg: one on 17th September; two on 4th October.
Shannon: one juvenile at the Airport Lagoon on 11th August; still there on 19th August; one 22nd August; two on 23rd August; two on 28th August; two on 6th September; two on 17th September.
Quilty: three at Lough Donnell on 17th August; two on 18th August; two on 24th August; one on 9th September; one on 11th September.

White-rumped Sandpiper Calidris fuscicollis
Rare Nearctic vagrant.
Shannon: one juvenile at the Airport Lagoon on 7th September (John N Murphy)
This is the fifth county record. There are three previous records from this site dating from 1969, 1990 and 2003, with one from Poulnasherry Bay in 2005 and another from Quilty of the same year.

Pectoral Sandpiper Calidris melanotos
Rare vagrant.
Loop Head: one on 23rd September.
Poulnasherry Bay: one on 2nd September; one on 16th September.
Quilty: four at Lough Donnell on 9th September; two there on 10th September; two on 11th September; one on 15th September; one on 22nd September.
Shannon: one at the Airport Lagoon on 22nd August – 6th September.
One of the four birds observed at Lough Donnell was colour-ringed and traced to Brazil.

Lesser Yellowlegs Tringa flavipes (2,1)
Rare vagrant.
Doonbeg: one was on 3rd September (Maeve Meehan, Christy Meehan)
This is the third county record. The last was in 2005 also at this site.

Spotted Sandpiper Tringa macularia (1,1)
Rare vagrant.
Loop Head: one in the harbour at Kilbaha on 7th October (John N Murphy, Killian Mullarney, Tom Tarpey, Finbarr MacGabhann, Dave Mc Namara). This is the second Clare record. The first was at Doonbeg in 2005.

Long-billed Dowitcher Limnodromus scolopaceus (8,1)
Rare vagrant.
Shannon: one in summer plumage was found at the Airport Lagoon on 28th July (Arne Holgensson, Stefan Magnusson, John N Murphy) and was seen subsequently on 30th July (John N Murphy, Austin Cooney, Brian Arthurs), on 1st August and 5th August (Finbar MacGabhann), on 7th August (Eric Dempsey), on 10th August (Finbarr acGabhann), on 11th August (Gerry Butler, Lorraine Benson, John N Murphy); on 18th August; on 19th August; one on 21st August; one on 22nd August; one on 24th August; one on 26th August; one on 27th August; one on 28th August; one on 29th August; relocated on 11th September (John Wright); one on 16th September; one on 17th September (Richard Bonser et al).
This is the ninth county record.

Great Skua Stercorarius skua
Common passage migrant.
Ballyvaughan: two at the Rine on 22nd October.
Bridges of Ross: three on 28th July; two adults on 3rd August; one on 14th August; three on 15th August; four 16th August; one on 17th August; twelve on 18th August; four on 19th August; four on 20th August; three on 21st August; five on 22nd August; two on 26th August; seven on 28th August; two on 29th August; 11 on 1st September; 8 on 2nd September; eight on 19th September; 74 on 6th October; two on 14th October; seven on 6th December; three on 8th December; one on 29th December.
Loop Head: three on 24th September

Pomarine Skua Stercorarius pomarinus
Regular passage migrant.
Bridges of Ross: three on 28th July; one adult on 3rd August; one adult on 11th August; two on 19th August; one on 20th August; two on 23rd August; two on 24th August; two on 25th August; one on 26th August; two on 27th August; two on 28th August; 14 on 1st September; four on 2nd September; two on 19th September; eight on 6th October.
Quilty: one off Lurga Point on 2nd August; one on 18th August.

Arctic Skua Stercorarius parasititus
Regular passage migrant.
Bridges of Ross: one on 29th July; two on 11th August; two on 14th August; three on 15th August; ten on 16th August; four on 19th August; ten on 20th August; ten on 22nd August; three on 24th August; two on 25th August; ten on 26th August; two on 28th August; for on 29th August; 40 on 1st September; 22 on 2nd September; two on 19th September; 45 on 6th October.
Doonbeg: two flew in off the sea on 25th August.
Loop Head: ten on 24th September; one off Kilbaha 14th October.
Quilty: one light phase bird off Lurga Point on 1st August, with three on 2nd August; one off the pier at Seafield on 17th August; two on 27th August; one dark phase on 26th September.
Shannon: one was seen at the Airport Lagoon on 23rd July; four identified with 14 skuas probably of this species on 28th July.

Long-tailed Skua Stercorarius longicaudis
Rare passage migrant.
Bridges of Ross: one second year on 29th July; one on 20th August; one juvenile on 23rd August; one juvenile on 19th September (John N Murphy); one juvenile on 6th October (Killian Mullarney, John N Murphy).

Black-headed Gull Larus ridibundus
Common and widespread.
Shannon: 400 were counted at the Airport Lagoon on 6th September.

Common Gull Larus canus
Common winter visitor, small breeding numbers.

Ring-billed Gull Larus delawarensis
Rare winter visitor.
Ballyvaughan: an adult bird was present on 18th February.
Clarecastle: a second winter at the quay on 22nd March.
Quilty: one adult on the beach between Lurga Point and Lough Donnell on 17th August; a second winter on 19th –25th August; a second winter on 27th December.

Mediterranean Gull Larus melanocephalus
Scarce winter visitor.
Doorus: one off the pier adult on 23rd December.
Doonbeg: one juvenile at the Golf Course on 24th -25th August; a first summer at the mouth of the Skivileen River near the Golf Course on 26th August; one in the same location on 11th October.
Kilkee: one adult with a yellow leg ring was seen on 2nd September; one adult also on the beach on 6th October; one first winter on 29th December.
Lahinch: one second winter on 19th September; one first winter on 30th September; two on 8th October.
Liscannor: one adult on 4th October; one on 30th December.
Loop Head: one adult at Cloghaun Lough on 20th October; one first winter at Kilbaha on 29th December.
Quilty: a second winter on 19th – 20th August; two on 21st September; two first winters on 29th October.

Herring Gull Larus argentatus
Lesser Black-backed Gull Larus fuscus
Common summer visitor, breeding in small numbers.
There was noticeable migration throughout the county on 20th April.

Great Black-backed Gull Larus marinus
Common resident.
High count:
Quilty: 450 at Lough Donnell on 27th October.

Little Gull Larus minutus
Scarce winter visitor and passage migrant.
Bridges of Ross: one adult passed on 19th August; one on 6th October.
Liscannor: one on 9th December; one first winter on 27th December; two on 29th December; one adult on 31st December.
Loop Head: four first winter, at Kilbaha harbour on 24th December.
Lough Bunny: one first summer on 3rd August.
Quilty: one adult on 30th December.
Westerly storms in December brought several birds to the coast for shelter for a number of weeks.

Kittiwake Rissa tridactyle
Common resident and passage migrant.

Sabine’s Gull Larus sabini
Regular Autumn passage migrant.
Bridges of Ross: three on 19th August; one 22nd August; one 23rd August; two on 28th August; 15 on 1st September; three on 6th October.
Kilkee: one at Bishop’s Island on 29th August.
Shannon: one adult present at the Airport Lagoon and surrounding area from 21st –27nd August.

Glaucous Gull Larus hyperboreus
Scarce winter visitor.
Kilkee: one second winter was on the beach on 9th May.
Kilrush: one second winter at Doughmore on 22nd December.
Lahinch: one Glaucous Gull.
Loop Head: one second winter on 22nd April; one at Kilbaha on 29th December.
Quilty: one on 26th October; one at Seafield on 28th October; one at Seafield on 16th November.

Iceland Gull Larus glaucoides
Scarce winter visitor.
Bridges of Ross: one second winter on 8th December.
Kilkee: one second winter at Illaunearaun on 22nd December; a first winter near Castle Point on 27th December and 29th December.
Liscannor: one second winter bird at Clahane, 2nd January; another was present on 5th February; one near the pier on 18th December.
Loop Head: one second winter at Ross Bay on 12th March.
Quilty: one first winter, 2nd January – 12th February; a first winter was reported from Lough Donnell on 2nd March; one on 2nd December.

Common Tern Sterna hirundo
Common summer visitor and passage migrant.

Arctic Tern Sterna paradisaea
Common summer and passage migrant.

Little Tern Sterna albifrons
Scarce passage migrant.
Quilty: one on 9th July.

Sandwich Tern Sterna sandvicensis
Common summer visitor and passage migrant.
Early date:
Durrus: one, on 25th March.
High count:
Liscannor: a flock of 60 on the beach on 18th August.

Black Tern Chilidonias niger
Scarce passage migrant.
Bridges of Ross: one juvenile on 21st August; one on 25th August; one on 1st September; one on 2nd September; one juvenile in the bay at Kilbaha on 24th –25th September.

Little Auk Plantus alle
Rare winter visitor.
Bridges of Ross: four on 6th October; one on 8th December.

Puffin Fratercula arctica
Scarce summer visitor and passage migrant.
Bridges of Ross: 25 on 6th October.
Cliff of Moher: over 400 seen below the cliffs from a boat, 24th June. All had departed the cliffs on 21st July.

Black Guillemot Cepphus grylle
Scarce breeder and winter visitor.
North Clare: there were 90 seen between these Traught Beach and Flaggy Shore on 28th January. 17 off the flaggy shore on 25th November.

Guillemot Uria aalge
Common breeder and passage migrant.

Razorbill  Alca torda
Common breeder and passage migrant.
Rock Dove Columbia livia
Scarce resident.
Loop Head: 28 on 23rd September.

Stock Dove Columbia aenas
Scarce summer visitor.
Newmarket-on-Fergus: one at Ballycar on 14th July, increasing to two on 16th July; two again on 27th July and 14th August.

Woodpigeon Columbia palumbus
Common resident.
High counts:
Ennis: 200 in the beech trees at Ballyallia Lake.
Newmarket-on-Fergus: 60 on 25th November.

Collared Dove Streptopelia decaoto
Common resident.
Turtle Dove Streptopelia turtur
Rare vagrant.
Ballyvaughan: one in a garden on 10th June.

Cuckoo Cueulus canorus
Common resident.
Burren: one heard at Mullaghmore and another near Kilnaboy, both on 15th May.
Lissycasey: one heard at Darragh on 16th April.
In addition to these reports to the website a total of 960 reports were received by the Clare Biodiversity Office for the Clare Cuckoo Survey 2006 (aPDF file is on view in our Publications section of this web sie).
The first singing males were reported from Oatfield, Sixmilebridge and Kilmaley on 9th April and the last report was received from Knockliscrane, Miltown Malbay on 13th June. The survey indicated a widespread distribution, though there was a notable absence of records from the LabasheedaKilmurry Mc Mahon area of south Clare.

Long-eared Owl Asio otus
Scarce resident.
Newmarket-on-Fergus: wing claps heard at Ballycar in the early hours of 23rd June; a juvenile seen there on 1st July.

Short-eared Owl Asio flammeus
Rare winter visitor and passage migrant.
Cliffs of Moher: one was seen hunting near the cliffs on 17th November, was the only record received.

Barn Owl Tyto alba
Scarce resident.
Clarecastle: one on 7th October.
Shannon: one was seen at Ballycasey on the night of 6th February.
Sixmilebridge: one at Springfield on 22nd May.
Kilkee: one was reported hunting late on the nights of 2nd – 4th March inclusive; one on 23rd September.
Loop Head: one at Cross village on 23rd August.

Common Swift Apus apus
Summer visitor.
The first of the year were reported from Knockhogan on the QuinEnnis road where three were seen on the evening of 22nd April. They were considered to be about one week early.
Ennis: six were seen over the town on 29th April; 25 were hawking over Ballyallia Lake on the evening of 2nd May, increasing to 100 by 23rd May.
Sixmilebridge: all had departed from the village on 10th August.

Hoopoe Upupa epops
Rare vagrant.
Poulnasherry Bay: one frequented a residential garden at Moyasta on several dates between 14th – 23rd October, eluding most birders.

Kingfisher Alcedo atthis
Scarce resident.
Ballynacally: one at Ballycorrick Bridge, on 13th October.
Clarecastle: one at the Roche (Ireland) plant on 8th September.
Doonbeg: one on 6th – 7th September.
Lahinch: one on 17th September.
Moyasta: one on 26th August.
O’Brien’s Bridge: one on 20th May.
Parteen: one was seen near Parteen on 31st January.

Skylark Alauda arvensis
Common resident.
Sand Martin Riparia riparia
Common summer visitor.
Clarecastle: one at the quay on 4th April
Ennis: several near a quarry on 29th March were the first recorded for the year; two were seen over the Fergus River on 5th April; 20 at Ballyallia Lake on 23rd May.

Swallow Hirundo rustica
Common summer visitor.
Bodyke: one, on 5th April.
Cratloe: one was seen at Ballymorris on 2nd April.
Ennis: three were observed at Ballyallia Lake on 31st March; another was seen on the Kilrush Road on 4th April; one, town centre, 5th April; 100 seen hawking over Ballyallia Lake on 23rd May.
Loop Head: one on 14th October.
Quin: one, 3rd April.
Sixmilebridge: about 300 on wires in the village on 10 September. Most had departed next day.

House Martin Deliclon urbica
Common summer visitor.
Ennis: 100 seen hawking over Ballyallia Lake on 23rd May.
Quin: the first of the year was seen in the village on 27th April.
Rock Pipit Anthus petrosus
Common resident.

Meadow Pipit Anthus pratenis
Common resident.

Pied Wagtail Motacilla alba
Common resident.

White Wagtail Motacilla alba alba
Regular passage migrant.
Carrigaholt: one on 23rd September.
Liscannor: two were seen at Clahane on 1st May.
Loop Head: one on 23rd September; four on 24th September; one on 12th October.
Quilty: two White Wagtails were on the beach at Seafield on 23rd September.

Grey Wagtail Motacilla cinera
Common resident.

Wren Troglodytes trogladytes
Common resident.

Dipper Cinclus cinclus
Localised resident.
Kilmaley: one on the Claureen River, 10th April, 21st April, 29th April; 2nd May; 28th October; two on 31st October; one on 21st December; one on 24th December.
Newmarket-on-Fergus: two on the Rine River at Dromoland on 24th December.
Quin: one was seen on the Rine River on 9th February.
Sixmilebridge: one seen near the bridge on the Owengarney River on 2nd February and again on 26th May.

Dunnock Prunella modularis
Common resident.

Robin Emithacus rubecula
Common resident.

Redstart Phoenicurus phoenicurus
Rare passage migrant.
Loop Head: a female was seen between Anvil farm and the Bridge of Ross on 19th August.

Black Redstart Phoenicurus ochruros
Scarce winter visitor.
Kilrush: a male was seen near Cappa Pier on 30th January and was still present on 4th March.
Liscannor: one on 25th February.
Quilty: a female was present at the pier at Seafield on 10th Febuary.

Wheatear Oenauthe oenauthe
Common summer visitor and passage migrant.
Cross: five, near Tullig on 22nd March.
Kilkee: 18 were at the west end of the town on 21st September.
Loop Head: eight on 19th September; four on 23rd September.
Poulnasherry: one on 4th April.
Shannon: one female at the Airport Lagoon on 6th September.

Stonechat Saxicola torquata
Common resident.

Song Thrush Turdus philomelos
Common resident.

Redwing Turdus iliacus
Common winter visitor.
Extensive migration into Clare was evident on 19th October.
Newmarket-on-Fergus: two at Ballycar on 15th October.

Mistle Thrush Turdus visivorus
Common resident.

Fieldfare Turdus pilaris
Common winter visitor.
Clarecastle: 60 at Islandmcgrath on 3rd November.
Newmarket-on-Fergus: 26 at Ballycar on 3rd November.

Blackbird Turdus merula
Common resident.

Blackcap Sylvia atricapilla
Increasingly common winter visitor, scarce breeder.
Ennis: one female in a garden near the Tulla Road at Ballymacahill on several dates between 5th-19th January; a male and female were present at Oak Park on 7th January and 23rd, 24th and 26th February; with one male there on 15th , 16th, 24th January; One at Hermitage on 1st March; one male at Ballymacahill on 6th November; one at Knockhogan on 9th November.
Loop Head: five on 4th November.
Newmarket-on-Fergus: one female on 17th December.
Parteen: one male, 31st January.
Quin: a single male was seen just outside the village on 6th February.
Shannon: one female, 15th January.
Sixmilebridge: a male was present north of the village on 22nd January.
Burren: two in song near Mullaghmore, 20th April and 15th May; one at the Ailwee Caves on 26th July.
East Clare: one heard in song at Annacarriga between Killaloe and Ogonnelloe on 11th May.
Ennis: two in song at Ballyallia Lake, and another male was heard at Ballymacguiggan Lake near the Lees Road Wood both on 23rd April; one was in song at Ballyallia Lake on 24th April; one in song at Lee’s Road Wood on 26th April; one in song at Ballyallia Lake 27th April and 2nd May; one in song at the Ballymacguiggan end of Lees Road Wood on 5th May; two in song at Ballyallia Lake on 9th May; one on 10th May; four at Fountain Cross on 12th May; one at Lee’s Road Wood on 16th May; one in song at Cahercalla More on the Kilrush Road on 25th May; one at Lee’s Road Wood on 1st June; one there on 8th June; one 1st and 2nd July.
Lissycasey: a male was in song at Darragh on 22nd April.
Newmarket-on-Fergus: one in song at Ballycar, 8th April – 5th August.
Ruan: six in song at Dromore Wood Nature Reserve on 8th May; four were heard there on 27th May.
Sixmilebridge: one at Springfield on 22nd May; two heard at Castle Lake on 1st June; two were in song at Kilnacreagh Wood on 15th July.

Whitethroat Sylvia communis
Scarce summer visitor.
Burren: four were in song near Mullaghmore on 15th May.
Newmarket-on-Fergus: one was heard at Ballycar on 10th May.
Sixmilebridge: four in song at Kilnacreagh Wood on 15th July.

Sedge Warbler Acropcephalus scheonobaenus
Common summer visitor.
Doora: two were heard in song at the bridge on the Fergus River on 23rd April, the first record for the year.

Grasshopper Warbler Locustella naevia
Scarce winter visitor.
Lissycasey: the first of the year was heard in song at Darragh on 27th April.
Shannon: one in song deep in the reeds at the Airport Lagoon on 10th May; one there on 28th July.

Willow Warbler Phylloscopus trochilus
Common summer visitor.
Ennis: one was heard on the Kilrush Road on 5th April.
Newmarket-on-Fergus: one was heard at Ballycar on 5th April.

Chiffchaff Phylloscopus collybitta
Common summer visitor.
Ennis: one at Pine Grove on 12th March.
Loop Head: two in Kilbaha on 21st October; two on 4th November.
Newmarket-on-Fergus: one in song at Ballycar on 24th September.

Yellow-browed Warbler Phylloscopus inornatus
Rare vagrant.
Loop Head: one at Kilbaha on 21st October (John N Murphy, John Rattigan, Finbarr McGabhann); one on 8th November.

Goldcrest Regulus regulus
Common resident and autumn passage migrant.

Red-breasted Flycatcher Ficedula parva
Rare vagrant.
Loop Head: one at Kilbaha on 9th and 11th October.

Spotted Flycatcher Muscicapa striata
Common summer visitor.
Clarecastle: a pair were found nesting in a shed at the Roche factory on 14th June.
Cloghera: one was seen at the church on 13th June.
Ennis: one at Fountain Cross on 12th May.
Kilmaley: two were seen feeding over the Claureen River near the waterfalls on 11th May; a pair were seen at the same location on 25th May.
Loop Head: one was seen on 27th August; two on 11th October.

Great Tit Parus major
Common resident.

Coal Tit Parus ater
Common resident.

Blue Tit Parus caeruleus
Common resident.

Long-tailed Tit Aegithalos candatus
Common resident.

Treecreeper Certhia familiaris
Common resident.

Magpie Pica pica
Common resident.

Jay Garrolus glandarius
Scarce resident, decreasing.
Ardnacrusha: two were seen north of the village on 17th February.
Cratloe: one near the village on 3rd February.
Ennis: three at Lee’s Wood Road, 6th January; one there on 9th April; two on 13th April; one on 3rd and 4th May; three on 8th May; one on 20th May; one on 24th May; one on 30th June and 1st July; three on 4th July; one on 21st July; one on 15th August; one on 10th September; one at Lees Wood Road on 20th November and 21st November; two in territorial battle along the Lees Wood Road on 27th November; two on 6th December; two on 15th December
Kilrush: one at Kilrush Woods on 5th January.
Lissycasey: one at Darragh on 11th June.
Carrion Crow Corvus corax
Meelick: one at Moneennagloggin South on 8th February.
Newmarket-on-Fergus: one at Ballycar School, Finn Lough, 20th February.
Parteen: one at Cappateemore East, north of the village on 12th February.
Sixmilebridge: one was seen there on 16th January; one near Glenwood on 7th February.

Jackdaw Corvus monedula
Newmarket-on-Fergus: one from the Scandanavian race was seen at Ballycar on 6th January.

Chough Pyrrhocorax pyrrhocorax
Localised resident.
Cliffs of Moher: eight on 21st July.
Kilkee: three at Illaunonearaun on 24th August.
Lahinch: fourteen on 16th September; seven there on 17th September.
Loop Head: four were present on 22 April; 22 were seen on 29th July; 26 on 19th September; 24 on 14th October; 16 on 21st October.

Rook Corvus frugilegus
Common resident.

Carrion Crow Corvus corone
Rare vagrant.
Cratloe: one near the village on 3rd February.

Hooded Crow Corvus cornix
Common resident.

Raven Corvus corax
Scarce resident.
Under recorded in 2005.
Clarecastle: one at the quay on 4th April, was an unusual record.
Cliffs of Moher: six on 21st July.
Ennis: one at Ballyallia Lake, 3rd May and again in 16th May.
Kilrush: one near Taylor’s Hill, 6th April.
Lissycasey: one at Darragh on 16th April; another was seen feeding on a sheep carcass at Darragh on 5th May; one at Boolynagleeragh Bog on 15th July.
Loop Head: four on 29th July; two at Kilbaha on 13th August.
Lough Bunny: three on 27th June.
Newmarket-on-Fergus: two at Ballycar Lough on 7th August; one there on 8th November.
Quilty: three at Seafield on 9th August.
Quin: one was seen on 23rd April.
Sixmilebridge: four were at Kilnacreagh Wood on 11th February; two there on 15th July.

Starling Sturnnus vulgaris
Common resident and winter visitor.

House Sparrow Passer domesticus
Common resident.

Tree Sparrow Passer monatus
Scarce resident, declining and probably under recorded.
Loop Head: one was seen in Kilbaha on 22nd April.
Quilty: two near the village on 23rd December.

Chaffinch Fringilla coelebs
Common resident and winter visitor.

Brambling Fringilla montifringilla
Scarce winter visitor.
Loop Head: one in Kilbaha on 28th October.

Linnet Cardeulis caunabina
Common resident.

Redpoll Cardeulis flammea
Scarce resident and winter visitor.

Goldfinch Cardeulis carduelios
Scarce resident and winter visitor.

Greenfinch Cardeulis chloris
Common resident and winter visitor.

Siskin Cardeulis spinus
Scarce resident and winter visitor.
Ennis: a flock of fifty was present on the Kilrush road on 5th January.
Sixmilebridge: 35 at Kilnacreagh Wood on 5th February; four there on 15th July.

Bullfinch Pyrrula pyrrula
Common and widespread resident.

Crossbill Loxia curvirosta
Scarce breeder and winter visitor.
Broadford: four near Kylemore, Sallybank on 11th February.
Flagmount: ten were seen in a coniferous wood near Lough Graney on 7th January.
Gallowshill: four were present on 10th February, with one pair observed building a nest.
Lissycasey: one at Boolynagleragh Bog on 5th March.
Newmarket-on-Fergus: one calling in flight over Ballycar on 2nd October.
Sixmilebridge: three were present at Kilnacreagh Wood on 17th January increasing to 11 on 27th January; 15 at Kilnacreagh Wood on 5th February; a single female was observed near a wood near Castlecrine on 2nd February; one at Kilnacreagh Wood on 11th February.

Red-eyed Vireo Vireo olivaceus (3,1)
Rare vagrant.
Loop Head: one at Kilbaha on 7th –14th October (John N Murphy, Finbarr MacGabhann, Austin Cooney, Tom Tarpey and Killian Mullarney). This is the fourth county record.

Canada Warbler Wilsonia canadensis (0,1)
Rare vagrant.
Loop Head: one at Kilbaha on 8th – 14th October (Maurice Hanafin et al).
This is a new addition to county and Irish lists and is the second western Palearctic record. The first was recorded in Iceland in 1973.

Common Rosefinch Carpodacus erythrinus
Rare vagrant.
Loop Head: one on 9th October.
This is the fifth county record.

Reed Bunting Emberiza schoeniclus
Common resident.
A flock of sixty were seen going to roost in a recently felled coniferous wood just north of Flagmount on the evening of 7th January.

Lapland Bunting Calcarius lapponicus
Rare passage migrant.
Loop Head: one on 21st October.

Snow Bunting Plectorphenax nivalis
Regular passage migrant and winter visitor.
Aughinish Island: ten were seen near the Martello Tower on 14th January.
Ballyvaughan: three along the Rine on 13th December; five there on 31st December.
Doolin: one on 31st October.
Loop Head: a flock of 13 were seen on 5th March.

Yellowhammer Emberiza citrinella
Scarce resident.
Under recorded in 2005.
Burren: a male was seen at Carran on 14th April; three pairs were present near Mullaghmore and another male was found along the Green Road on 20th April; two seen near Craggy House on 15th May; two pairs were seen at Mullaghmore on 23rd May.
Ennis: one female was seen at Lees Wood Road on 30th June.
Contributors to this report were:

Joe Adamson Brian Arthurs, Julia Baer, Chris Bell, Lorraine Benson, Robert Benson, Phil Brennan, Dermot Breen, Richard Bonser, Gerry Butler, Victor Cashera, Andy Clifton, Austin Cooney, John Couzens, John Coveney, Michael Davis, Hugh Delaney, Marc Darlaston, Eric Dempsey, Joe Doolan, Jim F Dowdall, Paul Eele, Rachel Eele, Stuart Elsom, Shane Farrell, Kieran Fahy, Brian Finnegan, Paul Flint, Owen Foley, Kieran Forster, Kieran Grace, Charles Glynn, Tim Griffin, Paul Hackett, Nic Hallam, Dave Halliday, Maurice Hanafin, Stewart Hinley, Arne Holgensson, Stewart Holohan, Josh Jones, Aidan Kelly, Mark Lawrence, Pat Lonergan, Tom Lowe, Tom Lynch, Nuala Lynch, Brian Madden, Stefan Magnusson, Finbarr Mac Gabhann, David Lyons, Eamonn McLochlainn, Colin McNamee, Dave McNamara, Tony Mee, Andy Meehan, Christy Meehan, Maeve Meehan, Killian Mullarney, Cillian Murphy, John N Murphy, Stan Nugent, Barry O’ Donaghue, Lars Ogtove, Christian Osthoff, Geoff Pearson, Brian Porter, Paudric Quinn, John Rattigan, John Regan, Adele Rennells, Bill Ryan, Frank Sadlier, Tom Shevlin, Richard Stephenson, Tom Tarpey, Richard Taylor, Freek Verdonckt, Noel Walsh, Stephen Ward, David Weir, Faith Wilson, John Wright, Andy Woods, Iza Zawadzka
The Greater Peterborough Ornithologist Group.

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