Clare Bird Sightings

September 2009

Wednesday 30th September 2009
A Long-billed Dowitcher was at Rineville Beach near Kilcredaun this morning (Liz Clinton).
A male Redstart was at Kilbaha, Loop Head along with two Chiffchaff, 28 Skylark, 
250 Meadow Pipits, 30 Redpoll and ten Chough.
One Ruff was at Applewood, Ballycar, Newmarket-on-Fergus.
One Kingfisher and one White Wagtail were at Lough Donnell.
There were 95 Little Grebe, 12 Gadwall and 35 Black-tailed Godwits at Lough Inchiquin.
Nine Ravens were at Gort Coirce, Corofin.
Redstart at Kilbaha John N Murphy
Redstart at Kilbaha Dave McNamara
Tuesday 29th September 2009
One Sabine’s Gull was at the Bridges of Ross.
At the Shannon Airport Lagoon today there was one Curlew Sandpiper, 28 Little Egrets, over 300
Golden Plover, 2,000 Black-tailed Godwit, 30 Knot, 20 Wigeon and three Water Rails.
Monday 28th September 2009
There were four Curlew Sandpipers, 32 Little Egrets, 326 Golden Plover, 2,000 Black-tailed
Godwit, 38 Knot, 110 Dunlin, 25 Wigeon and one Water Rail at the Shannon Airport Lagoon.
One Long-eared Owl was Rath, Corofin.
One Kingfisher, one Water Rail, one Jay, ten Gadwall, three Pochard and 150 Swallows were
at Lough Atedaun, Corofin.
Two Little Egrets and six Whimbrel were at Querrin.
Three Water Rails were at Ballycar Lough, Newmarket-on-Fergus.
Sunday 27th September 2009
A Snow Bunting was seen at George’s Head Kilkee.
A flock of 60 Mistle Thrushes were at Applewood, Ballycar, Newmarket-on-Fergus.
Saturday 26th September 2009
At Loop Head today there were two Lapland Buntings, one juvenile Long-tailed Skua
was in Kilbaha Bay along with one first-winter Little Gull and one first-winter
Mediterranean Gull. Also at Loop Head were three Merlins, five Raven and seven Chough.
At Cloghaun Lough there was one Water Rail.
One juvenile Curlew Sandpiper and a Whimbrel were at Rinville Beach outside Carrigaholt.
Two Green Sandpipers were at Moyasta.
One second year Mediterranean Gull, 12 Little Egrets, 240 Wigeon,  14 Bar-tailed Godwits,
30 Knot and 28 Greenshank were at Poulnasherry Bay.
A Snow Bunting was at George’s Head Kilkee. One Little Egret was at Doonbeg.
Juvenile Long-tailed Skua chasing Kittiwake in Kilbaha Bay John N Murphy
Friday 25th September 2009
Three Sabine’s Gull were seen at Aughinish near New Quay, along with
two hundred Cormorant.
A little further north thirty Little Egret were reported.
Wednesday 23rd September 2009
At the Bridges of Ross  two Leach’s Petrel, four Arctic Skua, twenty five Great Skua, 
six Pomarine Skua and a hundred Sooty Shearwater were seen.
Tuesday 22nd September 2009
At the Bridges of Ross there were two Leach’s Petrels, one Balearic Shearwater,
one Sooty Shearwater, five Pomarine Skuas, four Arctic Skuas, 40 Bonxies and
four Puffins.
One Snow Bunting was at Kilbaha.
A Raven was seen in Lees Road Wood this evening.
Snow Bunting at loop Head Dave McNamara

Monday 21st September 2009
One Snow Bunting and a Peregrine were at the Bridges of Ross.
One juvenile Hen Harrier and two Willow Warblers were seen at Kilbaha.
A Common Sandpiper was at Cloghaun Lough Loop Head.
A ring-tailed Hen Harrier was reported from Lough Donnell.

Sunday 20th September 2009
There were 60 Whimbrel and a Peregrine at Lough Donnell.
A Peregrine and two Wheatear were also seen at Quilty.

Saturday 19th September 2009
One Whinchat was one the road between Kilbaha and Loop Head Lighthouse.

There were 17 Little Egret and 150 Black-tailed Godwits at the Shannon
Airport Lagoon. A Wheatear was also in the same area.
Three White Wagtail and a Peregrine were reported from Seafield Quilty.
One Lapland Bunting and one Jack Snipe were at Loop Head.
One Common Sandpiper and a juvenile Hen Harrier were at Cloghaun Lough Loop Head.
Lapland Bunting at Loop Head Dave McNamara

Friday 18th September 2009
A Jay was seen at Lees Road Wood today.

Thursday 17th September 2009
There were seven White Wagtails at Clahane.
Fifty seven Teal and twenty Wigeon were at Lough Donnell.
Two Brent Geese were spotted at Seafield.
A Blackcap was seen at Lees Road Wood

Wednesday 16th September 2009
A Little Egret was at Ballyallia Lake this morning.
A juvenile Hen Harrier was seen just outside Quilty village.

Tuesday 15th September 2009
Two Lapland Bunting were reported near the Lighthouse at Loop Head earlier today.
One Curlew Sandpiper and one juvenile Little Stint were at Liscannor.

A Raven was seen at New Road Ennis this morning.
One Green Sandpiper and a Little Egret were at Lahinch Marsh.
A Little Egret was seen at Lough Donnell.
A Kingfisher,a Peregrine and a hundred Snipe were at Doonbeg.
Monday 14th September 2009
A Jay flew over Lees Road Wood this afternoon.

Sunday 13th September 2009
A dark phased Arctic Skua was seen being mobbed by gulls on the beach by 

Liscannor Pier this afternoon.
There was also one Little Stint on the beach at Liscannor.

Saturday 12th September 2009
Three Buzzard and a juvenile Hen Harrier were at the Fodry Loop Head.
A Peregrine was seen at Lough Donnell.
One juvenile Ruff was reported from Doonbeg.
At Lough Atedaun a Common Sandpiper was spotted.

One of the three Buzzards at Loop Head Dave McNamara

Friday 11th September 2009
One Barn Owl was seen at Roxton Corofin tonight.
A Peregrine was noted at Seafield.

Thursday 10th September 2009
One Arctic Skua was seen chasing terns and Kittiwakes at Seafield, Quilty.
A Kingfisher was seen at Ballyallia Lake close to the River Fergus outflow this evening.
Wednesday 9th September 2009
A Raven was seen in Lees Road Wood this afternoon.

Tuesday 8th September 2009
At the Bridges of Ross today there were 13 Sabine’s Gulls, ten Leach’s Petrel,
21 Storm Petrels, 61 Sooty Shearwaters, 23 Arctic Skuas, 18 Bonxies, 
one Black Tern, one first-winter Little Gull, two Red-throated Divers,
one Common Scoter, ten Puffins and ten Whimbrel.
The juvenile Sabine’s Gull was still at Quilty.
Two Ruffs and one first-winter Mediterannean Gull were at Lough Donnell.
One dark phased Arctic Skua was at Seafield.
Monday 7th September 2009
A juvenile Long-billed Dowitcher was at the Skivileen River, Doonbeg this afternoon (John N Murphy 
& John Rattigan).
The juvenile Sabine’s Gull was still at Quilty Beach.
One dark-phased adult Arctic Skua was seen chasing terns between Seafield and Quilty.
One first-winter Mediterranean Gull, one Ruff and 40 Snipe were at Doonbeg.
One Ruff and 46 Snipe were at Lough Donnell.
There was one Twite, two Tree Sparrows and one Treecreeper at Killard, Doonbeg.
Very distant record shot of the Long-billed Dowitcher at the Skivileen River John N Murphy
Sunday 6th September 2009
The juvenile Sabine’s Gull was still on the beach at Quilty along with
a second year Ring-billed Gull.
One Arctic Skua was at Seafield.
A flock of 110 Snipe and 14 Knot were at Lough Donnell.
There were 35 Snipe at Doonbeg with another 20 Snipe at Clahane.
Saturday 5th September 2009
Today at the Bridges of Ross there was one juvenile Sabine’s Gull, 29 Sooty Shearwaters,
13 Arctic Skuas, 28 Bonxies, one Red-throated Diver, six Common Scoters and 11
Common Terns.
One juvenile Sabine’s Gull and one Carrion Crow were on the beach at Quilty.
One Merlin was at Killard Bay, Doonbeg.
There were six Greylag Geese at Ballycar Lough, Newmarket-on-Fergus early this morning.
Three Jay were washing in pools of water at the rear of a house close to Ballyallia Lake.
A Barn Owl crossed the road near the Auburn Lodge around 10p.m.
Juvenile Sabine’s Gull at Quilty beach John N Murphy.
Friday 4th September 2009
At the Bridges of Ross this morning there were three Leach’s Petrels, six Arctic Skuas,
one Pomarine Skua, eight Great Skuas, three Sabine’s Gulls, two Grey Phalaropes and 
eight Sooty Shearwaters.
One Pomarine Skua and two Bonxies were at Killard Bay, Doonbeg.
One juvenile Sabine’s Gull was at Farrihy Bay.
One Short-eared Owl was at Tullagher Bog.
Thursday 3rd September 2009
One Wilson’s Storm Petrel was at the Bridges of Ross this afternoon (Chris ten Bohmer).
Also at the bridges were three Sabine’s Gulls, two Leach’s Petrel, two Sooty Shearwaters,
one Black Tern, ten Bonxies, five Arctic Skuas, 76 Sandwich Terns, six Arctic Terns, one
Puffin, 23 Sanderling and eight Turnstones.
Adult Sabines Gull at the Bridges of Ross John N Murphy
Arctic Skuas at the Bridges today John N Murphy
Bonxie at the Bridges of Ross today John N Murphy

Tuesday 1st September 2009
At the Bridges of Ross today there was one Long-tailed Skua, seven Cory’s Shearwaters, 
251 Great Shearwaters, 1,200 Sooty Shearwaters, two Balearic Shearwaters,
10,000 Manx Shearwaters,  25 Sabine’s Gulls, 40 Arctic Skuas, 16 Bonxies,
25 Storm Petrels, seven Leach’s Petrels, 12 Grey Phalaropes, five Brent Geese,
six Common Scoter, three Red-throated Divers, 50 Arctic Terns, 22 Sandwich Terns
and four Black-tailed Godwits.
One Great Skua (Bonxie) was at Seafield, Quilty.
A Raven was seen at Ballyallia Wood this evening.
An all white albino Swallow has been frequenting the River Fergus in Ennis
between the Auburn Lodge and the water works near the Lees Road for the
past few weeks.
Juvenile Sabine’s Gull at the Bridges of Ross John N Murphy

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