Clare Bird Sightings

April 2010

April 2010:
Friday 30th April 2010
There were two Sedge Warblers, one Grasshopper Warbler, six Gadwall and 
five Little Egrets at Shannon Airport Lagoon.
A flock of 100 Whimbrel, six Sandwich Terns and four White Wagtails were at Clahane.
One male Blackcap was singing at Applewood, Ballycar. and 32 Whimbrel flew North-westwards overhead.
Whimbrel at Clahane © Jeff Copner
Thursday 29th April 2010
There were nine Manx Shearwaters, ten Great Northern Divers and 20 Black
Guillemots off Black Head.
Two Whitethroats, two Grasshopper Warblers and two Blackcaps were 
at Roxton, Corofin.
One male Blackcap was at Applewood, Ballycar.
Grasshopper Warbler © Dave McNamara
Whitethroat © Dave McNamara
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Great Northern Diver in summer plumage © Dave McNamara
Wednesday 28th April 2010
There were 40 Whimbrel at Ballyvaughan Bay this eveining.
One male Blackcap was singing at Applewood Ballycar.
Four Blackcap were singing at Lees Road Wood.
Willow Warbler in North Clare Dermot Cosgrove
Whimbrel hearding northwards over Galway Bay © Dermot Cosgrove
Tuesday 27th April 2010
There were ten Whimbrel at Shannon Town.
Monday 26th April 2010
One Whitethroat, two male Blackcap, a Grasshopper Warbler and a Greylag Goose were at Roxton Corofin.

Sunday 25th April 2010
A Swift was flying over Ballyallia Lake this evening.

There were up to eight singing Grasshopper Warblers near Doo Lough along with two male Hen Harriers.
Four Blackcap were at Lees Road Wood and two more were at Ballyallia.
One male Blackcap was singing at Mullaghmore.
A female Hen Harrier and ywo Ravens were at Mount Callan.
Male Blackcap © Jeff Copner
Saturday 24th April 2010
A male Ring Ouzel was seen at Doolin (Steve Millar).
Two Grasshopper Warbler a male Hen Harrier and a Blackcap were at Boolynagleeragh Bog Lissycasey this morning.
Friday 25th April 2010
A Kingfisher was on the Rine River near Newmarket-on-Fergus.
Thursday 22nd April.
Sixty Whimbrel were seen at Doonbeg Bay.
A hundred more were at Seafield.
Four Blackcaps were singing in Lees Road Wood.
Wednesday 21st April 2010
A Grasshopper Warbler was singing close to the old waterworks at Doolough Lake.
One hundred and twenty Whimbrel, a White Wagtail and 32 Great Northern Divers were at the Flaggy Shore.
Four Yellowhammers were seen at Cappaghmore on the New Line.
Tuesday 20th April 2010
There were five Blackcap singing in Lees Road Wood this evening.
Two more Blackcap and a Cuckoo were reported from Darragh
Monday 19th April 2010
Three Blackcap were singing in Lees Road Wood this afternoon.
Male Blackcap were also at Roxton Corofin and Gortcoirce Dysart.
Two more were seen at Eagles Rock.
Six Gadwall were at Lake Inchiquin.
A pair of Gadwall were at Ballyallia Lake.
Nine Yellowhammer were reported from Mullaghmore.
A Merlin and eight White Wagtail were at Seafield.
Five Cuckoo were seen in the Doolough/ Mullagh area.

Sunday 18th April 2010
A female Black Redstart was seen in a garden in Cahermurphy, Kilmihil.
A Glaucous Gull and a White Wagtail were at Lough Donnell.
A male Blackcap was at Ballyallia.
Saturday 17th April 2010
A first summer WHITE-BILLED DIVER was reported off Finvara Point this afternoon. (Paul Keating, Bob Strickland and Joe Smith)
Sixty Great Northern Diver and forty two Whimbrel were seen in the same area.
A pair of Scaup and three Blackcap were seen at Ardclooney.
Two Little Egret and three White Wagtail were at the Shannon Airport Lagoon.
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Swallow collecting mud to build nest © John N Murphy
Friday 16th April 2010.
One Red-necked Grebe and a Black-throated Diver were seen north of Corconroo.
Nine Yellowhammer and three Blackcap were at Mullaghmore.
Four more were seen close to the Burren perfumery.
Three Blackcap were at Rinnamona Kilnaboy and another at Clifden Hill.
Two more were singing at Lees Road Wood.
Five White Wagtail were seen at Clahane.
A Peregrine was at Eagle’s Rock.
Thursday 15th April 2010
Two Kingfisher were seen at Dromoland.
Five Great Northern Diver were seen on Doolough Lake
A female Hen Harrier and five Woodcock were in Mullagh.
Wednesday 14th April 2010
An Osprey was found today North of Ennistymon this evening (Chris Pappiet),
along with one second year Glaucous Gull. 
Two Blackcap were singing in Lees Road Wood this evening.
Another was heard at Ballyallia Lake.
Five Black-throated Diver,15 Red-throated Diver,10 Whimbrel and one adult Mediterranean Gull were seen close to Corconroo on the Clare Galway border.
Monday 12th April 2010
Two Buzzards were near Kilbane, Broadford.
A Blackcap was singing at Ballyallia this evening.
Sunday 11th April 2010
One male Cuckoo was calling at Applewood, Ballycar along with two male Blackcaps
and three Water Rails on Ballycar Lough.
A male Blackcap was at Ballyallia Lake.
A Raven was seen at Larchill Ennis.
Saturday 10th April 2010
The female GOOSANDER was still at Ardcloony (Paul Troake), along with
the male and female Scaup and five Goldeneye.
There were seven Black-throated Divers  two Red-throated Divers and 96 Great Northern Divers 
off the Flaggy Shore.
Four Common Terns were at Poulnasherry Bay along with three Little Egrets and 40 Brent Geese.
There were seven Yellowhammers at Mullaghmore.
One Little Egret was at Lough Onchiquin.
Three Water Rails and one Melin were at Rinnamona, Kilnaboy.
One male Blackcap was at Ballyea, Inagh.
One male Blackcap was at Rath Lake, Corofin.
One male Blackcap was just south of Killaloe.
One male Blackcap was at Applewood, Ballycar along with two Greylag Geese.
There were 12 Whooper Swans at Ballygireen.
Friday 9th April 2010
One drake Eider was at the Flaggy Shore along with one  Black-throated Diver.
There were 100 Brent Geese between Ballyvaughan and the Flaggy Shore.
Four Yellowhammers were at Mullaghmore, the Burren.
One Male Blackcap was at Applewood, Ballycar.
One male Blackcap was at Moys, Killaloe.
A male and female Scaup were at Ardclooney.

Thursday 8th April 2010
One female Hen  Harrier was at Woodcock Hill.
One male Blackcap was singing at Applewood, Ballycar and a late redwing was also at Applewood.
Wednesday 7th April 2010
One male Blackcap was singing at Applewood, Ballycar while two
Greylag Geese flew east over the area.
Tuesday 6th April 2010
The female GOOSANDER was still at Ardcloony (Clodagh Glasgow & James Hayes).
There were two Black-throated Divers and 27 Brent Geese at the Rine, Ballyvaughan.
One Little Egret was at Skeghanagh, Clarecastle.
One male Blackcap was singing at Applewood, Ballycar.
Another male Blackcap was singing at Lough Atedaun.
One male Blackcap was singing at Rath Lough.
There were 15 Yellowhammers at Mullaghmore in the Burren.
Ten Whooper Swans were at Knockaunroe, Corofin.
Goosander at Ardcloony © James Hayes
Yellowhammer at Mullagmore © Jeff Copner 
Monday 5th April 2010
The Red-necked Grebe, one Black-throated Diver and one Long-tailed Duck was at
Doorus near the Clare/Galway border (Dave McNamara).
There were 69 Great Northern Divers off Black Head. 
Sunday 4th April 2010
Three WHITE-TAILED EAGLES were seen circling high over Kilmaley
heading in the direction of Corofin (Darren Reddington).
The drake Green-winged Teal was still at Burrin Lake (Tim Griffin).
There were 20 Black-throated Divers off the Flaggy Shore.
There were five Whimbrel over Applewood Ballycar this evening and a
male Blackcap was singing on site all day.
One Dipper was on the Claureen River.
Saturday 3rd April 2010
The PIED-BILLED GREBE was still at Lough Atedaun (James Hayes & Clodagh Glasgow).
There were also a mixed flock of 100 hirundines at Lough Atedaun.
The female GOOSANDER was also still at Ardcloony (John N Murphy & John Rattigan),
along with one House Martin and a mixed flock of hirundines.
One first-winter Iceland Gull and 78 Brent Geese were at Clahane.
Seven Little Egrets and four Water Rails were at Shannon Airport Lagoon.
Four Yellowhammers were at Mullaghmore.
Two Dippers were at the Falls in Ennistymon.
Seven Sandwich Terns were between Finvarra Point and Doorus.
A flock of 90 Brent Geese were near the graveyard at Lisscannor.
Friday 2nd April 2010
One Dipper was on the Claureen River near Kilmaley.
Thursday 1st April 2010

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