Clare Bird Sightings

August 2007

Friday 31st August 2007
At the Bridges of Ross today there was;
one Arctic Skua, five Bonxies, six Sooty Shearwaters,
one Sabines Gull, two juvenile Little Gulls, three Storm Petrels,
four Common Scoter, and one Puffin. 
Off Kilbaha village there was one Bonxie, a Pomarine Skua,
and five Arctic Skuas.  A White Wagtail was in the pool at Kilbaha and
a juvenile Hen Harrier was seen hunting over the headland.
One Bonxie was off the tip of Loop Head.
There were five first-winter Mediterranean Gulls at Querrin Pier.
One Little Egret was seen at Doonbeg.

Thursday 30th August 2007
Three Little Terns and two White Wagtails were at Seafield, Quilty.
At the Bridges of Ross there were four Arctic Skuas, a Bonxie,
two Storm Petrels and four Common Scoters.
Seven Little Egrets, a Peregrine and 15 Greenshank were at 
Poulnasherry Bay.
Wednesday 29th August 2007
There were two Arctic Skuas, a Pomarine Skua and four Common Scoter
at the Bridges of Ross.
One Spotted Redshank and ten Little Egrets were at Poulnasherry Bay today.

Tuesday 28th Agust 2007
At the Bridges of Ross things were quiet with only
one Pomarine and five Arctic Skuas, one Sooty Shearwater,
two Balearic Shearwaters, ten Whimbrel, four Common Scoter
and one White Wagtail.
A Minke Whale was seen off Loop Head.

Monday 27th August 2007
The Long-billed Dowitcher and a Spotted Redshank
were at the Shannon Airport Lagoon (Richard Bonser).
At the Bridges of Ross today there was four Balearic Shearwaters,
one Sooty Shearwater, four Arctic Skuas and two Pomarine Skuas.
There were four Meditteranean Gulls at Knock Pier, three adults and
one juvenile. 
A flock of 80 Sandwich Terns and 50 Sanderling were at Carrigaholt.
One Water Rail was at Kilcredaun Marsh.
One Kingfisher was at Doonbeg.
One Little Tern was at Liscannor. 

Sunday 26th August 2007
There were reports of a Fea’s Petrel at the Bridges of Ross today (Allan Conlin)(5.45pm).
There were 20 Sooty Shearwaters , five Balearic Shearwaters and
one Arctic Skua also at the Bridges. 
Also off Loop Head in the mouth of the Shannon a large bird of
prey taught to be a White-tailed Sea Eagle was seen being harrased
by seabirds as it flew over the sea. 
Three Common Sandpipers were at Lahinch Marsh.
A female Hen Harrier was near Liscannor.
There were two Little Terns at Quilty.

Saturday 25th August 2007
A Fea’s Petrel was seen on two occasions this evening at the Bridges of Ross
(Andy Clifton et al 6.50pm & 7.40pm).
Also at the Bridges were four Great Shearwaters, 600 Sooty Shearwaters,
28 Balearic Shearwaters, two Sabines Gulls, three Common Scoter and 25
Whimbrel. There were five Sun Fish, one Basking Shark and 22 Common Dolphins.
The ROSE-COLOURED STARLING was still in Ennis (Marc Hughes).
Two Little Terns and two Red-throated Divers were at Liscannor.
Three Common Sandpipers and a Kingfisher were at lahinch Marsh.
Ten Little Egrets were near Moyasta and a Kingfisher was at Moyasta Creek.
One Water Rail was at Kilcredaun Marsh.
rare/sabs, loop pelagic 2007-08-25.jpg
Rose-coloured Starling & Sun Fish© Marc Hughes

Friday 24th August 2007
The Long-billed Dowitcher was at the Shannon Airport Lagoon
today along with one Little Egret (Mick Frosdick).
Seawatching at the Bridges of Ross this morning produced one Great
Shearwater, 185 Sooty Shearwaters, seven Balearic Shearwaters,
13 Arctic Skuas, three Bonxies, eight Storm Petrels and two Sabine’s Gulls.
A flock of 13 Chough were seen at the Fodry Loop Head.
Sabine’s Gull from a Paleagic trip 6km off Loop Head© Brian Egan
To view the video you can uploaded it from YouTube  which is here

Thursday 23rd August 2007
The ROSE-COLOURED STARLING was still near the Half Way
House in Ennis (Finbarr MacGabhann).
At the Bridges of Ross there was one Great Shearwater,
20 Sooties and eight Balearic Shearwaters.
The immature/female Garganey was at the Shannon Airport Lagoon.

Wednesday 22nd August 2007
The ROSE-COLOURED STARLING was once again at
the Half Way House, Ennis (Marc Hughes).
One Reed Warbler and three White Wagtails were at Doonbeg.
Two White Wagtails were at Lough Donnell.
One Jay was on the Cahercalla Road in Ennis.

Tuesday 21st August 2007
The ROSE-COLOURED STARLING was still at the Half Way
House in Ennis this morning (Finbarr MacGabhann). 
There were reports of a Fea’s Petrel from the Bridges of Ross today
(Richard Taylor et al (12.25).
The Long-billed Dowitcher, one Spotted Redshank and a Little Egret
were at the Shannon Airport Lagoon (Dave MacNamara). 
A flock of 100 Sandwich Terns were on Fanore Beach.

Monday 20th August 2007
The ROSE-COLOURED STARLING showed well today near the Half Way House Pub,
across from the Statoil Petrol Station on the Clare Road in Ennis (Finbarr MacGabhann et al).
The Long-billed Dowitcher and BONAPARTES GULL were on display throughout the day
at the Shannon Airport Lagoon (Stan Nugent, John N Murphy et al).
At the Bridges of Ross there were; two Balearic Shearwaters, eight Sooty Shearwaters,
ten Bonxies seven Arctic Skuas and a few Storm Petrels.
Rose-coloured Starling Videograb© Stan Nugent.

Sunday 19th August 2007
An adult ROSE-COLOURED STARLING was found near the Statoil Petrol Station
on the Ennis/Limerick Road across from the West County Hotel, Ennis.
This is only the seventh record for Clare. 
The BONAPARTES GULL and Long -billed Dowitcher were still at the Shannon
Airport Lagoon.
At the Bridges of Ross and Loop Head there was poor seawatching with
five Bonxies, four Arctic Skuas, 18 Sooty Shearwatwers, three Balearic Shearwaters,
one adult summer Little Auk, two Grey Phalaropes and six Common Scoter.
One Green Sandpiper was at Moyasta, Poulnasherry Bay.
One White Wagtail was at Doonbeg.
Two Chough were at Lough Donnell.

Saturday 18th August 2007
The Long-billed Dowitcher, the BONAPATRES GULL and an
immature/female Garganey and one Little Egret were at the Shannon
Airport Lagoon today (John N Murphy).
There were two Cory’s Shearwaters, one adult Sabine’s Gull,
Three Bonxies , three Arctis Skuas, eight Sooty Shearwaters,
five Balearctic Shearwters and two Storm Petrels at the Bridges
of Ross.
One Green and one Common Sandpiper were at Doonbeg.
One Mediterranean Gull was at Quilty.

Friday 17th August 2007
The Long-billed Dowitcher was at The Sahnnon Airport Lagoon
(Dave McNamara).
The BONAPATRES GULL was also present (the Foleys).
One Little Stint was at Seafield, Quilty.
Two Mediterranean Gulls were at Quilty. 
One Reed Warbler and a Kingfisher were at Doonbeg.

Thursday 16th August 2007
Seawatching at the Bridges of Ross was quiet today with only
two Bonxies and four Sooty Shearwaters.

Wednesday 15th August 2007
A four hour seawatch at the Bridges of Ross this morning produced,
one Cory’s Shearwater, two Little Auks, four Arctic Skuas , ne Bonxie,
two Balearic Shearwaters and six Sooty Shearwaters.
A female Hen Harrier was at Lisdoonvarna.
A Peregrine and one second-winter Mediterranean Gull were at
Seafield, Quilty.

Tuesday 14th August 2007
The Long-billed Dowitcher & BONAPARTES GULL were still at the Shannon
Airport Lagoon (Finbarr MacGabhann). There were lots of other waders also
at the Lagoon including one Spotted Redshank.

Monday 13th January 2007
The Long-billed Dowitcher is still at the Shannon Airport Lagoon
(John Rattigan), along with one Green Sandpiper. 
Two Little Egrets were at Kildysart.

Sunday 12th August 2007
The BONAPARTES GULL was on the mudflats near the jetty at the
Shannon Airport Lagoon this morning (John N Murphy).
The Long-billed Dowitcher was at the Shannon Airport Lagoon in early
afternoon (John Rattigan).
At the Bridges of Ross today there were hundreds of Manx Shearwaters
passing per hour, three Balearic Shearwaters, two Bonxies and one
Arctic Skua. One Sun Fish was also off the Bridges of Ross.
There was one Common Sandpiper at Cloghaun Lough, Loop Head. 
Three Ruff were at Lough Donnell.
Bonapartes Gull at Shannon Airport Lagoon videograbs © John N Murphy

Saturday 11th August 2007
The Long-billed Dowitcher was still at the Shannon Airport
Lagoon (Finbarr MacGabhann) along with on Little Egret.
There were three Whooper Swans at Lough Atedaun, Corofin. 

Friday 10th August 2007
An adult BONAPARTES GULL was at the Shannon Airport Lagoon today with a
large flock of about 1,500 Black-headed Gulls (Dave McNamara, John N Murphy
& Finbarr MacGabhann). This was a great find by Dave and only the third record for Clare.
Also at the lagoon were two Water Rails, one Spotted Redshank and the Long-billed
Dowitcher (John N Murphy & Finbarr MacGabhann).
One Pectoral Sandpiper was at Lough Donnell this morning (Dave McNamara).
Also at Lough Donnell were one adult Ring-billed Gull and one second
winter Mediterranean Gull. 
One Green Sandpiper was at Doonbeg.
One Peregrine and two Ravens were at Cloghaun Lough, Loop Head.

Thursday 9th August 2007
There was one Reed Warbler at Doonbeg Bay this evening,
along with one Common Sandpiper.
Three Common Sandpipers were at the Skivileen River near the Doonbeg Golf
Course Clubhouse.
Four Common Sandpipers and three Chough were at Lahinch Marsh.

Wednesday 8th August 2007
The SPOTTED SANDPIPER was once again at Doonbeg Bay
this morning (Lorraine Benson).  Also at Doonbeg were three
Reed Warblers, one Green and one Common Sandpiper.

Monday 6th August 2007
The Long-billed Dowitcher was on the mudflats near the Shannon
Airport Lagoon this morning (John N Murphy).
One juvenile Hen Harrier, two Chough and three Raven were at Lough Donnell.
Four Common Sandpipers were at Poulnasherry Bay.
A blue phased Fulmar was off the Bridges of Ross along with thousands of Manx Shearwaters.
Two Chough were at the Cliffs of Moher.
Long-billed Dowitcher on distant mudflats with godwits videograb © John N Murphy

Sunday 5th August 2007
The SPOTTED SANDPIPER was still a Doonbeg Bay this morning
(Dermot Breen, Lorraine Benson et al).
Also at Doonbeg were four Common Sandpipers, one Little Egret,
50 Whimbrel, one Tree Sparrow, three Ravens and one Kingfisher.
A Wilson’s Petrel was at the Bridges of Ross (Dermot Breen).
Also at the Bridges were five, Bonxies, five Arctic Skuas, one
Pomarine Skua, ten Sooty Shearwaters and six Storm Petrels.
There was one Spotted Redshank at Poulnasherry Bay.
One Peregrine, one  Bonxie and five Storm Petrels were at
Green Island near Miltown Malbay.

Spotted Sandpiper with Comon Sandpiper Doonbeg videograb © John N Murphy

Saturday 4th August 2007
An adult summer SPOTTED SANDPIPER was at Doonbeg
Bay this evening (Dave McNamara), along side four Common Sandpipers
and a flock of 100 Whimbrel.
This is only the third Clare record of Spotted Sandpiper.
The Long-billed Dowithcher was at the Shannon Airport Lagoon
again today (Finbarr MacGabhann and Dermot Breen).
There was also two Curlew Sandpipers, three Little Egrets and
one female Common Scoter.
At the Bridges of Ross today there were;
ten Bonxies, 16 Arctic Skuas, one Pomarine Skua, 58 Sooty Shearwaters,
25 Storm Petrels and 42 Whimbrel. 

Friday 3rd August 2007
The Long-billed Dowitcher was at the Shannon Airport Lagoon this
evening (Hugh Delaney) along side one Spotted Redshank and one
Curlew Sandpiper.

Thursday 2nd August 2007
There was a Stock Dove at Applewood, Ballycar this morning. 
Four Common Sandpipers were at Doonbeg.
One Little Egret was at Lough Donnell.

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