Clare Bird Sightings


Carrigaholt © John N Murphy
Carrigaholt is 6km from Kilkee. Take road No. R488. Much of the coastline around the village has public access, making viewing of the bay extremely easy.
There is a picnic area along the seafront entering into the village on the Kilkee road. There is also a car park in the center of the village and next to the castle on the new pier.
In winter the bay can have Great Northern Diver, Cormorant, Black Guillemot, a small flock of Brent Geese with the occasional Greater Scaup, Red-breasted Merganser, and Red-throated Diver. The beach and rocky shore hold wildfowl and wading birds like, Teal, Wigeon, Mallard, Oystercatcher, Grey Golden, and Ringed Plovers, Redshank, Greenshank, Curlew, Dunlin, Sanderling Turnstone and the odd Bar-tailed Godwit.
Scarce migrants have included Little Egrets, Green and Common Sandpipers, all observed  up the Moyarta River that flows under the main bridge on approach to the village from Kilkee.  Common Eider, Little, Glaucous and Iceland gulls, Great and Arctic Skuas have all been observed from the top of the main pier wall on open water beyond the castle. Gannets sometimes perch on the pier wall and Black Guillemot nest in the walls and have nested in the old castle.

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