Sunday 28th February 2010
The drake Green-winged Teal was at Bell Harbour (Clodagh Glasgow and James Hayes).
There were six Little Egrets at Ballyallia Lake.
Two Jays and one female Blackcap were at Willow Park, Ennis.
Friday 26th February 2010
An adult Ring-billed Gull was at Quilty beach today along with 20 Brent Geese
and three Ravens.
A Swallow was recorded at the Falls in Ennistymon a very early returning migrant.
One Blackcap and 14 Redpolls in a garden on the Lahinch Road, Ennis.

Ring-billed Gull at Quilty Dave McNamara
Thursday 25th February 2010
One Little Egret was at Lough Inchiquin
One Woodcock was at Clifden Hill, Corofin.
There were 9 Red-throated Divers and 40 Common Scoter at Liscannor.
Wednesday 24th February 2010
A flock of 46 Whooper Swans were at Ballygireen, Newmarket-on-Fergus.
There were 16 Whooper Swans and four Greylag Geese at Balycar Lough.
Tuesday 23rd February 2010
One drake Green-winged Teal was at Lough Atedaun (Dave McNamara).
There was a flock of 83 Barnacle Geese between Moveen and Illaunonearaun.
Six little Egrets were at Shannon Airport Lagoon.
One Merlin and 26 Brent Geese were at Clahane.
There were 56 Gadwall at Lough Inchiquin.
A small flock of five Whooper Swans wee at Kells, the Burren.
A group of 54 Little Grebes were at Lough Gash, Newmarket-on-Fergus.
A male and female Blackcap were at Oak Park Ennis again.
Monday 22nd February 2010
One Merlin and 40 Purple Sandpipers were at Clahane.
A male and female Blackcap were at Oak Park Ennis.
A male Red-legged Partridge was singing this morning at Applewood, Ballycar,
while two Ravens flew overhead.
One Dipper was on the Claureen River near Kilmaley.
Sunday 21st February 2010
One adult Mediterranean Gull was at Kilbaha.
Five Tree Sparrows were at Killard Bay, Doonbeg.
There were 50 Barnacle Geese at Illaunonearaun.
A flock of 35 Whooper Swans were at Kilkee Reservoir.
Ten Chough were at Loop Head Lighthouse.
One Little Egret and 20 Snipe were at Cloghaun Lough, Loop Head.
One male Hen Harrier was at Kells.
One Little Egret was at Lough Atedaun.
Two Jack Snipe were at Lough Gash, Newmarket-on-Fergus.

Male Hen Harrier Dave McNamara
Saturday 20th February 2010
One adult Ring-billed Gull, a male Merlin and 38 Shellduck were at Bell Harbour.
A female Blackcap was at Oak Park Ennis.
One Kingfisher was at Killaloe.
There were 20 Goldeneye at Parteen Reservoir.
Friday 19th February 2010
The Green-winged Teal was at Bell Harbour.
There were eight Black-throated Divers and one drake Eider off Finvarra Point.
A flock of 50 Barnacle Geese were at Illaunonearaun.
Two Little Egrets were at Ballyvaughan.
One female Hen Harrier was at Querrin.
Nine Woodcock were at Clifden Hill, Corofin.
One Woodcock was at Dysart.
One Water Rail was at Ballycar Lough, Newmarket-on-Fergus.
There were 130 Golden Plover and 12 Skylark at Clahane.

Skylark at Clahane John N Murphy
Thursday 18th February 2010
Two Water Rail, eight Whooper Swans, ten Greylag Geese and one Raven
were at Ballycar Lough, Newmarket-on-Fergus.
Wednesday 17th February 2010
The male Green-winged Teal was at Bell Harbour (Tim Griffin).
Four Black throated Divers were at Finvarra.
A flock of 60 Whooper Swans were at Cullaun Lake, the Burren.
A flock of 12 Whooper Swans and six Greylag Geese were at Ballycar Lough.
Tuesday 16th February 2010
The drake Green-winged Teal was at Bell Harbour (Richard Bonser & John Archer).
Monday 15th February 2010
The drake Ring-necked Duck was at Roo Lough, north of Tubber (Finbarr MacGabhann).
The drake Garganey and two Little Egrets were at Ballyallia Lake.
One Green Sandpiper was at the Manusmore attenuation Pond near Clarecastle.
There were 31 White-fronted Geese at Lough Muchanagh.
A flock of 60 Whooper swans were at Kells, the Burren.
One Little Egret and 61 Gadwall were at Lough Inchiquin.

Green Sandpiper at attenuation pond near Manusmore John N Murphy
Sunday 14th February 2010
One drake Ring-necked Duck was at Lough Roo, North of Tubber along with one Merlin.
The drake Garganey was still at Ballyallia Lake today along with four Little Egrets
one Jay and one Raven.
There was a flock of 50 Whooper Swans at Kells.
Fourteen Godeneye were at Lough Bunny.
One Long-eared Owl was at Rath Lake, Corofin.

Goldeneye at Lough Bunny Dave McNamara
Saturday 13th February 2010
The drake Garganey was at Balyallia along with two Raven.
One female Blackcap was at Oak Park Ennis.
Friday 12th February 2010
The drake Garganey was still at Ballyallia Lake.
There were eight Long-tailed Ducks off Finvarra Point.
Another eight Long-tailed Ducks were off Aughinish Island along with
three Black-throated Diver.
One Woodcock was at Gort Coirce, Dysert.
A flock of ten Goldeneye were at Lough Bunny.
A flock of over 5000 Starling were seen over the Mill Road Ennis before going to roost nearby.
A flock of over 5000 Starling were seen over the Mill Road Ennis before going to roost nearby.
Thursday 11th February 2010
One drake Ring-necked Duck was at Roo Lough just North of Tubber (Dave McNamara).
The drake Garganey was at Ballyallia Lake again this evening.
One Red-necked Grebe was at Aughinish Island.
A flock of 20 Whooper Swans and 11 Greylag Geese were at Ballycar Lough.
Two Water Rails were at Shannon Airport Lagoon.
One Jay was at Inch, just outside Ennis.
A Jay was at Lees Road Wood.
A Jay was at Lees Road Wood.
Wednesday 10th February 2010
A flock of 18 Whooper Swans and six Greylag Geese were at Ballycar Lough.
The colour ringed Redshank and 60 Golden Plover were at Clahane.
Tuesday 9th February 2010
The drake Green-winged Teal was at Bell Harbour (Liam Feeney, Pat Pykett & Peter Farbridge).
One male Eider, four Black-throated Divers, one Long-tailed Duck
and an adult Mediterannean Gull were off the Rine, Ballyvaughan.
Monday 8th February 2010
A drake Garganey was at Ballyallia Lake this afternoon alongside
four Little Egrets and 32 Cormorants.
There were three Black-throated Divers at Finvarra Point.
One Black-throated Diver and two Long-tailed Ducks were off Doorus Pier.
There were 43 White-fronted Geese at Lough Muchanagh.
A flock of 200 Brent Geese were at Lough Murree.
There were 56 Whooper Swans at Kells, the Burren.
A Raven was at Ballyallia Wood.
Sunday 7th February 2010
The Green-winged Teal was still at Bell Harbour.
There were 11 Black-throated Divers, three Long-tailed Ducks and ten Common
Scoter at Aughinish Island.
There were 13 Black-throated Divers at Finvarra Point.
Two Long-tailed Ducks were off Doorus Pier.
A Jay was at Lees Road Wood and a female Blackcap at Oak Park Ennis.
Saturday 6th February 2010
A female Blackcap was at Oak Park Ennis this morning.
A flock of 400 Golden Plover were at Lahinch Marsh.
Friday 5th February 2010
A Green-winged Teal was at Lough Atedaun (Dave McNamara).
A Slavonian Grebe was seen off Durrus Pier earlier today.
Three Black- throated Diver and two Long-tailed Duck were reported off Aughinish.
Ten Black- thraoted Diver were off Finavarra.
Two Little Egret were seen at the Flaggy Shore.
Five Woodcock were at Clifden Hill
A Woodcock was reported at Roxton this evening.
Thursday 4th February 2010
Thee was one adult Ring-billed Gull, two Choughs and a colour ringed Redshank
(Red over lime green) at Clahane today .
Another adult Ring-billed Gull was on the beach at Quilty.
There were ten Whooper Swans at Lough Atedaun with another nine near Kells, the Burren.

Redshank wearing a colour ring Dave McNamara

Whooper Swans in the Burren Dave McNamara
Wednesday 3rd February 2010
Two Little Egret were seen at Lake Inchiquin.
A Peregrine was at Clahane.
Ten Goldeneye were seen at Lough Bunny.
Nine Whooper were reported at Kells.
Tuesday 2nd February 2010
A female Blackcap was at Oak Park Ennis this morning.
Monday 1st February 2010
There were 43 Greenland White-fronted Geese at Lough Muchanagh.
Another 37 Whooper Swans were at Lough Atedaun.
Over 45 Whoper Swans were in fields near Kells, the Burren.
A flock of 16 Whooper Swans were at Carron.
Ten Goldeneye were at Lough Bunny.
One Peregrine and ten Great Northern Divers were at Doorus.
One Little Egret, 100 Brent Geese and 30 Grey Plovers were at the Aughinish.
There were 50 Greylag Geese at Ballycar Lough.

A Peregrine chasing Lapwing at Doorus Jeff Copner

Whooper Swans at Carron Jeff Copner
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