Clare Bird Sightings

March 2009

Tuesday 31st March 2009
The drake Blue-winged Teal and a drake Green-winged Teal were at Lough Atedaun (Dave McNamara).
One Swallow was at Sixmilebridge.
Monday 30th March 2009
The drake Blue-winged Teal is still at Lough Atedaun this morning (Stan Nugent, John Rattigan,
Jeff Copner & Barry Howell).
There was a littoralis Rock Pipit at Clahane.
At the Shannon Airport Lagoon there were two Little Egrets, six Water Rails, ten
Gadwall, 580 Redshank and 278 Black-tailed Godwits.
There were 300 Golden Plover, two Purple Sandpipers and 40 Brent Geese at Clahane.
A flock of 250 Golden Plover were near Clarecastle.
The first Puffins of the year arrived back at Goat Island, the Cliffs of Moher today.
The Red and white colour ringed Redshank is still at Clahane.
Rock Pipit of the Northern race littoralis at Clahane Dave McNamara
Distant shot of the Blue-winged Teal at Atedaun very right hand side bird Barry Howell
Redshank with colour rings at Clahane Jeff Copner 
Sunday 29th March 2009
A drake Blue-winged Teal was at Lough Atedaun (Dave McNamara, Finbarr McGabhann
 & John N Murphy).  This is a first county record and long overdue.
The Water Pipit was still at Clahane (Dave McNamara).
One first-winter Iceland Gull was at Liscannor.
Also at Lough Atedaun there was one Swallow, one Merlin, five Sandmartins and
16 Lesser Black-backed Gulls.
One Jay was at Darragh.
Water Pipit at Clahane moulting into summer plumage Dave McNamara
Saturday 28th March 2009
One Black-throated Diver and four Sandwich Terns were at Querrin.
Two Little Egrets were at Moyasta.
Lesser Black-backed Gulls have begun to arrive back in the county with lost of birds observed on migration.
Two Jays were at Darragh.
A flock of 25 Whooper Swans were at Tullagher Bog. 
Two Greylag Geese were at Ballycar Lough.
Friday 27th March 2009
The Water Pipit was still at Clahane (Dave McNamara), along
side one first-winter Iceland Gull.
There were two Greylag Geese at Ballycar Lough, Newmarket-on-Fergus.
Thursday 26th March 2009
The Water Pipit is still at Clahane (Dave McNamara).
One Peregrine was at Seafield, Quilty.
Wednesday 25th March 2009
A flock of 31 Whooper Swans were at Lough Atedaun, Corofin.
A large party of 300 Golden Plover were near Doora, Ennis.
Tuesday 24th March 2009
There were four Greylag Geese at Ballycar Lough, Newmarket-on-Fergus.
Monday 23rd March 2009
Two first-winter Iceland Gulls were at Clahane.
There were three Wheatears, four Raven, six Chough and a Peregrine at Loop Head.
Sixteen Chough were between Moveen and Kilkee.
Fourty-eight Cormorants were nesting on Illaunonearaun.
Iceland Gull at Clahane Jeff Copner
Sunday 22nd March 2009
This morning there were 16 Little Egrets at Corronroo Bridge on the Clare/Galway border.
Saturday 21st March 2009
There was one drake Eider, 28  Black throated Divers, 65 Brent Geese and one female
Wheatear on the Rine, Ballyvaughan.
One Swallow, six Sandmartins and one first-winter Glaucous Gull at Liscannor.
One Wheatear and one first-winter Iceland Gull were at Clahane.
Black-throated Diver off the Rine John N Murphy
Brent Geese on the Rine John N Murphy
Friday 20th March 2009
One Swallow was on the Bog Road, Doora Ennis this morning (8.30).
This is the first for this Spring and one of the earliest ever recorded in the county.
Thursday 19th March 2009
The Water Pipit was back at Clahane (Dave McNamara) along with one
first-winter Iceland Gull, 20 Brent Geese and the colour ringed Redshank.
A flock of 37 Brent Geese were at Liscannor.
Two Sand Martins, one Common Sandpiper and a male Blackcap
were at Clarecastle Quay.
One male Hen Harrier was at Darragh.
There were two colour ringed Brent Geese amongst a flock of 100 birds at 
Rabbit Warren, Fanore.
The birds were colour ringed as follows;
Bird 1: White Ring with letter A, Blue Ring with letter H.
Bird 2: Pink/Red Ring with letter J, Blue Ring letter H.
Reed Bunting male John N Murphy
Wednesday 18th March 2009
There were two Sand Martins at the White Strand, Miltown Malbay.
One Iceland Gull was at Clahane with another at Seafield, Quilty.
Two Kingfishers were at Willow Park, Ennis.
Four Chiffchaffs were in the walled Garden in Kilrush.
One Chiffchaff was at Kilmaley.
A flock of 12 Whoper Swans were in a field outside Doonbeg.
Two Woodcck were at Clifden Hill, Corofin.
The Red and white colour banded Redshank was at Clahane. 
Tuesday 17th March 2009
Two Wheatears were on the cliff walk at Kilkee this morning the first of the year.
Two Chiffchaffs were at Applewood, Ballycar (9.00am) also the first recorded in the county this Spring.
Monday 16th March 2009
Four Ravens were at Ballycar, Newmarket-on-Fergus.
Two Dippers were near Crusheen on the Clare/Galway border.
Sunday 15th March 2009
One Merlin was at Lough Muchanagh, the Burren.
There was a Black-headed Gull wearing a White Band on its left leg
with the letters 2P89 at Clahane, Liscannor.
Skylark Jeff Copner
Saturday 14th March 2009
Three Black-throated Divers, two Red-throated, 20 Great Northern Divers
and three Long-tailed Ducks were off Aughinish Island.
Two first-winter Iceland Gulls were at Clahane.
Ten Whooper Swans were in a field near Dysart O’ Dea Castle.
Ten Goldeneye were at Lough Muchanagh.
Friday 13th March 2009
A pair of Dippers were on the Claureen River near Kilmaley.
Thursday 12th March 2009
There were six Chough, four Ravens and one Peregrine at Loop Head.
Wednesday 11th March 2009
One second-winter Mediterranean Gull, two Ravens and 25 Brent Geese were at Clahane.
One adult Iceland Gull was at Liscannor.
One Dipper was on the Claureen River near Kilmaley.
A group of 82 Whooper Swan were in a field near Lough Inchiquin, Corofin.
A flock of 400 Golden Plover were at Ballycar Lough, Newmarket-on-Fergus.
Two Jays were at the Lees Road Wood, Ennis.
At Seafield quitly there were 100plus Sanderling, 100plus Purple Sandpipers and over
100 Turnstones.
Tuesday 10th March 2009
A Goshawk was seen chasing a Wood Pigeon n ear Edenvale, Ennis (Howard Williams).
Monday 9th March 2009
One second year WHITE-TAILED SEA EAGLE was seen at Lough Atedaun Corofin (Dave McNamara).
This bird was wearing colour wing tags.  It had a Yellow tag on the left wing and 
a white tag on the right wing.  Allan Mee Project Manager of the White-tailed Sea Eagle
re-introduction Programme at Killarney National Park informed
us that the bird was one of the juveniles released from their scheme in 2007
(for more information see ).
One male Blackcap was on the River Fergus in the middle of Ennis.
One Raven was at Ballycar Lough, Newmarket-on-Fergus.
White-tailed Sea Eagle at Lough Atedaun Dave McNamara
Sunday 8th March 2009
The Water Pipit was still at Clahane (Dave McNamara).
One adult Iceland Gull and one second-winter Glaucous Gull were at Liscannor.
One first-winter Glaucous Gull and two second-winter Mediterranean Gulls were at Clahane.
One male Hen Harrier was at Connolly.
Two Little Egrets were at Clonconneen Marsh, Rineville, Carrigaholt.
Two Greylag Geese were at Ballycar Lough, Newmarket-on-Fergus.
A female Blackcap was at Oak Park, Ennis.
Six Yellowhammers were at Mullaghmore.

Saturday 7th March 2009
There were three first-winter and one adult Iceland Gulls at Liscannor.
Also at Liscannor were two Black-throated Divers.
A flock of 34 Brent Geese were at Lahinch Marsh.
One first-winter Glaucous Gull, 150 Sanderling and 145 Purple Sandpipers were 
on the beach at Seafield, Quilty.
Friday 6th March 2009
One adult Iceland Gull and one first-winter Glaucous Gull were at Liscannor.
There were three Little Egrets, 1,200 Redshank, 60 Grey Plover, 120 Teal,
12 Gadwall, 450 Black-headed Gulls and three Water Rails at the Shannon Airport Lagoon. 
Two Jack Snipe were at Ballycar, Newmarket-on-Fergus.
Two colour ringed Sanderling were at Seafield, Quilty today.
Bird 1: Left Leg – Green over Red over Yellow.  Right Leg – Green.
Bird 2: Left Leg – Green Flag over white ring over green ring  Right Leg – Red over white.
Thursday 5th March 2009
The Water Pipit was at Clahane again today (Dave McNamara).
Water Pipit at Clahane Dave McNamara
Wednesday 4th March 2009
Eleven Greylag Geese were at Ballycar Lough, Newmarket-on-Fergus.
Tuesday 3rd March 2009
The Water Pipit was at Clahane (Dave McNamara).
Four first-winter Glaucous Gulls were at Liscannor.
There were 18 Chough at Doughmore Beach, Doonbeg.
One Little Egret was at the O’Curry Irish speaking College near Rinville Bay.
There were 13 Goldeneye at Lough Muchanagh.
Seven Woodcock were at Clifden Hill, Corofin.
Monday 2nd March 2009
One Merlin was at Seafield, Quilty.
A flock of 27 Whooper Swans were near Farrihy Lake, Kilkee.
There were 13 Chough were along the coast road, Kilkee.
Three Little Egrets were at Poulnasherry Bay.
Whooper Swans at Farrihy Dermot Cosgrove
Two colour ringed Brent Geese between Quilty and Seafield Dave McNamara
Sunday 1st March 2009
A drake Ring-necked Duck was at Lough Girroga behind what was once 
Our Lady’s Hospital, Ennis (Paul Slade).
Another drake Ring-necked Duck was at Lough Atedaun (Paul Slade).
Two Little Egrets were also at Lough Girroga, Ennis.
Two Little Egrets were at the Falls, Ennistymon.

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