There was one Iceland Gull and eight Storm Petrels off Liscannor.
There were two Blackcaps and a Jay at Dromore Wood, Ruan.
One male Blackcap on the Lees Wood Road.
Saturday 29th June 2008
There was on second-summer Mediterranean Gull, one Common Sandpiper and
one juvenile male Hen Harrier at Islandavanna, Clarecastle.
There were three Hen Harriers at Ben Dash, Kilmaley.
Friday 28th June 2008
One drake Wigeon, two Water Rail and three juvenile Shoveler
were at the Shannon Airport Lagoon.
Wednesday 25th June 2008
There was a steady passage of seabirds off the Bridges of Ross today,
highlights were; one Balearic Shearwater, four Sooty Shearwaters,
8,000 Manx Shearwaters, 2,500 Gannets, six Storm Petrels, ten Puffins,
two drake Common Scoter and three Arctic Terns.
A drake Tufted Duck was at Cloghaun Lough, Loop Head.
Tuesday 24th June 2008
One adult Yellow-legged Gull was at Lough Donnell.
One male Blackcap was at Lough Atedaun.
Three male Blackcaps were at Dysart.
Two male Blackcaps were near Crows Bridge, Inagh.
One male Blackcap and one Jay were at the Lees Road Wood.
Monday 23rd June 2008
Two Storm Petrels were at Green Island, Miltown Malbay.
Sunday 22nd June 2008
One Cory’s Shearwater and a Blue phased Fulmar were off the Bridges
of Ross (John N Murphy & Killian Mullarney).
Later on in the afternoon there was one summer-plumaged RED-NECKED
PHALAROPE (Killian Mullarney) only a third county record, along side 60
Storm Petrels, three Arctic Terns , hundreds of Manx Shearwaters and seven Chough.
A female Tufted Duck was in the small pond at Kilbaha.
Friday 20th June 2008
One male and one female Hen Harrier were seen just west of Kilmaley.
One male Blackcap was heard singing near Booltiagh, Ben Dash.
Thursday 19th June 2008
There was a good passage of Manx Shearwaters off the Bridges of Ross
this morning, 2,400 per hour passed between 8.30 and 10,30 along with
one Sooty Shearwater, one Storm Petrel and 20 Common Scoter.
One second-winter Glaucous Gull was at Lough Donnell.
One Storm Petrel and a Great Northern Diver were at Seafield.
Two Whimbrel were at Clahane.
Two male Blackcaps were at Willbrook, Corofin.
Two adult Tree Sparrows and two fledglings were at the Old Cottage
near Lough Donnell.
Four Yellowhammers were at Mullaghmore in the Burren.
Wednesday 18th June 2008
One Blackcap was seen feeding young at the Lees Wood Road today.
Tuesday 17th May 2008
One male Blackcap was singing at Applewood, Ballycar, Newmarket-on-Fergus.
Monday 16th June 2008
One male Blackcap was still singing at Rineen, Quin.
Sunday 15th June 2008
The adult Long-eared Owl was back at Darragh.
One male Blackcap was singing at Ballycar, Newmarket-on-Fergus.
Long-eared Owl at Darragh Finbarr MacGabhann
Saturday 14th June 2008
A Corncrake was reported from Liscannor. This male bird has apparently
been calling from a small meadow just on the outskirts of the village for the
past month. Unfortunately the field where the bird was calling, has just been
harvested for silage.
There were two Tree Sparrows at the old church in Liscannor.
One female Hen Harrier was at Lough Naminia.
One Dipper was at the Falls, Ennistymon.
Friday 13th June 2008
One male Blackcap was at Rinneen, Quin.
Thursday 12th June 2008
There were three Tree Sparrows at Doonbeg.
One Peregrine and eight Ravens were at Barr Tra, Lahinch.
Two Common Scoter were on Liscannor Bay.
One male Blackcap was heard singing at Rinneen, outside Quin village.
Fulmar nesting on the Cliffs at Barr Tra Dave McNamara
Wednesday 11th June 2008
Ome male Blackcap was singing at Applewood, Ballycar, Newmarket-on-Fergus.
There were 18 Dunlin, seven drake Teal and one Water Rail at the Shannon Airport Lagoon.
Tuesday 10th June 2008
A Jay was seen feeding young at the Lees Road Wood this evening.
Monday 9th June 2008
Two Jays were at Castle Lake, Sixmilebridge.
One Blackcap was singing at Ballycar, Newmarket-on-Fergus.
Eight Storm Petrels and one first-winter Iceland Gull was at Liscannor.
Siskin at Moanreel Jeff Copner
Sunday 8th June 2008
One Cory’s Shearwater and 15,000 Manx Shearwaters were at the
Bridges of Ross (Dan Brown).
One adult-summer plumaged Ring-billed Gull was at Lough Donnell.
There was one Little Egret and 30 Dunlin at the Shannon Airport Lagoon.
Two adult summer plumaged Mediterranean Gulls flew west over the
Shannon Airport Lagoon.
Saturday 7th June 2008
Five male Blackcaps were singing at Dromore Nature Reserve,
Ruan this afternoon.
One male Blackcap was heard singing at Applewood, Ballycar,
Newmarket-on-Fergus, this morning.
Tree Sparrows were seen at the old ruined Church at Liscannor today.
Tree Sparrow at Liscannor Barry Howell
Friday 6th June 2008
One Tree Sparrow was seen carrying food for young at
Doonbeg Pier this evening.
One male Blackcap was heard at the Michael Cusack Centre, Carron.
Eight Yellowhammers were at Mullaghmore, the Burren.
Thursday 5th June 2008
One BLACK-BROWED ALBATROSS was seen again today
100miles North West of Loop Head (Ramon Gomez Juncal).
One male Blackcap was at the Lees Wood Road, Ennis.
One male Blackcap was at the Michael Cusack Centre, Carron.
Six Yellowhammers were at Mullaghmore the Burren.
Black-browed Albatross © Ramon Gomez Juncal
Wednesday 4th June 2008
A BLACK-BROWED ALBATROSS was reported from a fishing vessel 100km
Northwest of Loop Head (Ramon Gomez Juncal).
One Osprey was seen flying over Castle lake Sixmilebridge (Cliff Baxter).
One Long-eared Owl was at Darragh today.
One male Blackcap was heard singing at Smithstown, Shannon.
One female Hen Harrier was at Tubber.
Five male Blackcaps were heard singing at Clifden Hill, Corofin.
Three singing male Blackcaps and four Siskins were at Dysert.
Six Storm Petrels were off Green Island, Miltown Malbay.
Tuesday 3rd June 2008
There were six Yellowhammers and two singing Blackcaps in the
Burren National Park at Mullaghmore.
One Blackcap was at Doughnamore Bog.
Two Blackcaps were at Dysert.
One Blackcap was at the Michael Cusack Centre in Carron.
Good numbers of Sandwich Terns were seen feeding off the
north Clare coast today.
Sandwich Terns John N murphy
Cuckoo Dave McNamara
Monday 2nd June 2008
One female Hen Harrier was seen near Moveen.
One male Blackcap, one Jay and two Ravens were at the Lees Road Wood.
There was a male Hen Harrier in Shannon Town.
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