Clare Bird Sightings

Sunday 19th October 2014

One Yellow-browed Warbler was in Kilbaha (Keith Langdon, Simon Mitchell and Finbarr McGabhann).  Also at Loop Head was one Snow Bunting, one Jack Snipe, six Chiffchaff, one Wheatear, one Brent Goose and over 100 Golden Plover.  Off the Bridges of Ross there was one juvenile Long-tailed Skua (Keith Langdon & Simon Mitchell), along with seven Pomarine Skuas, 11 Arctic Skuas, five Bonxies, 16 Sooty Shearwaters, two Storm Petrels and four Arctic Terns.  There were 21 Pomarine Skuas, four Bonxies and two Grey Phalaropes off Hags Head.  One Curlew Sandpiper was at Clahane, Liscannor.

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