Category Archives: Limerick Sightings

Wednesday 7th March 2018

Wednesday  7th March 2018

3rd winter Iceland Gull ©Geoff Hunt

A 3rd winter(4cy) Iceland Gull was at Harvey’s Quay today (Geoff Hunt). This is at least the sixth Iceland type gull in Limerick so far this winter in what is proving to be a bumper influx.
A Common Sandpiper was at Corbally (GH).
A pair of Gadwall was at Westfields (GH).
Buzzards were seen at Dooradoyle (Clare/Limerick Bird News) and an undisclosed location (Irishbirding) in the County.

Monday 5th March 2018

Buzzards were seen at Rosbrien, Glenwilliam and Ballingarry (Andrew Holmes).
A Blackcap was at Monaleen (TT).

Sunday 4th March 2018

Buzzards were seen at Raheen, Attyflin and Kilmeedy (andrew Holmes).

Saturday 3rd March 2018

Saturday 3rd March 2018

Redwing ©Tom Tarpey

Large numbers of Redwings and many other countryside birds such as Fieldfares, Meadow Pipits and Reed Buntings have moved into suburban gardens in the past few days in search of better feeding opportunities following the recent snowfall.

Friday 2nd March 2018

Friday 2nd March 2018

Snipe ©Geoff Hunt

A Brambling was in a garden at the Fairgreen, Limerick City (Clare/Limerick Bird News).
The 1st winter Kumlien’s Gull was at Harvey’s Quay. A Meadow Pipit was an unusual visitor there on the shoreline as well(TT).
A 1st winter Iceland Gull and two Redshank were at O’Callaghan’s Strand (TT).
A Blackcap, two Redwing and a Snipe were in a garden at Newcastle West(Geoff Hunt).
Eight Golden Plover(flyover), a Snipe, eight Redwing and a Blackcap were at Monaleen(TT).
Two Lapwings were in a garden at Ballysimon (per Irishbirding).

Tuesday 27th February 2018

The 1st winter Kumlien’s Gull was at O’Callaghan’s Strand and two 1st winter Iceland Gulls were at Harvey’s Quay (Jeff Copner)

Monday 26th February 2018

A Blackcap was at Monaleen (TT).
A Buzzard was at Glenwilliam (Andreww Holmes).

Friday 23rd February 2018

The 1st winter Kumlien’s Gull and two 1st winter Iceland Gulls were at Bishops Quay (TT).
An adult Ring-billed Gull was at O’Callaghan’s Strand (TT).
A Buzzard was at Rosbrien (TT).

Thursday 22nd February 2018

Six Buzzards were seen near Ballingarry and a single bird was also at Kilfinny. (Paddy Dunworth).

Sunday 18th February 2018

A 1st winter Kumlien’s Gull and two 1st winter Iceland Gulls were seen at O’Callaghan’s Strand during the Branch outing this morning (TT et al)

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