Category Archives: Limerick Sightings

Tuesday 21st April 2020

A Cuckoo was at Cappagh (Pat Fitzgerald).
Five Buzzards were at Crecora (Derek Casey) and single birds were at Ballinruane (Andrew Holmes) and Liskennet.

Monday 20th April 2020

A Cuckoo was at Crecora (Derek Casey).

Sunday 19th April 2020

A Whitethroat was at Westfields.

Thursday 16th April 2020

A Cuckoo was at Clondrinagh.
Three Buzzards were seen near Ballingarry (Andrew Holmes).

Tuesday 14th April 2020

A Cuckoo was at Ballingarry (Andrew Holmes).
A Buzzard was at Kantoher being mobbed by a Kestrel.
Four Crossbills were at Lough Ghé.
Two House Martins were at Crecora (Derek Casey).

Saturday 11th April 2020

A House Martin and a late Redwing were at Crecora. Two Chiffchaffs and a Buzzard were also present((Derek Casey).
A Swallow was at Monaleen (TT).

Thursday 9th April 2020

Swallows were reported at Mill Road, Corbally (a pair) and New Road, Thomond Gate today.
Four Buzzards were at Prospect (Donal Coughlan).
A Buzzard was at Crecora (Derek Casey).

Wednesday 8th April 2020

Three Willow Warblers, three Chiffchaffs and a Blackcap were at Gooig Bog.
Two Buzzards were at Ballycummin.
Two Swallows were Kilmeedy(Andrew Holmes)

Tuesday 7th April 2020

A Buzzard was at Newcastle West (Geoff Hunt).

Monday 6th April 2020

Two Swallows were at Accrour Bridge, Dromcolliher (Andrew Holmes).
A single Swallow was at Newcastle West (Geoff Hunt).
A Buzzard was at Cloncunna, Ballysimon (TT).

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