Spotted Flycatcher at Kilbaha John N Murphy
At Loop Head today there was one Spotted Flycatcher, one Chiffchaff, two Redpolls, 26 Skylarks, 43 Wheatears, 44 Golden Plover, six Snipe, 200 Meadow Pipit, three Sparrowhawks, one Tree Sparrow, ten Chaffinches, 16 Chough and two Whimbrel. At Cloghaun Lough there was one Ruff, one Water Rail, one Bar-tailed Godwit, two Greenshank, 25 Curlew and ten Teal. There were two Green Sandpipers at Lough Gash, Newmarket-on-Fergus. Five Little Egrets were at Querrin. At the Shannon Airport Lagoon outing this morning there were 700 Black-tailed Godwits, 20 Lapwing, 15 Curlew 12 Shoveler, eight Wigeon, one Little Egret, two Wheatears and two Clouded Yellow Butterflies. There were 46 Snipe and two Wheatear at Kilcredaun Marsh.One Chiffchaff was at Spanish Point.
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