Clare Bird Sightings

August 2009

Monday 31st August 2009
One GOLDEN EAGLE was seen soaring high in the sky over Carron (Emma Glanville).
At the Bridges of Ross today there were three Sabine’s Gulls, one Leach’s Petrel,
seven Storm Petrels, three Balearic Shearwaters, 41 Sooty Shearwaters, one Pomarine Skua,
44 Arctic Skuas, seven Bonxies, 113 Sandwich Terns, 32 Arctic Terns, one Common Scoter,
seven Brent Geese, one Red-throated Diver and one Great Northern Diver.
One Arctic Skua was at Rinville Bay, Carrigaholt.
At Mountscribe, Kinvarra, Galway this afternoon there was a juvenile Sabine’s Gull.
Juvenile Sabine’s Gull near Kinvarra Christy Meehan
Sunday 30th August 2009
Today at the Bridges of Ross there was two Balearic Shearwaters, two adult Sabine’s Gulls,
25 Sooty Shearwaters,  one Leach’s Petrel, 30 Storm Petrels, two Pomarine Skuas, 12 Arctic
Skuas, three Bonxies, one Grey Phalarope, 32 Black-tailed Godwits, one Spotted Redshank
20 Brent Geese, one Great Northern Diver, three Red-throated Divers and 10 Common Scoter. 
One Tree Sparrow was in Kilbaha. 
one Pomarine Skua, small numbers of Arctic Terns and Brent Geese.
Saturday 29th August 2009
Six Buff-breasted Sandpipers flew east over the car park at the Bridges of Ross (John N Murphy,
Cillian Boyd & Steve Webb).
At sea of the Bridges of Ross were; two Long-tailed Skuas, seven Sabine’s Gulls,
three Balearic Shearwaters, 34 Sooty Shearwaters, 38 Arctic Skuas, 18 Bonxies,
five Grey Phalaropes, 98 Arctic Terns, 146 Whimbrels, seven Common Scoter, 
14 Brent Geese and one Great Northern Diver.
One Water Rail was in the pool at Kilbaha harbour with two Arctic Skuas seen
chasing Kittiwakes in the bay off Kilbaha.
There were four Little Egrets at Querrin.
Friday 28th August 2009
Seabird passage was really good today at the Bridges of Ross
with one Wilson’s Storm Petrel (Niall Keogh et al) one adult Long-tailed Skua,
over 56 Sabines Gulls, 12 Leach’s Petrels, 130 Storm Petrels, 300 Sooty Shearwaters,
5 Balearic Shearwaters, two Pomarine Skuas, 43 Arctic Skuas, 56 Bonxies, 75 Arctic Terns,
35 Sandwich Terns, 4 Common Scoters, one Blue Fulmar, 40 Grey Phalaropes,
one first-winter Little Gull and 12 Puffins.
At Black Head this evening there were three adult Sabine’s Gulls, two light phase
Arctic Skuas and five Bonxies.
At Hags Head there were 20 Grey Phalaropes, one Bonxie, 12 Sandwich Terns, four
Arctic Terns thousands of Manx Shearwaters heading Northwards and with were
two Sooty Shearwaters and 12 Storm Petrels.
One juvenile Mediterranean Gull was at Clahane along with one Arctic Skua, 
30 Sandwich Terns, 30 Whimbrel and a mixed flock of gulls, Common and 
Arctic Terns.
There were 120 Ringed Plover and 50 Sanderling at Seafield, Quilty.
One male Hen Harrier was at Kilduff Upper.
Thursday 27th August 2009
Today at the Bridges of Ross there were five Sabine’s Gulls, six Balearic
Shearwaters, 65 Sooty Shearwaters, two Leach’s Petrels, 29 Storm Petrels,
13 Arctic Skuas, 26 Bonxies, two Grey Phalaropes, 41 Sandwich Terns,
43 Arctic Terns, 19 Whimbrel and eight Common Scoters.
The second summer Ring-billed Gull was still at Spanish Point.
Wednesday 26th August 2009
At the Bridges of Ross today there was one Wilson’s Petrel, one Cory’s Shearwater,
four Sabine’s Gulls, five Balearic Shearwaters, 120 Sooty Shearwaters, one Leach’s
Petrel, 53 Storm Petrels, three Pomarine Skuas, 31 Arctic Skuas, 22 Bonxies, 80 Arctic
Terns, 72 Sandwich Terns, six Grey Phalaropes, 65 Whimbrel, 14 Common Scoters,
one Great Northern Diver and one Red-throated Diver.
One second-summer Ring-billed Gull was at Spanish Point.
Tuesday 25th August 2009
There was one Wilson’s Storm Petrel (Killian Muallarney et al), 12 Sabine’s Gull,
one Great Shearwater, 60 Sooty Shearwaters , 12 Storm Petrels, one Long-tailed Skua, 
two sub-adult Pomarine Skuas, ten Arctic Skuas, four Bonxies, seven Grey Phalaropes 
four Common Scoter, 39 Arctic Terns, two Puffins and one Peregrine were at the Bridges of Ross.
One second-summer Ring-billed Gull was at Spanish Point.
Monday 24th August 2009
There were 85 plus Sooty Shearwaters, five Balearic Shearwaters, four adult Sabine’s Gulls,
65 Storm Petrels, 22 Arctic Skuas, 13 Bonxies, five Puffins, 24 Whimbrel and four Common
Scoter at the Bridges of Ross today.
One Buzzard was seen east of Lisseycasey.
Sunday 23rd August 2009
At the Bridges of Ross today there was no passage in the morning while
in the afternoon after the heavy rain passed over there were three Balearic Shearwater,
100 Sooty Shearwaters, 16 Arctic Skuas, nine Bonxies, 12 Storm Petrels, 100 Whimbrel,
one Puffin, one Red-throated Diver and three Common Scoters.
One Barn Owl was near Corofin village.
One Ruff and 10 Black-tailed Godwits were at Lough Donnell.
Saturday 22nd August 2009
There was a huge flock of over 8,000 Manx Shearwaters off Loop Head this morning.
In with this flock there wee hundreds of Gannets and three Sooty Shearwters.
Also past the head was a mixed flock of waders (11 Bar-tailed Godwits, seven Whimbrel & 
three Curlew).
At the Bridges of Ross were 
One female Marsh Harrier was at Kilcredaun Marsh.
One Green Sandpiper was at Moyasta while another was near Blackweir Bridge both 
Poulnasherry Bay.
One juvenile Ruff was at Lough Donnell.
There were 14 Little Egrets at the Shannon Airport Lagoon.
Friday 21st August 2009
This morning at the Bridges of Ross there was one Great Shearwater, one adult Long-tailed Skua,
16 adult Sabines Gulls, two Grey Phalaropes, four Balearic Shearwaters, 38 Sooty Shearwaters, 
three Pomarine Skuas, seven Arctic Skuas, four Bonxies one Blue Fulmar.
There were 16 Little Egrets and 600 Black-tailed Godwits at Shannon Airport Lagoon.
2009pic/sparrow hawk 1.jpg
Treecreeper at Connolly Sarah Hassall
Thursday 20th August 2009
One LITTLE SHEARWATER flew west at the Bridges of Ross this morning (John N Murphy, 
Chris Heard, Stan Nugent et al).
Also at the Bridges today were, four Wilson’s Storm Petrels, two Cory’s Shearwater,
three Great Shearwaters, ten Long-tailed Skuas, 20 Sabine’s Gulls, one Leach’s Petrel,
40 Storm Petrels, 134 Sooty Shearwaters,  five Balearic Shearwaters, ten Pomarine Skuas,
33 Arctic Skuas, 21 Bonxies, one Roseate Tern, one Red-throated Diver and 14 Whimbrels.
Wednesday 19th August 2009
Six Wilson’s Storm Petrels were at the Bridges of Ross (Tom Lowe et al).
Also at the Bridges were six Sabine’s Gulls, one adult Pomarine Skua, 29 Sooty
Shearwaters, one Balearic Shearwater, 30 Arctic Skuas, 13 Bonxies and 100plus
Storm Petrels.
There were two Arctic Skuas and 12 Storm Petrels off Green Island, Miltown Malbay.
One Ruff and ten Whimbrel were at Quilty Beach.
A flock of 100 Ringed Plovers were at Seafield.
There were 109 Curlew and ten Black-tailed Godwits at Lough Atedaun.
Four Little Egrets were at Tullyvarraga Marsh, Shannon.
There were three female Blackcaps at Applewood, Ballycar.
Tuesday 18th August 2009
There were two Wilson’s Petrels at the Brisges of Ross this morning (Tom Lowe et al).
Also at the Bridges of Ross were three Balearic Shearwaters, 20 Sooty Shearwaters, 
two adult Pomarine Skuas, 28 Arctic Skuas and nine Bonxies,.
There were two Ruff and a family party of Water Rails at the pool in Kilbaha.
There was one second-winter Glaucous Gull, one first-winter Ring-billed Gull,
one Arctic Skua, one Common Sandpiper,  10 Whimbrel, 100 Sandwich Terns,
80 Lesser Black-backed Gulls and a Raven at the bolder beach between Lurga Point
and Lough Donnel, Quilty.
One Arctic Skua was at Quilty beach.
Two Arctic Skuas, one Bonxie, two Storm Petrels, 50 Arctic and 50 Sandwich Terns 
were at Green Island, Miltown Malbay.
Glaucous Gull with Hering Gulls near Seafield Dave McNamara
Monday 17th August 2009
There were two Wilson’s Storm Petrels and two adult Long-tailed Skuas
at the Bridges of Ross (Tom Lowe).
Also at the Bridges were two Great Shearwaters, four Balearic Shearwaters,
88 Sooty Shearwaters, three adult Sabine’s Gulls, two Pomarine Skuas, 53 Arctic
Skuas and 15 Bonxies.
One Kingfisher was at the Claureen River attenuation pond.
There were 15 Little Egrets and 800 Black-tailed Godwits at Shannon Airport Lagoon.
Six Chough were seen at Fanore this afternoon.
Lots of juvenile Sparrowhawks are hunting in gardens at this time of the year  Jim Nolan
Saturday 15th August 2009
At the Bridges of Ross today there was one Cory’s Shearwater, five Great Shearwaters, 
seven Balearic Shearwaters, 48 Sooty Shearwaters, 12 Sabines Gulls, 13 Great Skuas,
two Pomarine Skuas, 18 Arctic Skuas, 46 Storm Petrels, 200 Arctic Terns, six Common
Scoter, 43 Whimbrels and one Peregrine.
One male Hen Harrier was at Mount Callan.
One Little Egret was at the Creek at Moyasta.
Bonxie at Bridges of Ross  John N Murphy
Thursday 13th August 2009
There was very little seabird movement at the Bridges of Ross today
with the only birds of note being three Common Scoter.
Off Loop Head seabirds were far out and one Balearic Shearwater was seen with
three Sooty Shearwaters in a feeding flock of 200 Manx Shearwaters. There were
two Bonxies and two Storm Petrels also off the Head.
Two Raven and a Peregrine were seen on the Peninsula also.
At the Skivileen River Doonbeg there were 13 Bar-tailed Godwits and 70 Sandwich Terns.
Tuesday 11th August 2009
There were two Little Egrets near the Sewage Works at Bunratty.
Monday 10th August 2009
There was good Manx shearwater passage at the Bridges of Ross this morning
but after the first three hours things went quiet.  There was one Balearic Shearwater,
13 Sooty Shearwaters, 21 Storm Petrels, 12 Arctic Skuas, two Bonxies and two Common Scoters.
Over 1,000 Black-tailed Godwits were at the Shannon Airport Lagoon of which four were
colour ringed and there was also two Common Sandpipers, eight Shovelor, 12 Teal and
ten Little Egrets between Shannon Town and the lagoon.
One Little Egret was at Lough Cullaune, the Burren.
One Common Sandpiper was at the sewages works near Bunratty.
One Stock Dove and one Water Rail were at Ballycar, Newmarket-on-Fergus.
There was a flock of 92 Lesser Black-backed Gulls in a field near Clifden, Corofin.
Great Skua (Bonxie) John N Murphy
Sunday 9th August 2009
Today at the Bridges of Ross there were six Balearic Shearwaters, 20 Arctic Skuas,
six Pomarine Skuas and six Storm Petrels.
Two Carrion Crows were at Killard Bay, Doonbeg.
Two Little Egrets and three Whimbrels were at Querrin.
One male Blackcap was at Walton Lodge, Kilmurray.
Two Water Rails were at Ballycar Lough, Newmarket-on-Fergus.
Saturday 8th August 2009
One Wilson’s Storm Petrel and two adult Sabine’s Gulls were at the Bridges of Ross
(Aidan Duggan, John N Murphy, Finbarr McGabhann & Darrach Turley).
Also at the Bridges were  12 Sooty Shearwaters, ten Balearic Shearwaters, 20 Storm Petrels,
nine Arctic Skuas, two Pomarine Skuas, seven Bonxies, 12 Common Scoter and 10 Purple Sandpipers.
Balearic Shearwater at Bridges of Ross with Kittiwakes John N Murphy
Friday 7th July 2009
A Jay was seen in Lees Road Wood this evening.

Thursday 6th August 2009
The second year Ring-billed Gull was still at Clahane.
Also at Clahane there were three colour banded Black-headed Gulls 
(see colour ringing section for details).
One Water Rail was at Ballycar Lough, Newmarket-on-Fergus.
Wednesday 5th August 2009
One Ring-billed Gull and two Greenshanks were at Clahane, Liscannor Bay.
There were 16 Little Egrets, 700 Black-tailed Godwits, 400 Redshank and 
500 Black-headed Gulls at the Shannon Airport Lagoon.
There were two colour ringed Black-tailed Godwits also present 
Ring-billed Gull at Clahane Jeff Copner
Tuesday 4th August 2009
One Mediterranean Gull wearing a colored band was at Clahane, Liscannor Bay.
There was also a colour ringed Black-headed Gull at Clahane (details see colour ringing section).
Monday 3rd August 2009
One Kingfisher was at the Rine River between Quin Village and Dromoland Castle.
Sunday 2nd August 2009
Thee were 1,300 Black-tailed Godwits, six Bar-tailed Godwits, 500 Redshank, 50 Dunlin,
two Water Rails and 16 Little Egrets at the Shannon Airport Lagoon this morning. 
Five of the Black-tailed Godwits were wearing colour ring combinations. 
One Common Sandpiper and four Whimbrel were at Clahane.
Saturday 1st August 2009
A staggering 27 Wilson’s Storm Petrels were at the Bridges of Ross today (Dermot Breen, Dara 
Fitpatrick, Donal & Owen Foley,  Dave McNamara, Finbarr McGabhainn, John N Murphy et al).
Also at the Bridges were 300 Storm Petrels, seven Sabine’s Gulls, 5,000 Manx Shearwaters, two Sooty
Shearwaters, one Balearic Shearwater, one Arctic Skua and two Bonxies.
One adult Mediterranean Gull was at Killimer.
One male Hen Harrier and 63 Curlew were at Lough Atedaun.
One Common Sandpiper was at Doonbeg.

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