Category Archives: Limerick Sightings

Sunday 17th September 2023

Sunday 17th September 2023

Yellow-legged Gull ©Tom Tarpey

Six Ruff were still at Camas North today along with five Lapwing, seven Snipe, three Ringed Plover, a Black-tailed Godwit, 60 Teal and 500 Lesser Black-backed Gulls (Geoff Hunt).
An adult Yellow-legged Gull was at Clancy’s Strand (TT).

Friday 15th September 2023

Friday 15th September 2023

Juvenile Ruff ©Geoff Hunt

Six Ruff (2m & 4f), 14 Snipe, six Lapwing, 84 Teal, 180 Lesser Black-backed Gulls and an adult Yellow-legged Gull were at Camas North, Bruff (Geoff Hunt & Tom Tarpey).

Thursday 14th September 2023

Six Ruff, three Snipe, six Lapwing, 60 Teal, a Black-tailed Godwit and 45 Lesser Black-backed Gulls were at Camas North, Bruff (Geoff Hunt).

Tuesday 12th September 2023

Tuesday 12th September 2023

Juvenile White-tailed Eagles ©Tom Tarpey

A Spotted Redshank was at Camas, Bruff (Paidi Cullinane).
Two juvenile White-tailed Eagles were at Ballydonohue, Glin. These birds, tagged Red Right, Green Left, nos. 20 and 26, are part of this year’s release of introduced birds(TT).
202 Redshank, nine Greenshank, 50 Black-tailed Godwits, 13 Bar-tailed Godwits, a Common Sandpiper , three Mediterranean Gulls, 39 Little Egrets and a Buzzard were at Tarbert Bay (TT).
73 Ringed Plover, 33 Oystercatchers, 20 Curlew, six Dunlin and five Turnstone were roosting at high tide near Glin (TT).

Saturday 9th September 2023

Saturday 9th September 2023

Great White Egret ©Geoff Hunt

A Great White Egret was seen at Loughill during the local BWI branch outing (Geoff Hunt et al.).This is the first verified record of the species in Limerick.

Monday 4th September 2023

One Buzzard was soaring over the Rathkeale by-pass. (Nuala and Tom Lynch)

Wednesday 30th August 2023

Wednesday 30th August 2023

Juvenile Spotted Redshank at Charleville Lagoons John N Murphy

One Spotted Redshank, three Green Sandpipers, one Common Sandpiper, two Ruff, two Ringed Plover, a Pochard and a Kingfisher were at the Charleville Lagoons (John N Murphy).
A Buzzard was at Patrickswell. (JNM).

Thursday 24th August 2023

Two Swifts were in Limerick City (Pearse Ryan).

Saturday 19th August 2023

62 Gadwall, 10 Mallard, 11 Tufted Duck, three Pochard, two Swift, 65 Coot, 26 Little Grebes and a Sedge Warbler were at the Coonagh Wetlands (TT).

Monday 7th August 2023

A Spotted Flycatcher and two Stock Doves were at Pallasgreen (Patrick Bailey).
Two Buzzards were at Clashganniff (Clodagh Glasgow).

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