Clare Bird Sightings

December 2006

Bird Sightings 2006

Contributors to this report were:  Joe Adamson, Brian Arthurs, Julia Baer, Chris Bell, Lorraine & Robert  Benson,  Phil Brennan,  Dermot Breen,  Richard Bonser, Gerry Butler, Victor Cashera, Andy Clifton, Austin Cooney, John Couzens, John Coveney,  Michael Davis,  Hugh Delaney, Marc Darlaston, Eric Dempsey, Joe Doolan, Jimmy Dowdall, Paul & Rachel Eele, Stuart Elsom, Shane Farrell,  Kieran Fahy, Brian Finnegan, Paul Flint, Owen Foley, Kieran Forster, Kieran Grace, Charles Glynn, Tim Griffin, Paul Hackett, Nic Hallam, Dave Halliday,  Maurice Hanafin, Stewart Hinley, Arne Holgensson, Stewart Holohan,  Josh Jones, Aidan Kelly, Mark Lawrence, Pat Lonergan, Tom Lowe, Tom & Nuala Lynch, Barry O’ Donaghue,  Brian Madden, Stefan Magnusson, Finbarr Mac Gabhann, David Lyons, Eamonn McLochlainn, Colin McNamee, Dave McNamara, Tony Mee, Andy, Maeve & Christy Meehan,  Killian Mullarney,  Cillian Murphy, John N Murphy, Stan Nugent, Lars ogTove, Christian Osthoff, Geoff Pearson, Brian Porter, Paudric Quinn, John Rattigan,  John Reagan, Adele Rennells, Bill Ryan, Frank Sadler, Tom Shevlin, Richard Stephenson, Tom Tarpey, Richard Taylor, Freek Verdonckt, Noel Walsh, Stephen Ward, Hugh Weir, Faith Wilson, John Wright,  Andy Woods, Iza Zawadzka
The Greater Peterborough Ornithologist Group.

Sunday 31st December 2006
One adult Little Gull was at Liscannor.
There were five Snow Buntings and 27 Brent Geese
on the Rine in Ballyvaughan.

Saturday 30th December 2006
There were two Grey Phalaropes at Kilkee today.
One adult Little Gull was at Quilty.  One second-winter
Mediterranean Gull and two Peregrines were at Liscannor.
Six Greylag Geese were at Ballycar Lake, Newmarket-on-Fergus.

Friday 29th December 2006
One first-winter Iceland Gull was at Castle Point near Kilkee.
Three first winter Little Gulls were in Kilbaha Harbour along
with one first-winter Mediterannean Gull and one adult
Glaucous Gull.
One Bonxie was off the Bridges of Ross.
One first winter Mediterranean Gull was at Kilkee.
Two Little Gulls were at Liscannor Pier.
One Merlin was near Tullagher Bog with another at Loop Head.

Wednesday 27th December 2006
One second-winter Ring-billed Gull was at Quilty.
Twenty Five Barnacle Geese were on Mutton Island.
One first-winter Iceland Gull was at Castle Point near Kilkee.
One first-winter Little Gull, 16 B rent Geese, ten Red-throated Divers
and one male Hen Harrier were at Liscannor.
There was a small flock of 30 Whooper Swans at Ballycar Lough.
There were eight Whooper Swans and one Peregrine at Lough Donnell.

Tuesday 26th December 2006
One Red-necked Grebe was seen off Doorus today on the Clare/
Galway border (Dave McNamara).
Two Ring-necked Ducks were at Lough Inchiquin, Corofin
( Maeve & Christy Meehan). One was a female and the other an eclipsed drake.
There was also seven Bewick’s Swans.
There were four Black-throated Divers between Fanore and Ballyvaughan.
One Little Egret was at Lahinch Marsh.
One Water Rail was at Fenloe Lake.

Monday 25th December 2006
One Green Sandpiper was at the Falls, Ennistymon. 
Two Common Sandpipers were at O’Brien’s Bridge.

Sunday 24th December 2006
There were four 1st-winter Little Gulls at Kilbaha Harbour.
A flock of 90 Barnacle Geese and one Merlin were at
Two Dippers and one Green Sandpiper were at the
Bridge near Blackweir, Dromoland on the Rine River.
One Dipper was at the Claureen River in Kilmaley.

Saturday 23rd December 2006
One Red-necked Grebe, three Long-tailed Duck and an
adult Mediterranean Gull were at Doorus Pier on the Clare/
Galway border (Dave McNamara).
A flock of 50 Barnacle Geese were on Mutton Island. 
Two Tree Sparrows were near Quilty.

Friday 22nd December 2006
Eighty Barnacle Geese were on Illaunonearaun along with
a second winter Iceland Gull.
At Doughmore there was a second winter Glaucous Gull and
one Peregrine.

Thursday 21st December 2006
The drake Ring-necked Duck was at Ballyallia Lake (Finbarr MacGabhainn).
One Dipper was on the Claureen River in Kilmaley.

Monday 18th December 2006
One Iceland Gull was at Liscannor. 

Sunday 17th December 2006
There were two Spotted Redshanks at Liscannor.
One female Blackcap was at Ballycar, Newmarket-on-Fergus.

Friday 15th December 2006
There were two Jays and a Merlin, on the Lees Wood Road, Ennis.

Thursday 14th December 2006
One Grey Phalarope was still in Liscannor this morning.

Grey Phalarope off the pier at Liscannor Bay John N Murphy

Wednesday 13th December 2006
There were three Snow Buntings, 150 Brent Geese and two
Black-throated Divers along the Rine in Ballyvaughan.
One Grey Phalarope was off the pier in Liscannor.

Tuesday 12th December 2006
There were two Grey Phalaropes at Liscannor Bay today.
One Merlin, one Peregrine and one male Hen Harrier were
at Lahinch Marsh.

Sunday 10th December 2006
The male and female Ring-necked Ducks were
at Ballyallia Lake (John N Murphy, Tom Lynch &
Finbarr MacGabhann).

Saturday 9th December 2006
One juvenile Little Gull was at Liscannor.

Friday 8th December 2006
At the Bridges of Ross there was on Little Auk,
three Bonxies and one 2nd -winter Iceland Gull.
One Water Rail was calling at Ballycar Lake.

Wednesday 6th December 2006
Off the Bridges of Ross today there were; seven Bonxie’s,
three Grey Phalaropes and 25 Leach’s Petrels.
Two Jays were at the Lees Wood Road this afternoon. 

Sunday 3rd December 2006
One Leach’s Petrel was seen flying inland at Clahane Beach,
Liscannor Bay.

Saturday 2nd December 2006
There was one Leach’s Petrel at Liscannor.
Another Leach’s Petrel was at the Rine, Ballyvaughan with
four more near Doorus, North Clare/Galway border.
The drake Green-winged Teal was at Bell Harbour (Finbarr MacGabhann).
One Little Egret was at Lough Murree.
Ten Black-throated Divers were near New Quay.
One Grey Phalarope was at Quilty along with one  Iceland Gull.

Friday 1st December 2006
The male and female Ring-necked Ducks were at Ballyallia
Lake earlier today (Dave McNamara). 

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