Category Archives: Scarce & Rare Bird Sightings

September 2010

Thursday 30th September 2010
There were 50 Bar-tailed Godwits at Seafield, Quilty.
Bar-tailed Godwit © John N Murphy
Wednesday 29th September 2010
One Jay was just south of Corofin.
A flock of 250 Wigeon were at Lough Murree.
Tuesday 28th September 2010
The Black Tern was back at Lough Atedaun along with one female Hen Harrier.
A flock of 106 Black-tailed Godwit were at Ballyallia.
Monday 27th September 2010
A flock of 50 Snipe were at Lough George this morning.
A small group of 16 Black-tailed Godwits were at Lough Gash along with one Peregrine.
Another flock of 52 Black-tailed Godwit were at Ballyallia.
Sunday 26th September 2010
One Pink-footed Goose was near Kilcredaun Marsh.
A Snow Bunting and two Lapland Buntings were at the Bridges of Ross.
One Willow Warbler was at Kilbaha.
One Spotted Redshank, nine Little Egrets and 300 Teal were at Moyasta.
Pink-footed Goose near Kilcredaun © John N Murphy
Saturday 25th September 2010
The Blue-winged Teal was still at the Shannon Airport Lagoon (John N Murphy), along with 25 Shoveler, six Gadwall, 140 Teal, 1,200 Black-tailed Godwits, 120 Golden Plover, four Little Egrets and five Water Rails.
One Pectoral Sandpiper was at lough Atedaun. 
There were 32 Bar-tailed Godwits and four White Wagtails at Quilty Beach.
There were three Little Egrets at Moyasta.
One Little Egret was at Doonbeg.
Two Chough were at Lough Donnell.
Friday 24th September 2010
One Green Sandpiper was a near Querrin Point with two Little Egrets were at Querrin Creek.
Thursday 23rd September 2010
The Black Tern was back at Lough Atedaun.
At the Bridges of Ross there was one immature Sabine’s Gull, six Arctic Skuas and four Grey Phalaropes.
One Pink-footed Goose was near Kilcredaun Marsh.
On Loop Head there were three Wheatears, five Chough, one Merlin, one Peregrine and 18 Rock Doves.
There was one Green Sandpiper and one Common Sandpiper at Clarecastle Quay.
Wednesday 22nd September 2010
There was a drake Eider off Aughinish Island this afternoon along with 40 Black Guillemots and three Sandwich Terns.
Along the shore near Aughinish were two Wheatears and ten Little Egrets. 
There was a flock of 18 Chough at Baltard Bay, Doonbeg.
Two Little Egrets were at Querrin.
Tuesday 21st September 2010
The juvenile Black Tern was still at Lough Atedaun.
One Green Sandpiper and a Kingfisher were at Moyasta.
Sunday 19th September 2010
Six Lapland Buntings were in Kilbaha village.
Saturday 18th September 2010
The Buff-breasted Sandpiper was at Loop Head again today (Finbarr MacGabhann).
Also on the Loop Head peninsula were nine Lapland Buntings and one Snow Bunting.
Off the Bridges of Ross there were six Bonxies, three Arctic Skuas, five Common Scoter and a Whimbrel.
A single Roseate Tern was on the beach at Kilkee.
Two Curlew Sandpipers and a Kingfisher were at Blackweir Bridge.
There were seven Little Egrets were at Poulnasherry Bay.
Friday 17th September 2010
One immature Blue-winged Teal was at the Shannon Airport Lagoon this afternoon (John N Murphy) and two Garganey, 12 Little Egrets, eight Gadwall, seven Water Rails and one Peregrine.
Ten Lapland Buntings and five Snow Buntings were on Loop Head. 
One Black Tern was Lough Atedaun.
One Arctic Skua, one Curlew Sandpiper and eight Chough were at Doonbeg.
Snow Bunting at Loop Head © James Hayes
Thursday 16th September 2010
The Buff-breasted Sandpiper was back on Loop Head with 12 Golden Plover (Howard Williams).
Three Sabine’s Gulls and a Black Tern were at the Bridges of Ross.
Four Pink-footed Geese flew over Kilbaha, while eight Lapland Buntings were found up the headland.
Two Lapland Buntings were at Poulnadsherry Bay.
One Lapland Bunting and five Wheatears were at Lough Donnell.
Buff-breasted Sandpiper with Golden Plover at Loop Head © Howard Williams
Lapland Bunting at Lough Donnlell © Dave McNamara
Wednesday 15th September 2010
At the Bridges of Ross today there was one Balearic Shearwater, 20 Sooty Shearwaters, 1,000 Manx Shearwaters, 13 Leach’s Petrels, four Storm Petrels, five Pomarine Skuas, 46 Arctic Skuas, 36 Bonxies, five Sabine’s Gulls, 134 Arctic Terns, one Common Tern, 19 Sandwich Terns, 45 Grey Phalaropes, 27 Common Scoter, 10 Red-throated Divers, one Great Northern Diver, one Puffin, five Wigeon, three Teal and 17 Brent Geese.
Off the Blue Pools near Kilkee there were four Bonxies, one Pomarine Skua, one Arctic Skua, one Leach’s Petrel, two juvenile Sabine’s Gulls, ten Arctic Terns, one Red-throated Diver and 31 Grey Phalaropes.
Knot landing on rocks at the Bridges of Ross © John N Murphy
Tuesday 14th September 2010
At the Bridges of Ross today there was one Wilson’s Storm Petrel (John N Murphy et al), 180 plus Leach’s Petrels, 24 Storm Petrels, 130 plus Sooty Shearwaters, one Balearic Shearwater, 1,500 Manx Shearwaters, one adult Long-tailed Skua (Niall T Keogh), 44 Arctic Skuas, 11 Pomarine Skuas, 93 Bonxies, 37 Sabine’s Gulls, 420 Arctic Terns, one Common Tern, one juvenile Black Tern, 34 Sandwich Terns, one juvenile Little Gull, 40 Grey Phalaropes, eight Common Scoter, 14 Red-throated Divers, two Puffins, 13 Whimbrel and one Sunfish.
There were 14 Lapland Buntings at the Fodry, Loop Head.
Off the Blue Pools, Kilkee today there were ten juvenile Sabine’s Gulls, three Arctic Skuas, one Bonxie, one Red-throated Diver, one Grey Phalarope and 20 Arctic Terns.
Arctic Skuas off the Bridges of Ross © John N Murphy
Distant shots of Leach’s Petrels off the Bridges of Ross © John N Murphy 
Bonxie with Arctic Terns passing the Bridges of Ross © John N Murphy
Monday 13th September 2010
At the Bridges of Ross today there were 27 Bonxies, one Balearic Shearwater, 86 Sooty Shearwaters, 152 Manx Shearwaters, two Pomarine Skuas, four Arctic Skuas, four Leach’s Petrels, 39 Storm Petrels, four Common Scoter, and one Merlin.  There was a Sabine’s Gull and one Fin Whale off Loop Head.
There were three Curlew Sandpipers, two Ruff, a female Hen Harrier and ten Little Egrets at the Shannon Airport Lagoon.
Sunday 12th September 2010
There was a juvenile Blue-winged Teal at the Shannon Airport Lagoon (Owen Foley).
At the Bridges of Ross today there were three Sabine’s Gulls, 45 Bonxies, nine Arctic Skuas, 13 Leach’s Petrels, 3 Storm Petrels, 36 Sooty Shearwaters, 84 Manx Shearwaters, 16 Arctic Terns, 188 Sandwich Terns and six Red-throated Divers.
Saturday 11th September 2010
A Buff-breasted Sandpiper was at the tip of Loop Head (Owen Foley).
At the Bridges of Ross there were two Wilson’s Petrels (Owen Foley), one Pectoral Sandpiper, 170 Leach’s Petrels, six Storm Petrels, one Great Shearwater, 80 Sooty Shearwaters, 80 Bonxies, 45 Arctic Skuas, four Pomarine Skuas, six Sabine’s Gulls, one Little Gull, 20 Black terns, sic Arctic Terns, 35 Grey Phalaropes, two Red-throated Divers and eight Lapland Buntings.
Three Lapland Buntings were near Kilcredaun Marsh.
There were 16 Curlew Sandpipers and one Peregrine at the Shannon Airport Lagoon.
Three Curlew Sandpipers were at Seafield, Quilty.
One Kingfisher was at Lough Inchiquin.
Bonxie at Bridges of Ross © John N Murphy
Black Tern far out at sea off the Bridges of Ross © John N Murphy
Red-throated Divers flying past the Bridges of Ross © John N Murphy
Friday 10th September 2010
There were 15 Curlew Sandpipers at the Shannon Airport Lagoon along with 20 Ruff, 50 Knot, 1,000 Black-tailed Godwits, 300 Dunlin, nine Grey Plover, five Little Egrets, three Water Rails and one female Hen Harrier.
Wednesday 8th September 2010
A juvenile Black Tern was at Lough Atedaun.
One Spotted Redshank and a Little Egret were at Clenagh Bay, Newmarket-on-Fergus.
One Common Sandpiper was at Clahane.
Black Tern on the southern shore of Lough Atedaun © Dave McNamara
Common Sandpiper on the rocky beach at Clahane © Dave McNamara
Tuesday 7th September 2010
There were three Grey Phalaropes, seven Arctic Skuas, four Bonxies, four Common Scoters, eight Arctic Terns and three Sandwich Terns off the Bridges of Ross.
Five Lapland Buntings, one Spotted Flycatcher, one Willow Warbler, one Peregrine , one female Hen Harrier, 15 Wheatears and ten Chough were at Loop Head.
A young male Sparrowhawk at Kilbaha © John N Murphy
Monday 6th September 2010
One Glossy Ibis was at the Shannon Airport Lagoon (John N Murphy & Brian Finnegan), along with one Wood Sandpiper, two Ruff, 50 Knot, 1,800 Black-tailed Godwits, three Water Rails, 14 Little Egrets and three Wheatears.
The Spoonbill was back in the Shannon Airport Lagoon late this evening (James Hayes, Clodagh Glasgow and Sinead Glasgow).
There were 14 Curlew Sandpipers and a Little Egret at Lough Donnell.
One Common Sandpiper was at Clahane.
Curlew Sandpipers with Dunlin at Lough Donnell © Jeff Copner
Sunday 5th September 2010
The Glossy Ibis is showing well this morning at Lough Atedaun (Dave McNamara & Frank O’Duffy).
A Loop Head there was one Turtle Dove, one Pied Flycatcher, one male and one female Blackcap, three Spotted Flycatchers and a Willow Warbler.
One Lapland  Bunting was at the tip of Loop Head.
There are large numbers of Swallows building up on wires in preparation for migration.
Glossy Ibis at Lough Atedaun in flight showing no leg rings © Frank O’Duffy
A young Swallow chick flys low over water to snatch a drink © John N Murphy
Saturday 4th September 2010
A juvenile Red-breasted Flycatcher was an early record and proved elusive at Gibson’s Garden, Loop Head (John N Murphy & Finbarr MacGabhann).
Also at Loop Head was one Pied Flycatcher, five Spotted Flycatchers, one juvenile Turtle Dove, three Lapland Buntings, 22 Rock Doves, three Chough, one Chiffchaff, one Willow Warbler and a Minke Whale was seen off the tip of Loop Head.
The American Golden Plover was at Moyasta (John N Murphy & Finbarr MacGabhann), along with one Spotted Redshank, one Kingfisher and 12 Little Egrets.
Lapland Buntings at Loop Head © John N Murphy
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Juvenile Turtle Dove in flight at Loop Head © John N Murphy
Friday 3rd September 2010
Two Glossy Ibises were at the Shannon Airport Lagoon this morning (John N Murphy), along with four Ruff, one female Hen Harrier, one juvenile Peregrine, 3,500 Black-tailed Godwits of which three were colour banded, 60 Wigeon, 300 Teal, ten Shoveler, four Gadwall, 26 Little Egrets and four Water Rails.
There was a Glossy Ibis in Lough Atedaun this evening (Dave McNamara).
The American Golden Plover and Spotted Redshank were still at Moyasta (Dave McNamara).
One Pied Flycather and ten Spotted Flycatchers were in gardens Loop Head.
At the tip of Loop Head there was 11 Lapland Buntings.
One juvenile Curlew Sandpiper was at Seafield.
A male Ruff and a female Hen Harrier were at Lough Donnell.
Two Little Egrets were at Ballycorrick Bridge.
Glossy Ibis at Lough Atedaun © Dave McNamara
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Female hen Harrier hunting the reedbeds at Shannon Airport Lagoon © John N Murphy
Pied Flycatcher at Kilbaha © Dave McNamara
Spotted Flycatcher at Kilbaha one of ten © Dave McNamara
Thursday 2nd  September 2010
The American Golden Plover was still at Moyasta along with a Spotted Redshank (Howard Willians & Chris Cullen).
At Loop Head there were six Spotted Flycatchers.
One Grey Phalarope, a Peregrine, one Hen Harrier and six Wheatears were at the Bridges of Ross.
One Curlew Sandpiper, 20 Dunlin, 20 Sanderling and 30 Bar-tailed Godwits were between Seafield and Quilty Beach.
One Ruff and seven Wheatears were at Lough Donnell.
American Golden Plover at Moyasta © Howard Williams
Wednesday 1st September 2010
The American Golden Plover, three Curlew Sandpipers and nine Little Egrets were at Moyasta (James Hayes & John N Murphy).
A Marsh Harrier flew in off the sea at the Bridges of Ross, while 15 Lapland Bunting and and one Spotted Flycatcher were around the Lighthouse at Loop Head.
Two more Lapland Buntings were on the road to Cloghaun  Lough east of Kilbaha.
Four Spotted Flycatchers were in the gardens of Kilbaha and a White Wagtail was in the pond in the harbour.
One Green Sandpiper was at the Claureen river attenuation Pond.
Three Curlew Sandpipers were at Lough Donnell.
There were 18 Knot and a Peregrine at Quilty Beach.
Two Whimbrel were at Rinneville beach.
There were 40 juvenile Black-tailed Godwits, 34 Curlew and three Little Egrets at Ballycorrick Bridge.
Lapland Bunting one of four at the tip of Loop Head this morning © John N Murphy
Spotted Flycatcher on the Lighthouse Wall at Loop Head © John N Murphy
Juvenile Black-tailed Godwits at Ballycorrick Bridge this evening © John N Murphy
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August 2010

Tuesday 31st August 2010
One Glossy ibis was at the Shannon Airport Lagoon (John N Murphy), along with one Curlew Sandpiper, 200 Dunlin, two Ruff, 36 Little Egrets, 3,000 Black-tailed Godwits, 20 Knot, 200 Redshank, five Water Rail, 30 Wigeon and four Gadwall.
One Balearic, one Sooty Shearwaters, three Storm Petrels, one Bonxie, one dark phased Arctic Skua, two Arctic Terns, seven Common Scoter and one Puffin were at the Bridges of Ross.
A Swift was seen over New Road Ennis
Monday 30th August 2010
The American Golden Plover was at Moyasta this morning (Andy Clifton, Steve Web, John N Murphy, Brian Finnegan et al).
Two Wood Sandpipers were at Shannon Airport Lagoon.
There were 22 Lapland Buntings at Loop Head Peninsula, 14 of which were on the Fodry, seven at the Bridges and one at the tip of the headland.
At the Bridges of Ross there were three Bonxies, one Arctic Skua, one Sooty Shearwater, five Common Scoter, one Black Guillemot, and one Arctic Tern.
One dark phased Arctic Skua was seen chasing amogs’t a flock of 300 Manx Shearwaters off Loop Head.
Also on the headland there were 12 Wheatears, four Chough, five Raven and six Golden Plover.
One Curlew Sandpiper, four Knot, and four little egrets and a Peregrine were at lough Donnell.
One Green Sandpiper was at Ballycorrick Bridge.
Three Common Sandpipers and a Whimbrel were at Islandavanna, Clarecastle.
One Ruff and two Kingfishers were at Doonbeg.
Curlew Sandpiper at Lough Donnell © Dave McNamara
Golden Plovers at Loop Head © John N Murphy
Sunday 29th August 2010
Two Glossy Ibises were back at the Shannon Airport Lagoon today  (John N Murphy & Geoff Hunt).
Also at the Lagoon were three Ruff, 16 Little Egrets, five Water Rails and over 3,000 Black-tailed Godwits on the mudflats with 30 Knot and 400 Redshank.
Four Lapland Buntings were seen near the Bridges of Ross.
At the Bridges of Ross there were five Balearic Shearwaters, two Leach’s Petrels, one Storm Petrel, 26 Arctic Skuas, 14 Bonxie, two Grey Phalaropes, 14 Arctic Terns, one Black Guillemot, two Common Scoter, two Puffins, 12 Teal, one Minke Whale and a Leather-backed Turtle.
Two Ruff were at Lough Atedaun.
One Common Sandpiper and a Little Egret were at the Lough, Doonbeg.
One juvenile Knot was a good inland record at Mullaghmore, the Burren.
Lapland Bunting at Bridges of Ross © Jeff Copner
Saturday 28th August 2010
The American Golden Plover was at Moyasta Creek (James Hayes, Clodagh Glasgow and Finbarr MacGabhann).
At the Bridges of Ross today the seawatch produced two Sabine’s Gulls, three Balearic Shearwaters, two Sooty Shearwaters, on 3rd cal Pomarine Skua, six Arctic Skuas, four Bonxies, 18 Arctic Terns, a juvenile Little Gull, two Puffins, one Grey Phalarope, three Common Scoter, one Great Northern Diver, one Red-throated Diver and one Merlin.
There were seven Lapland Buntings on the headland at Loop Head, while three were still at the Bridges of Ross.
Two Glossy Ibises were at the Shannon Airport Lagoon this evening (John N Murphy, Gerry Butler & Tony Mee).
Also at the Lagoon were 26 Little Egrets, ten Water Rail, one Ruff, 1,400 Black-tailed Godwits, five Wigeon, ten Shoveler, four Gadwall and a female Hen Harrier.
Lapland Bunting near the Bridges of Ross © James Hayes.
Friday 27th August 2010
A Glossy Ibis was at the Shannon Airport Lagoon this afternoon (John N Murphy & Brian Finnegan).
Also at the Lagoon was the Spoonbill, 20 Ruff, 3,000 Black-tailed Godwits, 24 Knot, 22 Little Egrets and four Water Rails.
The adult American Golden Plover was showing well at Moyasta Creek (Mark Sutton et al).
Four Lapland Buntings were west of the Bridges of Ross today, but there was little seabird migration with only one Sooty Shearwater, one pale phased Arctic Skua, one Bonxie and two Common Scoters.
Two White Wagtails were in Kilbaha, with 19 Chough on the headland.
There were three White Wagtails at Kilcredaun Marsh.
Glossy Ibis at the Shannon Airport Lagoon © John N Murphy
This bird was not wearing any colour rings
Thursday 26th August 2010
The American Golden Plover was still at Moyasta today (John N Murphy, Brian Finnegan, Niall & Noel T Keogh), along with one Kingfisher.
Two Lapland Buntings were at the Bridges of Ross this morning along with one Balearic Shearwater,
one Arctic Skua, one Bonxie and a light passage of Manx Shearwaters.
One Ruff was at Lough Atedaun, while two Kingfishers were at Lough Inchiquin.
One Knot at Mullaghmore, the Burren was a good inland record.
Spotted Flycatchers are still feeding young at a garden in Clarecastle.
Adult American Golden Plover at Moyasta © John N Murphy
Adult Spotted Flycatcher at Manusmore © Brian Finnegan
Wednesday 25th August 2010
The American Golden Plover was back at Moyasta this evening (Ian Boustead et al), along with one Green Sandpiper.
One Wood Sandpiper and a Green Sandpiper were at Claureen River attenuation pond.
The sub-adult  Glaucous Gull was at Cappagh Kilrush.
A dark-phased Arctic Skua was at the Flaggy Shore today.
Five Arctic Skuas, seven Bonxies and a Blue Fulmar were at the Bridges of Ross.
Two Common Sandpipers were at the Lough, Doonbeg.
One Common Sandpioer, one White Wagtail and two Knot were at Lough Donnell.
One Kingfisher and a White Wagtail were at the Skivileen River, Doonbeg.
Glaucous Gull at Cappagh Pier Kilrush © John N Murphy
Knots at Lough Donnell © John N Murphy
Tuesday 24th August 2010
A Fea’s (Soft-plumaged) Petrel just flew past the Bridges of Ross (Ian Boustead et al) (9.00), also at the Bridges this morning were one Wilson’s Storm Petel (Tom Tarpey), four Sabine’s Gulls and two Leach’s Petrels, six Sooty Shearwaters, six Great Skuas, six Arctic Skuas, three Puffins, 41 Arctic Terns, ten Storm Petrels and two Ruff were in Kilbaha.
An adult summer American Golden Plover was seen from the railway bridge at Moyasta this afternoon (Robert Vaughan & Conor Foley).
One Wood Sandpiper remained at the Claureen River attenuation ponds Ennis this afternoon.
A juvenile Spotted Redshank, five Ruff and 27 Little Egrets, four Water Rails , one female Hen Harrier and 1,500 Black-tailed Godwits  were at the Shannon Airport Lagoon.
American Golden Plover at Moyasta © Robert Vaughan
Wood Sandpiper at the Claureen River Attenuation Pond © Jeff Copner
A grey looking Chiffchaff at Clarecastle © Brian Finnegan
Monday 23rd August 2010
At the Bridges of Ross today there was one adult Sabine’s Gull,  three Pomarine Skua, 13 Arctic Skuas, 14 Bonxies, five Balearic Shearwaters, 16 Sooty Shearwaters , seven Grey Phalaropes, four Storm Petrels, one Blue Fulmar, 30 Arctic Terns, 12 Sandwich Terns, five Puffins, one Common Scoter, 12 Black-tailed Godwits and 14 Brent Geese.
Two Wood Sandpipers and one Green Sandpiper were at the Claureen River attenuation 
ponds in Ennis.
Grey Phalarope off the Bridges of Ross © Rob Vaughan
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Two different Wood Sandpipers at the Claureen attanuation pond © John N Murphy
Sunday 22nd August 2010
One juvenile Long-tailed Skua was at the Bridges of Ross (Finbarr MacGabhann, John N Murphy et al).
Also at the Bridges were two adult Sabine’s Gulls, one Black Tern, eight Arctic Terns, seven Balearic Shearwaters, 15 Sooty Shearwaters, 17 Storm Petrels one Leach’s Petrel, three Pomarine Skuas, 10 Arctic Skuas, three Bonxies ,14 Common Scoter, one Grey Phalarope and good passage of wading birds.
One sub adult Glaucous Gull was at Cappa Pier, Kilrush.
Glaucous Gull at Cappa Pier © James Hayes
Long-tailed Skua at Bridges of Ross © Jim Nolan
Dunlin feeding on the shore near Lough Donnell © John N Murphy
Turnstone at Loop Head © John N Murphy
Saturday 21st August 2010
One adult and one juvenile Long-tailed Skuas were at the Bridges of Ross (Alan Clewes, Geoff Hunt et al).
Also at the Bridges there was one adult Sabine’s Gull,  two Great Shearwaters , two Balearic Shearwaters, over 30 Sooty Shearwaters, three Bonxies, one Arctic Skua, one Pomarine Skua and six Storm Petrels.
One sub-adult Glaucous Gull was at Kilrush.
Over 1,000 Black-tailed Godwits and one Ruff were at the Shannon Airport Lagoon.
Friday 20th August 2010
At the Bridges of Ross this morning there were two adult Sabine’s Gulls, 
two Balearic Shearwaters and 12 Sooty Shearwaters so far (10 am).
One Spotted Redshank and two Ruff were at the Shannon Airport Lagoon
Thursday 19th August 2010
All was fairly quiet at the Bridges of Ross this morning with only one Balearic Shearwater,
a handfull of Sooty Shearwaters and one Pomarine Skua.
A Spotted Redshank, nine Little Egret and a Water Rail were at the Shannon Airport Lagoon
along with 1,000 Black-tailed Godwit.
One first year Mediterranean Gull and a Green Sandpiper were at Ballycorrick Bridge, Ballynacally.
Wednesday 18th August 2010
At the Bridges of Ross there were four Great Shearwaters, three Balearic shearwaters, 
over 40 Sooty Shearwaters, seven Arctic Skuas, one Pomarine Skua, 14 Bonxies, eight Storm
Petrels, six Puffins, one all white albino Fulmar, one Red-throated Diver, one Common Scoter,
ten Arctic Terns, 16 Sanderling, five Whimbrel, one Merlin, three Sun Fish and one Basking Shark.
Tuesday 17th August 2010
The Buff-breasted Sandpiper was still at Lough Donnell this morning (Brian Finnegan & Austin Cooney).
Also at Lough Donnell were two Ruff.
At the Bridges of Ross today were four Great Shearwaters, 13 Sooty Shearwaters,
four Arctic Skuas, three Bonxies, one Pomarine Skua, nine Storm Petrels, one Blue Fulmar
and a Minke Whale.
One Ruff, 14 Little Egrets, four Water Rail and 500 Black-tailed Godwits were at the
Shannon Airport Lagoon.
A dark phased Buzzard was seen hunting near the Claureen River Attenuation pond this evening.
Buff-breasted Sandpiper at Lough Donnell © John N Murphy
Monday 16th August 2010
The Buff-breasted Sandpiper was at Lough Donnell again today (John N Murphy, Stan Nugent &
Dave McNamara)(11.55 am).
Also at Lough Donnell were two Ruff, two Knot and 60 Snipe.
One adult Roseate Tern was at the mouth of the Skivileen River near Doughmore.
Two Common Sandpipers were at Doonbeg Lough.
One juvenile Little Gull was at Killimer. along with three Bar-tailed Godwits.
Three Little Egrets were at Poulnasherry Bay along with a colour banded Curlew.
One Balearic Shearwatwater was off the Bridges of Ross.
Buff-breasted Sandpiper at Lough Donnell © John N Murphy
Buff-breasted Sandpiper bottom left flying with Dunlin and one Snipe © John N Murphy
Roseate Tern at the Skivileen River still very rare in Clare © John N Murphy
Sunday 15th August 2010
One Buff-breasted Sandpiper was at Lough Donnell this evening (Paul Troake).
Also at Lough Donnell were two Ruff, 53 Snipe and over 1,000 Swallows.
At the Bridges of Ross there was one Sooty Shearwater, six Balearic Shearwaters,
3,000 Manx Shearwaters and six Storm Petrels.
One Bonxie and 22 Chough were at Kilkee.
At the Shannon Airport Lagoon there was one Spotted Redshank, one Ruff and
23 Little Egrets.
Saturday 14th August 2010
At the Shannon Airport Lagoon today there was one Spotted Redshank, eight Water Rails, 
ten Little Egrets and one female Hen Harrier was observed taking a young Water Rail from 
the reedbeds This bird spent one hour hunting the lagoon before soaring high in the air and headed
south towards Limerick. Also in the Lagoon were 200 Sandmartins and over 80 House Martins.
On the mudflats there were 1,200 Black-tailed Godwits and 80 Curlew.
Six Little Egrets were near Saints Island near Bunratty.
There were eight Arctic Terns, two Common Terns, 20 Sandwich Terns, one Knot and seven
Greenshank at Liscannor Harbour.
The Whooper Swan is still at Kilkee Reservoir.
Knot at Liscannor © Jeff Copner
Friday 13th August 2010
There were two Little Egrets and 32 Greenshank at Ballynacally Creek.
One Little Egret was at Ballycorrick Bridge.
One Little Egret was at Islandavanna.
A flock of 500 Sand Martins and 12 Arctic Terns were at Fenloe Lake.
There were 15 Arctic Terns, 22 Sandwich Terns and four Greenshank at Clahane, Liscannor.
There seem to be lots of Arctic Terns about over the past few days © Jeff Copner
This young Herring Gull wearing a Blue leg band was probably one ringed on
Mutton Island off Quilty earlier in the year © Jeff Copner
Thursday 12th August 2010
There was one adult Sabine’s Gull off the Bridges of Ross today along
with one Sooty Shearwater, one blue Fulmar, one Bonxie, one Puffin and eight Arctic terns.
The SPOONBILL was back at the Shannon Airport Lagoon along with seven Little Egrets.
Ten Little Egrets and 18 Greenshank were at Poulnasherry Bay.
Wednesday 11th August 2010
This morning at the Bridges of Ross there were two Sooty Shearwaters,
one Great Skua, five Arctic Skuas and one Red-throated Diver.
In the evening Manx Shearwater numbers built up to over 2,000 birds between 
the Bridges of Ross and Fodry Point with three Balearic Shearwaters within them. 
There was one Spotted Redshank, two Ruff, over 1,000 Black-tailed Godwits,
200 Dunlin, ten Knot, eight Ringed Plover, three Shoveler, two Gadwall, 22 Little
Egrets, 160 Redshank and one Water Rail at the Shannon Airport Lagoon. 
Tuesday 10th August 2010
At the Bridges of Ross there was one Great Shearwater, six Sooty Shearwaters,
one Arctic Skua, one Storm Petrel, one Common Scoter, six Puffins and 33 Arctic Terns.
The SPOONBILL was back at the Shannon Airport lagoon along with 25 Little Egrets,
1,500 Black-tailed Godwits, two Shoveler and two Gadwall.
One first year Mediterranean Gull was on the beach near Doonbeg.
Monday 9th August 2010
Two Little Egrets were at Moyasta.
One Little Egret was at Kilcredaun Marsh.
One Little Egret was seen flying overland near Dromoland Castle.
There were seven Raven and five Chough on the Clif walk at Kilkee. 
There were two Common Sandpipers at Ballycorrick Bridge.
Sunday 8th August 2010
One Wilson’s Storm Petrel was at the Bridges of Ross.
One female Hen Harrier was on Scattery Island.
Saturday 7th August 2010
There were two Balearic Shearwaters and one Bonxie at the Bridges of Ross.
Friday 6th August 2010
One Great Skua was at the Bridges of Ross along with four Chough.
One male Hen Harrier was in Kilbaha.
Thursday 5th August 2010
The Glaucous Gull was back at Kilrush Marina.
One Kingfisher and four Common Sandpipers were at Islandavanna.
Wednesday 4th August 2010
Highlights from the Bridges of Ross today were four Balearic Shearwaters, 11 Sooty Shearwaters,
two Blue Fulmars, one Arctic Skua, seven Bonxies, two Storm Petrels, seven Whimbrel,
36 Arctic Terns, five Puffins, 12 Dunlin and two Chough.
Two Little Egrets were at Moyasta.
Monday 2nd August 2010
There was two Little Egrest at Corronroo Bay.
Three Raven were near Lough Bunny.
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July 2010

Saturday 31st July 2010
There were four Balearic Shearwaters, 12 Sooties, 6,000 Manx Shearwaters,
one Red-throated Diver, 14 Storm Petrels, three Bonxies, two Blue Fulmars,
14 Arctic Terns , 26 Puffins and one Peregrine  at the Bridges of Ross.
One second year Glaucous Gull flew east over the Bridges of Ross.
Friday 30th July 2010
Today at the Bridges of Ross there were 11 Sooty Shearwaters, one Balearic
Shearwater, two Bonxies and 100 Puffins.
One Ruff was at Seafield, Quilty.
Thursday 29th July 2010
There were 3,000 Manx Shearwaters at the Bridges of Ross along with 
10 Sooty Shearwaters,  three Balearic Shearwaters and six Common Scoters.
At the Shannon Airport Lagoon there were 16 Little Egrets, two Water Rails
and 250 Black-tailed Godwits.
Wednesday 28th July 2010
There were 23 Little Egrets at the Shannon Airport Lagoon alongside
300 plus Black-tailed Godwits, 200 Redshank and 200 Dunlin.
Tuesday 27th July 2010
At the Bridges of Ross today there were; 14,000 Manx Shearwaters, two Balearic Shearwaters,
seven Sooty Shearwaters, three Great Skuas, one Arctic Skua, four Storm Petrels , four Whimbrel,
one Black Guillemot and 12 Puffins.
At Loop Head there were 22 Chough and 12 Raven.
One male Hen Harrier was seen hunting near Cross.
Bonxie off the Bridges of Ross © John N Murphy
Saturday 24th July 2010
One adult Mediterranean gull and three Little Egrets were at Killimer.
A Grasshopper Warbler was seen at Lissycasey.
Thursday 22nd July 2010
There were two Little Egrets, one Tufted Duck and a Wheatear
at Clenagh Lake, Newmarket-on-Fergus.
At the Shannon Airport Lagoon Black-tailed Godwit numbers had built up 
to over 300 birds and along with 16 Little Egrets, two Shoveler and three
Tuesday 20th July 2010
One adult Mediterranean Gull, one Whimbrel and 30 Sanderling were at
Seafield Beach, Quilty.
There were 10,000 Manx Shearwaters off Loop Head along with
one Common Scoter, two Puffin, two Ravens, two Peregrine Falcons
and 32 Chough.
Six Common Sandpipers were at Doonbeg.
A flock of 60 Lesser Black-backed Gulls were at Lough Atedaun.
Three Spotted Flycatchers were at Clifden House, Corofin.
Manx Shearwater gliding over the waves © John N Murphy
Monday 19th July 2010
One Great Skua was off the Bridges of Ross.
Sunday 18th July 2010
At the Shannon Airport lagoon today were eight Little Egrets, 200 Black-tailed
Godwits and one Water Rail.
Friday 16th July 2010
There were two Sooty Shearwaters, one Arctic Skua, one Bonxie, seven Storm Petrels
and 18 Puffins off the Bridges of Ross.
Wednesday 14th July 2010
One Great Northern Diver and one Little Egret were off Finvarra Point.
One Common Sandpiper, two Greenshank, 60 Dunlin and 40 Swifts
were at Lough Atedaun.
Two Spotted Flycatchers were at the Falls in Ennistymon.
Tuesday 13th July 2010
The Spotted Redshank , 40 Dunlin, 250 Black-tailed Godwits, 50 Curlew and
16 Little Egrets were at Shannon Airport Lagoon, this morning.
A Jay was showing well along the walking trail at Lees Road Wood this morning.
Monday 12th July 2010
The SPOONBILL was back at the Shannon Airport Lagoon this evening (Clodagh Glasgow & James Hayes).
Also at the Lagoon were 200 Black-tailed Godwits and 20 Little Egrets.
One Buzzard was at the Lees Road Wood today along with one Blackcap.
One male Blackcap was singing at Applewood, Ballycar.
Sunday 11th July 2010
A hundred Manx Shearwater were seen off the Bridges of Ross along with a Storm Petrel.
Three Chough, three Raven and a flock of 8 Rock Doves were also at Loop Head Peninsula.
A Jay was at Lees Road Wood
Thursday 8th July 2010
One Blackcap was at Applewood, Ballycar.
Wednesday 7th July 2010
The Spotted Redshank, two Greenshank, 260 Black-tailed Godwits, two Water Rails
and 23 Little Egrets were at the Shannon Airport Lagoon this afternoon.
Tuesday 6th July 2010
The SPOONBILL was still at the Shannon Airport Lagoon this afternoon (John N Murphy & James Hayes), 
but flew off west towards the Fergus Estuary but returned to the lagoon later in the evening (Clodagh Glasgow) .
Also at the Shannon Airport Lagoon were 34 Little Egrets, one Spotted Redshank, one Greenshank,
one Water Rail, the drake Tufted Duck and one Stock Dove.
There were five Little Egrets and 28 Little Grebes at Lough Gash, Newmarket-on-Fergus.
Spoonbill at the Lagoon © John N Murphy
Monday 5th July 2010
The SPOONBILL was the Shannon Airport Lagoon this afternoon (Dave McNamara), along side
30 Little Egrets and the summer plumaged Spotted Redshank.
There were seven Spotted Flycatchers, 15 Treecreepers and four Blackcap at Clifden House
Gardens near Lough Inchiquin.
Four Siskins were at Moanreel.
A young Siskin at Moanreel © Jeff Copner
Sunday 4th July 2010
At the Shannon Airport Lagoon this morning there was one Spotted Redshank,
two Greenshank, 80 Black-tailed Godwits, 20 Little Egrets and one Stock Dove.
A Raven and two male Blackcap were at Lees Road Wood.
Saturday 3rd July 2010
One SPOONBILL flew west over Rineanna Point, Shannon this morning (Jeff Copner).
This is only the third county record of this species the last was in 1998.
At the Shannon Airport Lagoon there were 22 Little Egrets, 200 Black-tailed Godwits,
one drake Tufted Duck and the adult summer plumaged Spotted Redshank.
Two Storm Petrels were off Black Head.
One Common Sandpiper and a Ringed Plover were at Lough Atedaun.
One Jay was in the Caher Valley.
At least 12 Spotted Flycatchers were at the north and south sides of Lough Inchiquin.
Spoonbill flying west over Shannon Estuary © Jeff Copner
Spotted Flycatchers outside Corofin © John N Murphy
Thursday 1st July 2010
At the Shannon Airport Lagoon this afternoon there were: one summer plumaged 
Spotted Redshank, one adult Greenshank, one male Tufted Duck, 22 Little Egrets,
120 Black-tailed Godwits and two Water Rails.
There was a family party of six Blackcaps at Applewood, Ballycar.
Two Blackcap were singing in Lees Road Wood.
Little Egrets were very active in the lagoon this afternoon © John N Murphy
Reed Bunting families were numberous throughout the reedbeds at the lagoon © John N Murphy
A young Blackcap © Dave McNamara
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June 2010

Tuesday 29th June 2010
There were three male, one female and three fledgling Blackcaps at Inchiquin Bridge.
Another male and female Blackcap were at Gort Coirce.
One male Blackcap was at Roxton.
Three Little Egrets were at Mullaghmore.
Monday  28th June 2010
The adult summer Spotted Redshank was still at Shannon Airport Lagoon., along
with 15 Little Egrets and one Water Rail.
A Glaucous Gull was seen in Kilrush.
Three Blackcap were singing in Lees Road Wood.
Sunday 27th June 2010
There were seven Little Egrets and one Common Sandpiper at Mullaghmore.
One Spotted Flycatcher was at Inchiquin Bridge.
One Blackcap was at Roxton, Corofin.
A flock of 75 Sand Martins were at Lough Atedaun.
Juvenile Whitethroat just out out of the nest © Dave McNamara
Saturday 26th June 2010
At the Cliffs of Moher today the seabirds were putting on a great display with 
lots of activity in all the colonies.   Three Chough and a Peregrine were on display
and the Puffin numbers appear to be up on previous years with at least 2,500
sitting on Goat Island and the surrounding grassy slopes.
Friday 25th June 2010
One adult summer Spotted Redshank was at the Shannon Airport Lagoon today,
along with 20 Little Egrets, 22 Teal, 274 Black-tailed Godwits, 50 Redshank , two Knot
and four Gadwall.
One Long-eared Owl was still outside Doonbeg.
Spotted Redshank with Black-tailed Godwit at the SAL © John N Murphy
Sedge Warblers are busy feeding young at the Lagoon © John N Murphy
Thursday 24th  June 2010
One Mediterranean Gull was near Corronroo on the Clare/Galway border
along with one Peregrine near the Sandwich Tern colony. 
One Long-eared Owl was seen late this evening just outside Doonbeg.
Adult Mediterranean Gull with Black-headed Gulls © John N Murphy
Sandwich Terns are feeding well on sand eels © John N Murphy
Wednesday 23rd June 2010
There were two Little Egrets and four Tufted Ducks at Lough Muchanagh.
One Little Egret and one Common Sandpiper were at Mullaghmore.
There were four Common Sandpipers at Lough Bunny.
Four Blackcaps and two Spotted Flycatchers were at Inchiquin Bridge.
A pair of Ravens were at Boston Castle.
A Long-eared Owl was seen hunting open fields outside Doonbeg.
One of the two Ravens at Boston Castle © Dave McNamara.
Tuesday 22nd June 2010
Three Blackcap were singing in Lees Road Wood this afternoon.
One Blackcap was at Applewood, Ballycar.
There were eight Chough on the cliff walk at Kilkee.
2010clarepics/juv dipper.jpg
A young Peregrine close to the nest site at an un-disclosed area in south east Clare © John N Murphy
A young Chough on the cliffs at Kilkee © John N Murphy
Sunday 20th June 2010
There were two Stock Doves and a male Blackcap at Applewood, Ballycar.
A Whooper Swan was on the reservoir at Kilkee.
Thursday 17th June 2010
Three Little Egret and two Common Sandpiper were at Mullaghmore.
A Spotted Flycatcher was at Inchiquin Bridge.
Seven male Blackcap were at Dromore Nature Reserve.
Six more were at Clifden Hill.
A Merlin, Spotted Flycatcher and two male Blackcap were at Gortcoirce Dysart.
Wednesday 16th June 2010
There were 16 Little Egrets, 210 Black-tailed Godwits and one Greenshank
at Shannon Airport Lagoon.

Tuesday 15th June 2010
Four Blackcap were singing in Lees Road Wood.
Another was singing at Ballyallia.

Monday 14th June 2010
A Raven was seen at Ballyallia Lake.
Four  male Blackcap were at Lees Road Wood.
Saturday 12th June 2010
At the Clare Branch of BWI boat trip along the Cliffs of Moher large numbers of Guillemot, Razorbill, Kittiwake, Fulmar, Puffin and Shag were seen. All species seemed to be enjoying a good breeding season.
Four Little Egret, two Common Sandpiper, a Raven and a Jay were at Mulloughmore.
A Spotted Flycatcher was at Inchiquin Bridge.
A male Blackcap was at Lough Rask Ballyvaughan.
Friday  11th June 2010
A Kingfisher was seen near Drehednagower Bridge Ennis
Five Blackcap were singing in Lees Road Wood.
Thursday 10th June 2010
Two Blackcap were singing in Lees Road Wood.
Tuesday 8th June 2010
A Peregrine was seen in the Corofin area.
Two Chough were at New Quay.
Monday 7th June 2010
One adult and one juvenile Dipper were at Ballynacarghan Bridge, Kilfenora along
with one Kingfisher.
There were five Blackcaps at Dromore Woods.
One Little Egret and the Black-tailed Godwit were at Lough Muchanagh.
Juvenile Dipper at Ballynacarghan © Dave McNamara
Saturday 5th June 2010
The Glaucous Gull was still at Kilrush.
Friday  4th June 2010
One sub-adult Glaucous Gull was seen at Kilrush.
One Jay and four male Blackcap were in Lees Road Wood.
Glaucous Gull at Kilrush © Paul Troake
Thursday 3th June 2010
One Little Egret was at the Quay in Clarecastle.
There were four Yellowhammer near to the Burren Perfumery along with a Spotted Flycatcher.
Two more Yellowhammer were at Castletown Carron.
One Blackcap was at Applewood, Ballycar.
Wednesday 2rd June 2010
There were eight Little Egrets at Lough Muchanagh along with on Black-tailed Godwit.
Two Little Egrets were at Mullaghmore.
Three Common Sandpipers were at Lough Bunny.
Four Yellowhammers were at the Perfumery at Carron.
One male Blackcap was at Applewood, Ballycar.
Tuesday 1st June 2010
There were two Blackcaps at Applewood, Ballycar.
Three more were at Lees Road Wood
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May 2010

Monday 31st May 2010
The COMMON CRANE was seen flying high in a North-west direction this afternoon near
Hogans Cross, between Doora and Gurteen (Finbarr McGabhainn).
A Black Swan was at Lough Derg.
Two Jay and two male Blackcap were at Lees Road Wood.
Two Blackcaps were at Applewood, Ballycar.
One Blackcap was near Knockaneen.
Sunday 30th May 2010
There were four Little Egrets at Lough Muchanagh in the Burren.
Six Yellowhammers were at the Burren Perfumery.
One Spotted Flycatcher and three Blackcaps were at Inchiquin Bridge.
One Common Sandpiper was at Lough Bunny.
Saturday 29th May 2010
A Kingfisher was seen at Club Bridge Ennis.
One male Blackcap was at Applewood, Ballycar.
Thursday 27th May 2010
A Jay and two male Blackcap were at Lees Road Wood.
One male Blackcap was at Applewood, Ballycar.
The Kingfisher was still in the middle of Ennis today on the River Fergus.
Cuckoo at Monreal © Jeff Copner
Wednesday 26th May 2010
One female MARSH HARRIER was at the Shannon Airport Lagoon this afternoon.
One Kingfisher was on the River Fergus in Ennis Town.
One male Blackcap was at Applewood, Ballycar.
Tuesday 25th May 2010
One Kingfisher and two male Blackcaps were at Blackweir Bridge, the Rine River near Dromoland.
One male Blackcap was at Lakyle National School, Whitegate.
One Blackcap was at Mooghaun Lough, Newmarket-on-Fergus. 
One Kingfisher was on the River Fergus in Ennis Town.
One Dipper was on the Owenogarney River at Sixmilebridge.
A Jay and two male Blackcap were in Lees Road Wood.
Monday 24th May 2010
A Common Crane was seen this evening soaring high in the sky on the east side of Ennis (Stan Nugent).
There were 40 Great Northern Divers and one Black-throated Diver off Finvarra Point.
A pair of Tree Sparrows are nesting in the old castle on Doonbeg Pier.
A pair of Chough and one Peregrine were at Hags Head.
Two Chough were at Donegal Point, Doonbeg.
One female Blackcap and two Spotted Flycatchers were at Inchiquin Bridge.
Sunday 23rd May 2010
The PACIFIC DIVER was off Finvarra Point today (Mark Carmody & John N Murphy).
Also at Finvarra Point was one Black-throated Diver and  60 Great Northern Divers.
One adult Mediterranean Gull was on the North Clare coast.
There were four Little Egrets at Mullaghmore along with six Blackcaps, six Yellowhammers
and two Peregrines.
Four more Little Egrets were at Lough Muckaghnagh.
Two Spotted Flycatchers, two Blackcaps and a Jay were at Inchiquin Bridge.
Two Common Sandpipers were at Lough Bunny.
Adult Mediterranean Gull near New Quay © John N Murphy
Little Egrets at nests in the Burren ,the first time recorded nesting in Clare © Dave McNamara
Thursday 20th April 2010
Four male Blackcap were at Lees Road Wood this afternoon.
Wednesday 19th May 2010
Four Yellowhammer and two male Blackcap were in the Mulloughmore area.
Two more Blackcap were singing in Ballygriffey Wood.
Monday 17th May 2010
Five Blackcap were singing at Lees Road Wood with two more at Ballyallia.
Two Great Northern Diver were seen at Lahinch
A Merlin was seen near Alliwee Cave.
Sunday 16th May 2010
At the dawn chorus outing this morning in Mullaghmore there were 
eight  Blackcaps, four Yellowhammers, four Little Egrets and two
Common Sandpipers.
One male Blackcap was singing at Grannaghan Castle, Fenloe Lake.
Two male Blackcaps were singing at Applewood, Ballycar.
Saturday 15th May 2010
The PACIFIC DIVER,  four Black-throated Divers and a Long-tailed Skua 
were off the Flaggy Shore (Owen Foley).
One male Blackcap was at Applewood, Ballycar.
Friday 14th May 2010
There were three Blackcaps singing at Mullaghmore the Burren along
with seven Yellowhammers.
Two Blackcaps were at the Claureen River Attenuation Pond in Ennis.
One Blackcap was at Applewood Ballycar along with 16 Whimbrel.
Yellowhammer at Mullaghmore © Dave McNamara
Thursday 13th May 2010
A Jay was at Lees Road Wood along with two singing Blackcap.
Wednesday 12th May 2010
The PACIFIC DIVER was still off Finvarra Point (Jeff Copner).
Tuesday 11th May 2010
There was one Spotted Flycatcher and one Blackcap at Inchiquin Bridge.
Six Yellowhammers were at Mullaghmore.
Two Blackcaps was at Roxton, Corofin. 
Two male Blackcaps were at Doo Lough.
A pair of Yellowhammers were seen with nesting material near Mount Callan.
A Jay was at Lees Road Wood along with three male Blackcap.
Spotted Flycatcher at Inchiquin Bridge © Dave McNamara
Monday 10th May 2010
A pair of Gadwall were at Ballyallia along with two male Blackcap.
A flock of 308 Dunlin were seen at Islandavanna.
Four male Blackcap were at Lees Road Wood this afternoon.
Sunday 9th May 2010
The PACIFIC DIVER was seen off Finvarra Point this afternoon (Dermot O’Mahony).
There were five Little Egrets and 136 Dunlin at Shannon Airport Lagoon.
Two Blackcap were singing in Dromore Wood.
One Blackcap was at Applewood, Ballycar along with 40 Whimbrel.
Saturday 8th May 2010
The PACIFIC DIVER was off Finvarra Point again today (Tim Griffin & Kieran Fahy), along with
24 Great Northern Divers.
One Whooper Swan and two Wigeon were at Lough Atedaun.
One Yellowhammer was near Corifin Village.
One Jay was near Lough Bunny.
Two male Blackcaps were at Gort Coirce.
Two Blackcap were singing in Lees Road Wood.
Friday 7th May 2010
One Jay was on the Rocky Road Ennis.
There were 40 Whimbrel , two White Wagtails, 50 Dunlin, two Bar-tailed Godwits
and two Great Northern Divers at Seafield, Quilty.
One male Blackcap was at Applewood, Ballycar.
Thursday 6th May 2010
There were two male Blackcaps and 32 Whimbrel at Applewood, Ballycar.
Wednesday 5th May 2010
One Spotted Flycatcher and one Dipper were at the Falls near Kilmaley.
Forty Whimbrel were at Seafield along with three Great Northern Diver.
Three male Blackcap were in Lees Road Wood.
There were 14 Whimbrel and two Blackcaps at Applewood, Ballycar.
Tuesday 4th May 2010
An adult Ring-billed Gull was at Clahane along with 200 Whimbrel between
Clahane and Hags Head. 
There were also three Chough and two Ravens at Hags Head.
There were 50 Great Northern Divers, two Red-throated Divers, four Long-tailed Ducks
and 40 Whimbrel off Finvarra Point.
There were 36 Whimbrel and one male Blackcap at Applewood, Ballycar.
Ring-billed Gull on Clahane beach © Jeff Copner
Monday 3rd May 2010
A White-tailed Sea Eagle was reported over Lough Derg today (David Lyons)?.
There were ten Black-throated Divers off Finvarra Point.
One Greylag Goose was at Cloghaun Lough Loop Head, while on the headland
there were three Ravens, two Chough, one Peregrine and on the sea were 700
Manx Shearwaters. 
One Blackcap and 20 Whimbrel were at Applewood, Ballycar.
Three Blackcap were singing in Lees Road Wood Ennis.

Sunday 2nd May 2010
The PACIFIC DIVER re-appeared off Finvarra Point this afternoon (John N Murphy).
One adult Ring-billed Gull was at Muckinish Bay near Bell Harbour.
Also between Finvarra and New Quay there were 80 Whimbrel and 40 Great Northern Divers.
One male Blackcap was at Applewood, Ballycar.
Saturday 1st May 2010
One second year Glaucous Gull was at Lough Donnell.
Between Lough Donnell and Quilty  there were 160 Whimbrel.
A flock of 500 Manx Shearwaters were off the Bridges of Ross.
Ten White Wagtails were at Seafield, Quilty along with four Great Northern Divers.
At Loop Head there were two Sedge Warblers, eight Chough and four Ravens.
There were 25 Whimbrel at Rineville Bay, Carrigaholt.
Glaucous Gull with Common Gull flying past at Lough Donnell © John N Murphy
Grasshopper Warblers were abundant throughout the county today © John N Murphy
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April 2010

April 2010:
Friday 30th April 2010
There were two Sedge Warblers, one Grasshopper Warbler, six Gadwall and 
five Little Egrets at Shannon Airport Lagoon.
A flock of 100 Whimbrel, six Sandwich Terns and four White Wagtails were at Clahane.
One male Blackcap was singing at Applewood, Ballycar. and 32 Whimbrel flew North-westwards overhead.
Whimbrel at Clahane © Jeff Copner
Thursday 29th April 2010
There were nine Manx Shearwaters, ten Great Northern Divers and 20 Black
Guillemots off Black Head.
Two Whitethroats, two Grasshopper Warblers and two Blackcaps were 
at Roxton, Corofin.
One male Blackcap was at Applewood, Ballycar.
Grasshopper Warbler © Dave McNamara
Whitethroat © Dave McNamara
2010clarepics/picture 663.jpg
Great Northern Diver in summer plumage © Dave McNamara
Wednesday 28th April 2010
There were 40 Whimbrel at Ballyvaughan Bay this eveining.
One male Blackcap was singing at Applewood Ballycar.
Four Blackcap were singing at Lees Road Wood.
Willow Warbler in North Clare Dermot Cosgrove
Whimbrel hearding northwards over Galway Bay © Dermot Cosgrove
Tuesday 27th April 2010
There were ten Whimbrel at Shannon Town.
Monday 26th April 2010
One Whitethroat, two male Blackcap, a Grasshopper Warbler and a Greylag Goose were at Roxton Corofin.

Sunday 25th April 2010
A Swift was flying over Ballyallia Lake this evening.

There were up to eight singing Grasshopper Warblers near Doo Lough along with two male Hen Harriers.
Four Blackcap were at Lees Road Wood and two more were at Ballyallia.
One male Blackcap was singing at Mullaghmore.
A female Hen Harrier and ywo Ravens were at Mount Callan.
Male Blackcap © Jeff Copner
Saturday 24th April 2010
A male Ring Ouzel was seen at Doolin (Steve Millar).
Two Grasshopper Warbler a male Hen Harrier and a Blackcap were at Boolynagleeragh Bog Lissycasey this morning.
Friday 25th April 2010
A Kingfisher was on the Rine River near Newmarket-on-Fergus.
Thursday 22nd April.
Sixty Whimbrel were seen at Doonbeg Bay.
A hundred more were at Seafield.
Four Blackcaps were singing in Lees Road Wood.
Wednesday 21st April 2010
A Grasshopper Warbler was singing close to the old waterworks at Doolough Lake.
One hundred and twenty Whimbrel, a White Wagtail and 32 Great Northern Divers were at the Flaggy Shore.
Four Yellowhammers were seen at Cappaghmore on the New Line.
Tuesday 20th April 2010
There were five Blackcap singing in Lees Road Wood this evening.
Two more Blackcap and a Cuckoo were reported from Darragh
Monday 19th April 2010
Three Blackcap were singing in Lees Road Wood this afternoon.
Male Blackcap were also at Roxton Corofin and Gortcoirce Dysart.
Two more were seen at Eagles Rock.
Six Gadwall were at Lake Inchiquin.
A pair of Gadwall were at Ballyallia Lake.
Nine Yellowhammer were reported from Mullaghmore.
A Merlin and eight White Wagtail were at Seafield.
Five Cuckoo were seen in the Doolough/ Mullagh area.

Sunday 18th April 2010
A female Black Redstart was seen in a garden in Cahermurphy, Kilmihil.
A Glaucous Gull and a White Wagtail were at Lough Donnell.
A male Blackcap was at Ballyallia.
Saturday 17th April 2010
A first summer WHITE-BILLED DIVER was reported off Finvara Point this afternoon. (Paul Keating, Bob Strickland and Joe Smith)
Sixty Great Northern Diver and forty two Whimbrel were seen in the same area.
A pair of Scaup and three Blackcap were seen at Ardclooney.
Two Little Egret and three White Wagtail were at the Shannon Airport Lagoon.
2010clarepics/yellowhammer (2).jpg
Swallow collecting mud to build nest © John N Murphy
Friday 16th April 2010.
One Red-necked Grebe and a Black-throated Diver were seen north of Corconroo.
Nine Yellowhammer and three Blackcap were at Mullaghmore.
Four more were seen close to the Burren perfumery.
Three Blackcap were at Rinnamona Kilnaboy and another at Clifden Hill.
Two more were singing at Lees Road Wood.
Five White Wagtail were seen at Clahane.
A Peregrine was at Eagle’s Rock.
Thursday 15th April 2010
Two Kingfisher were seen at Dromoland.
Five Great Northern Diver were seen on Doolough Lake
A female Hen Harrier and five Woodcock were in Mullagh.
Wednesday 14th April 2010
An Osprey was found today North of Ennistymon this evening (Chris Pappiet),
along with one second year Glaucous Gull. 
Two Blackcap were singing in Lees Road Wood this evening.
Another was heard at Ballyallia Lake.
Five Black-throated Diver,15 Red-throated Diver,10 Whimbrel and one adult Mediterranean Gull were seen close to Corconroo on the Clare Galway border.
Monday 12th April 2010
Two Buzzards were near Kilbane, Broadford.
A Blackcap was singing at Ballyallia this evening.
Sunday 11th April 2010
One male Cuckoo was calling at Applewood, Ballycar along with two male Blackcaps
and three Water Rails on Ballycar Lough.
A male Blackcap was at Ballyallia Lake.
A Raven was seen at Larchill Ennis.
Saturday 10th April 2010
The female GOOSANDER was still at Ardcloony (Paul Troake), along with
the male and female Scaup and five Goldeneye.
There were seven Black-throated Divers  two Red-throated Divers and 96 Great Northern Divers 
off the Flaggy Shore.
Four Common Terns were at Poulnasherry Bay along with three Little Egrets and 40 Brent Geese.
There were seven Yellowhammers at Mullaghmore.
One Little Egret was at Lough Onchiquin.
Three Water Rails and one Melin were at Rinnamona, Kilnaboy.
One male Blackcap was at Ballyea, Inagh.
One male Blackcap was at Rath Lake, Corofin.
One male Blackcap was just south of Killaloe.
One male Blackcap was at Applewood, Ballycar along with two Greylag Geese.
There were 12 Whooper Swans at Ballygireen.
Friday 9th April 2010
One drake Eider was at the Flaggy Shore along with one  Black-throated Diver.
There were 100 Brent Geese between Ballyvaughan and the Flaggy Shore.
Four Yellowhammers were at Mullaghmore, the Burren.
One Male Blackcap was at Applewood, Ballycar.
One male Blackcap was at Moys, Killaloe.
A male and female Scaup were at Ardclooney.

Thursday 8th April 2010
One female Hen  Harrier was at Woodcock Hill.
One male Blackcap was singing at Applewood, Ballycar and a late redwing was also at Applewood.
Wednesday 7th April 2010
One male Blackcap was singing at Applewood, Ballycar while two
Greylag Geese flew east over the area.
Tuesday 6th April 2010
The female GOOSANDER was still at Ardcloony (Clodagh Glasgow & James Hayes).
There were two Black-throated Divers and 27 Brent Geese at the Rine, Ballyvaughan.
One Little Egret was at Skeghanagh, Clarecastle.
One male Blackcap was singing at Applewood, Ballycar.
Another male Blackcap was singing at Lough Atedaun.
One male Blackcap was singing at Rath Lough.
There were 15 Yellowhammers at Mullaghmore in the Burren.
Ten Whooper Swans were at Knockaunroe, Corofin.
Goosander at Ardcloony © James Hayes
Yellowhammer at Mullagmore © Jeff Copner 
Monday 5th April 2010
The Red-necked Grebe, one Black-throated Diver and one Long-tailed Duck was at
Doorus near the Clare/Galway border (Dave McNamara).
There were 69 Great Northern Divers off Black Head. 
Sunday 4th April 2010
Three WHITE-TAILED EAGLES were seen circling high over Kilmaley
heading in the direction of Corofin (Darren Reddington).
The drake Green-winged Teal was still at Burrin Lake (Tim Griffin).
There were 20 Black-throated Divers off the Flaggy Shore.
There were five Whimbrel over Applewood Ballycar this evening and a
male Blackcap was singing on site all day.
One Dipper was on the Claureen River.
Saturday 3rd April 2010
The PIED-BILLED GREBE was still at Lough Atedaun (James Hayes & Clodagh Glasgow).
There were also a mixed flock of 100 hirundines at Lough Atedaun.
The female GOOSANDER was also still at Ardcloony (John N Murphy & John Rattigan),
along with one House Martin and a mixed flock of hirundines.
One first-winter Iceland Gull and 78 Brent Geese were at Clahane.
Seven Little Egrets and four Water Rails were at Shannon Airport Lagoon.
Four Yellowhammers were at Mullaghmore.
Two Dippers were at the Falls in Ennistymon.
Seven Sandwich Terns were between Finvarra Point and Doorus.
A flock of 90 Brent Geese were near the graveyard at Lisscannor.
Friday 2nd April 2010
One Dipper was on the Claureen River near Kilmaley.
Thursday 1st April 2010
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March 2010

Wednesday 31st March 2010
There was a pair of Long-eared Owls at Crusheen this evening. 
Tuesday 30th March 2010
The PIED-BILLED GREBE was still at Lough Atedaun (Josh Jones).
The drake Green-winged Teal was also still at Burrin Lake (Josh Jones).
One Swallow was at Ballyallia Lake.
Monday 29th March 2010
A flock of 250 Lesser Black-backed Gulls and one Peregrine were at Lough Donnell.
Over 70 Purple Sandpipers were at Seafield, Quilty.
Sunday 28th March 2010
The PACIFIC DIVER was off Finvarra Point (Pat Lonergan, Dermot Breen et al).
One drake Green-winged Teal was at Burrin Lake. (Pat Lonergan).
There were 30 Black-throated Divers off the Rine, Ballyvaughan.
One Chiffchaff was singing at Applewood, Ballycar.
Two Wheatears were at Mullaghmore, the Burren.
There was also an influx of Willow Warblers to North Clare with four at Lough Atedaun,
and 5-6 at Mullaghmore in the Burren.  These were the first for the year in the county.
Willow Warbler near Lough Atedaun © Dave McNamara
Saturday 27th March 2010
The PACIFIC DIVER was off Bishops Quarter (Maeve & Christy Meehan), along with
two Sandwich Terns.
The PIED-BILLED Grebe was at Lough Atedaun, Corofin (James Hayes & Clogdagh Glasgow).
There were three Sandwich Terns at New Quay.
Four Black-throated Divers and 25 Great Northern Divers were off Finvarra Point.
Friday 26th March 2010
The PACIFIC DIVER was at Finvarra Point (Conor Foley), there were also three Black-thraoted
Divers and six Long-tailed Ducks off the point.
The PIED-BILLED GREBE was still at Lough Atedaun (Conor Foley).
The drake Ring-necked Duck was still at Kilkee Resrvoir (Christy Meehan).
One drake Green-winged Teal was also still at Burrin Lake near New Quay (Conor Foley).
A Red-necked Grebe was off Doorus Pier near the Clare/Galway border.
The female Goosander was back at Ardcloony (Paul Troake), along with one Swallow and
40 Sandmartins.
There was one Black-throated Diver, two Long-tailed Ducks, 11 Sandwich Terns and
90 Red-breasted Mergansers at Aughinish.
One Chiffchaff was a Clifden Hill, Corofin.
One Scandinavian Rock Pipit was at Clahane.
One Little Egret was at Clonlara.
There were six Wheatears at Chimney Bay, Kilkee.
One Swallow was on the Tulla Road, Ennis and another at Drehidnagower Bridge.
Thursday 25th March 2010
Puffins returned today to Goat Island off the Cliffs of Moher.
Wednesday 24th March 2010
The PIED-BILLED GREBE made a brief appearance this evening in the left hand corner of Lough Atedaun (Jeff Copner).
A female Ring-necked Duck was at Ardcloony (John N Murphy, Brian Finnegan & Jeff Copner), along with
20 Sandmartins, two Swallows, two Chiffchaffs, one Kingfisher, two Scaup and 50 Tufted Ducks.
Five Sandwich Terns and a Wheatear were on the Flaggy Shore.
A bird showing characteristics of Scandinavian Rock Pipit at Clahane © Dave McNamara
Tuesday 23rd March 2010
Four Little Egrets were at Shannon Airport Lagoon.
One Dipper was on the Claureen River.
Monday 22nd March 2010
One Woodcock was at Granaghan Castle, Fenloe Lake.
There were 500 Golden Plover at Lahinch Bridge and Marsh.
A flock of 12 Brent Geese were at Clahane along with the colour
ringed Redshank (Red over white/pale green).
Sunday 21st March 2010
The GOOSANDER was at Ardcloony, Parteen Reservoir (Tom Tarpey), along with one
Red-necked Grebe, 50 Tufted Ducks, two Scaup and one Kingfisher.
The drake Green-winged Teal was at Burrin Lake, New Quay (Mark Carmody).
One Common Sandpiper was at the Quay at Clarecastle.
A hundred and sixty  Tufted Duck were at Ballyallia Lake.
One Red Grouse and a Crossbill were at Maghera.
There was one Jay at O’Briens Bridge.
Another Jay was just outside Killaloe.
A flock of ten Sandmartins were at Fenloe (Fin) Lough, Newmarket-on-Fergus,
with another fock of 20 were seen at Drehidnagower Bridge.
Saturday 20th March 2010
The PACIFIC DIVER was at Finvarra Point (Brian Finnegan, Austin Cooney, Tom & Nuala Lynch et al).
The drake Green-winged Teal was still at Burrin Lake (Tom & Nuala Lynch et al). 
One drake Eider was at New Quay.
One Green Sandpiper was at Ballycorrick Bridge, near Ballynacally.
Sand Martins were seen at Ballyallia Lake today, the first for the year in Clare.
One Jay was at Ballynacally Village.
Two Jays and five Wodcock were at Clifden Hill, Corofin.
Thee was a pair of Scaup and up to 60 Tufted Ducks at Ardcloony on the Shannon River.
Friday 19th March 2010
The PACIFIC DIVER was off Bishops Quarter, Ballyvaughan Bay (Michael Cowming, Colum Flynn et al).
The drake Green-winged Teal was at the Turlough near Tulla the Burren (Dave McNamara).
One drake Green-winged Teal was at Burrin Lake, New Quay (Michael Cowming et al).
A Red-necked Grebe was at Doorus Pier on Clare/Galway border.
There were eight Black-throated Divers at Ballyvaughan while 17 were off Finvarra Point.
Two Black-throated Divers were off Aughinish.
One drake Eider was at Finvarra Point.
One second-winter Ring-billed Gull was at Bell Harbour.
Two Little Egrets and 20 Whooper Swans were at Lough Atedaun.
One Green Sandpiper was at Ballycorrick Bridge.
One Little Egret was at Islandavanna, Clarecastle.
Thursday 18th March 2010
The PACIFIC DIVER was off Finvarra Point today (Dominic Mitchell, Chris Harbard & Roy Beddard), along
with three Black-throated Divers.
The PIED-BILLED GREBE was on show again at Lough Atedaun (Dominic Mitchell, Chris Harbard & Roy Beddard).
The drake Green-winged Teal was at Burrin Lake near New Quay (Dominic Mitchell, Chris Harbard & Roy Beddard).
Wednesday 17th March 2010
The PACIFIC DIVER was at Finvarra Point again today (Harry Hussey & John Lynch).
The female GOOSANDER was also back at Ardcloony on the Shannon River (Paul Troake).
A drake Green-winged Teal was at Burrin Lake near New Quay (Harry Hussey & John Lynch).
Tuesday 16th March 2010
The PACIFIC DIVER was in Ballyvaughan Bay today (Jeff Copner, Christy Meehan & Austin Cooney).
The drake Green-winged Teal was still at the Shannon Airport Lagoon (Dominic Mitchell, Chris Harbard & Roy Beddard).
There was a male Blackcap at Oak Park Ennis this morning.
Monday 15th March 2010
The PACIFIC DIVER was still present this morning off Finvarra Point (Colin McNamee).
The female GOOSANDER was back at Ardcloony on the Shannon River (Paul Troake),
along with 50 Goldeneye.
There were eight Crossbills and 60 Siskins at Kilnacreagh Wood east of Sixmilebridge.
One Whimbrel was at Doonbeg.
A flock of 48 Barnacle Geese were at Illaunonearaun with two Chough near Moveen.
Ten Little Egrets were at the Shannon Airport Lagoon with a flock of 210 Black-tailed Godwits.
A male and female Blackcap were at Oak Park Ennis.
Sunday 14th March 2010
The PACIFIC DIVER was once again off Finvarra Point (Dave Fox & Paul Keogh).
A drake Ring-necked Duck was at Kilkee Reservoir (John N Murphy & Finbarr McGabhann).
The second-winter Ring-billed Gull was still at Bell Harbour.
There were two Spotted Redshanks and five Black-throated Divers at Finvarra Point.
A pair of Carrion Crows were near Killard, Cross on the Loop Head peninsula.
A Barn Owl waqs heard calling near Moanreel for 2 hours after dusk.
There was one Whimbrel a Cloghaun Lough, Loop Head.
One Jack Snipe was at the tip of Loop Head Lighthouse.
One Little Egret was at Doonbeg.
There were three Little Egrets and 80 Shelduck at Poulnasherry Bay.
A flock of 140 Barnacle Geese were on Mattle Island.
There were 14 Red-throated Divers at  Doughmore Bay, Doonbeg.
A flock of 40 Whooper Swans were just outside Kilkee near the Reservoir with one Greylag Goose.
There were 45 Cormorants nesting on Illaunonearaun south of Kilkee.
One Dipper was on the River Fergus at Clifden Hill.
There were six Woodcock at Gort Coirce, Dysert.
Ring-necked Duck with Tufted Ducks at Kilkee Reservoir © John N Murphy
Saturday 13th March 2010
The PACIFIC DIVER was off Finvarra Point again today (Aidan Kelly, Victor Cashera, Tom Shevlin et al).
The drake Green-winged Teal was still at Shannon Airport Lagoon (John N Murphy), 
along with 16 Little Egrets.
There was a drake Green-winged Teal at a Turlough near Tulla, north of Boston on 
the New Line Road between Tubber and New Quay (Dave McNamara).
Six Black-throated Divers were at the Flaggy Shore.
One adult Yellow-legged Gull was at Aughinish.
A second-winter Ring-billed Gull was at Bell Harbour.
The first Wheatear of the year was at Georges Head, Kilkee.
Three Twite were on the cliff walk near Dunlicky Kilkee this morning.
A flock of 53 Whooper Swans were near Kilkee Reservoir.
Five Little Egrets were at Ballyallia Lake, Ennis.
One Peregrine was at Lough Atedaun.
Green-winged Teal with Eurasian Teal at Shannon Airport Lagoon © John N Murphy
Three Twite sun bathing at George’s Head Kilkee © Christy Meehan
Friday 12th March 2010
The PIED-BILLED GREBE was seen at Lough Atedaun on the right hand side
of the lake and slipway (Dave McNamara).
A male Hen Harrier and a Woodcock were at Gort Coirce.
There was a flock of 27 Whooper Swans at Lough Cullane.
Over 60 Whooper Swans were still in fields near Ballygireen.
A small party of 22 Greylag Geese were in fields near Lough  Muchanagh.
There were two Greylag Geese over Applewood, Ballycar.
A male Blackcap was at Oak Park Ennis.
Thursday 11th March 2010
There were over 60 Whooper Swans at Ballygireen, Newmarket-on-Fergus this morning.
A flock of 140 Sanderling were at Seafield, Quilty, two of which were colour ringed.
Colour-ringed Sanderling at Seafield, Quilty © John N Murphy
Wednesday 10th March 2010
The PIED-BILLED GREBE was showing on and off today at Lough Atedaun (John N Murphy,
James Hayes, Howard Williams & Dave McNamara).
There was a drake Green-winged Teal at Shannon Airport Lagoon (John N Murphy & James Hayes),
along with 19 Little Egrets, eight Water Rails and one Peregrine.
The drake Green-winged Teal was at Bell Harbour (Joe Donaldson).
A female GOOSANDER was at Ardcloony, above the Weir, North of O’Brien’s Bridge on the Shannon River (Paul Troake).
This is only a fourth record for the county.
There were five Black-throated Divers at Finvarra Point.
Green-winged Teal at Shannon Airport Lagoon © James Hayes
Tuesday 9th March 2010
There were four Black-throated Divers and eight Red-throated Divers off Finvarra
Point today.
Monday 8th March 2010
The PACIFIC DIVER was back at Finvarra Point this morning (Jeff Copner).
The PIED-BILED GREBE was still at Lough Atedaun (John N Murphy, Will Soar et al).
Six Woodcock were at Clifden Hill, Corofin.
Sunday 7th March 2010
The PACIFIC DIVER is still at the inner bay at Finvarra Point this morning (Kieran Grace et al).
The PIED-BILLED GREBE was at Lough Atedaun earlier this morning and late this evening (Jeff Copner & Dave McNamara).
One adult male and one immature Eider were off the Flaggy Shore, New Quay.
There were 86 Black-throated Divers between Black Head and Aughinish Island.
A total of 18 Long-tailed Ducks were seen between the Martello Tower at Finvarra
and the Flaggy Shore along with one Merlin close to the Martello Tower at Finvarra Point.
Three Woodcock were at Clifden Hill, Corofin.
Pied-billed Grebe at Lough Atedaun © Dave McNamara
Pied-billed Grebe was at Lough Atedaun early this morning © Jeff Copner
Saturday 6th March 2010
An adult PACIFIC DIVER was showing well off Finvarra Point all afternoon (John N Murphy, 
Finbarr McGabhann,  James Hayes, Clodagh Glasgow et al). 
This is the first record for the county and Ireland and probably the same individual as found 
by Michael Davis off the Galway coast some weeks ago.
The PIED-BILLED GREBE was at Lough Atedaun again this morning. (Dave McNamara, John N Murphy
& Finbarr MacGabhann).
Also off the North Clare coast there was the Red-necked Grebe, four Black-throated Divers,
200 Great Northern Divers, 28 Long-tailed Ducks, 60 Black Guillemots and 120 Brent Geese.
There were three Yellowhammers at Mullaghmore in the Burren.
There were eight Woodcock at Clifden Hill.
One Merlin was at Rath Lough, Corofin.
Pied-billed Grebe at Lough Atedaun © Will Soar
Pacific Diver flapping wings © Dave McNamara
Pacific Diver off Finvarra Point © Dermot Breen
Fridray 5th March 2010
A PIED-BILLED GREBE was seen just before sunset at Lough Atedaun (Dave McNamara).
The drake Green-winged Teal was at Bell Harbour (James Hayes).
There was one Red-necked Grebe, four Black-throated Divers and two 
Long-tailed Ducks off Doorus Pier on the Clare/Galway border this morning.
Two Greylag Geese were at Applewood, Ballycar.
There are lots of Bullfinches about eating fresh spring buds © John N Murphy
Thursday 4th March 2010
There were two Long-tailed Ducks and 20 Red-throated Divers off Aughinish.
Three Jays were at Clifden Hill, Corofin.
One Woodcock was at Lough Bunny.
There was a flock of 20 Whooper Swans at Lough Cullaun, the Burren.
Five Greylag Geese and a Water Rail were at Ballycar Lough. 
Six Ravens were at Boston Castle.
Wednesday 3rd March 2010
There was a Green Sandpiper at the Falls in Ennistymon.
One male Hen Harrier was at Ballyeither Lough.
A flock of 43 Greenland White-fronted Geese were at Lough Muachanagh.
One Peregrine was at Lough Donnell.
There were 18 Goldeneye at Lough Bunny. 
Tuesday 2nd March 2010
A drake Ring-necked Duck was at Lough Inchiquin (Dave McNamara).
Three Black-throated Divers were off Aughinish.
A male Hen Harrier was at Lough Atedaun.
There were 14 Pintail at Lough Muchanagh.
A flock of 25 Whooper Swans were at Lough Cullaun, the Burren.
Ring-necked Duck with Coot at Lough Inchiquin © Dave McNamara

Monday 1st March 2010

Six Greylag Geese flew east over Applewood, Ballycar.
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May 2008

Rare & Scarce Bird News for Clare
Seawatchers at the Bridges of Ross © Joe DoolanRare Bird SightingsRarities.

All records of national rarities (see Irish Birds 4: 116 – 118 for complete list, and Irish Birds 4: 258 – 260,
5: 80 for amendments to list) should be sent for assessment to Irish Rare Birds Committee (IRBC).
This should be done as soon as possible after the bird has been found.
Prompt submission facilitates assessment and helps to ensure early publication.
Rarity description forms can be obtained by sending a S.A.E. to the secretary
Mr. Paul Milne, 100 Dublin Road, Sutton, Dublin 13 or
All local and scarce bird sightings, should be sent to the county recorder:
John Murphy, Applewood, Ballycar, Newmarket-on-Fergus, Clare or
List of Contributors:
Julia Baer, Cillian Boyd, Lorraine Benson, Dermot Breen, Austin Cooney, Mike Davis,
Shane Farrell, Brian Finnegan, Charles Glynn, Kieran Grace, Tim Griffin, Tom & Nuala Lynch,
Finbarr Mac Gabhann, Ken MacKenzie, Stewart Holohan, Tomas McCoy, Andrew, Maeve & Christy Meehan,
John N Murphy, Barry O’Donoghue, Colin Perkins, John Rattigan, Billy Ryan, Oliver Shine, Stan Nugent,
Andy Woods, Iza Zawadzka



Recent SightingsSaturday 25th March 2006
One drake Ring-necked Duck was at Ballyallia Lake this afternoon (John N Murphy et al).
A drake Green-winged Teal was at Bell Harbour.
A dark-bellied Brent Goose was at Lough Murree, near the Flaggy Shore.
There were 15 Black-throated Divers between Finvarra Point and Aughinish Island.
One Red-necked Grebe was off Doorus Pier near Aughinish Island along with one
Long-tailed Duck and one Sandwich Tern.
Great Northern Diver John N MurphyThursday 23rd March 2006
There was a Merlin at Quilty today.

Wednesday 22nd March 2006
There were five Wheatears near Tullig, Cross in west Clare today.
A count of 11 Little Egrets was had at Moyasta, Poulnasherry Bay.
There was a 2nd year Ring-billed Gull and two Common Sandpipers
at the Quay in Clarecastle today.

Thursday 16th March 2006
There were 30 Whoopers Swans on wet meadows
along the Cullenagh River just south of Cullenagh on the Ennistymon road.

Wednesday 15th March 2006
There was a Merlin near Knockhogan on the main
Quin to Ennis road.

Tuesday 14th March 2006
The drake Ring-necked Duck was at Ballyallia Lake  today (John N Murphy).
There were five Little Egrets at Poulnasherry Bay.

Sunday 12th March 2006
A second-winter Iceland Gull was at Ross Bay, Loop Head.
There were 93 Whoopers Swans between Latoon South and Ballygirreen.
There was one Chiffchaff at Pine Grove, Ennis.
Five Greylag Geese were at Finn Lough, Newmarket-on-Fergus.

Friday 10th March 2006
A drake Ring-necked Duck was on Ballyiallia lake today (S. Nugent)
The 15 White-fronted Geese were at Tullagher Bog today.

Wednesday 8th March 2006
A Common Sandpiper was seen in Clarecastle.

Sunday 5th March 2006
There were three female Ring-necked Ducks
at Knockalough, Kilmihil (John N Muphy et al).
There was one Crossbill at Boolynagleragh Bog.
There were 13 Snow Buntings at Loop Head.
Two Little Egrets and the white Curlew were
at Poulnasherry Bay.
Three female Ring-necked Ducks at Knockalough ©  John N Murphy

Saturday 4th March 2006
The drake Green-winged Teal was still at Querrin (Maeve & Christy Meehan).
A group of 24 Red-throated Divers were off Querrin Point.
There were three Black-throated Divers off Finvarra Point.
The Black Redstart was still in Kilrush.
The Barn Owl was seen again in Kilkee.

Friday 3rd March 2006
The Barn Owl was one again seen hunting in Kilkee.

Thursday 2nd March 2006
One Jack Snipe was flushed at Ballyallia Lake.
There was one Black-throated Diver at Liscannor Bay with
two more birds off the rocky beach in Clahane.
A Barn Owl was seen hunting late this night at Kilkee.
A male Hen Harrier was seen west of Connolly.
A first winter Iceland Gull was at Lough O’Donnell, Quilty.

Wednesday 1st March 2006
Two Black-throated Divers were between Cappa and Aylevarroo, Kilrush.
A female Blackcap was in the Hermitage, Ennis.

Tuesday 28th February 2006
There was a drake Green-winged Teal at Querrin and another
drake was at Bell harbour.
Two Little Egrets were at Poulnasherry Bay.
Partial albino Pied Wagtail in Kilkee,
this bird has been around for a few years ©  Iza Zawadzka

Sunday 26th February 2006
A male and female Blackcap were still at Oak Park, Ennis.

Saturday 25th February 2006
There was a Black Redstart at Liscannor.
Six Black-throated Divers and 20 Long-tailed Ducks
were seen along the Flaggy Shore in North Clare.
A Dark-bellied Brent Goose was in lough Murree.

Friday 24th February 2006
One male and one female Blackcap were in Oak Park, Ennis.

Thursday 23rd February 2006
A male and a female Blackcap were seen feeding in a gadren
in Oak Park, Ennis.

Wednesday 22nd February 2006
There was a drake Green-winged Teal at Querrin today (Maeve Meehan).

Tuesday 21st February 2006
There was a Merlin 2km east of Kilrush today.

Monday 20th February 2006
One Jay was seen North of Finn Lough, Newmarket-on-Fergus.

Saturday 18th February 2006
An adult Ring-billed Gull was at Ballyvaughan.
There were seven Black-throated Divers and four
Long-tailed Duck near the Flaggy Shore today.

Friday 17th February 2006
There were two Jays north of Ardnacrusha.

Tuesday 14th January 2006
There was a Red Grouse at Woodcock Hill, Cratloe this afternoon.
One Water Rail was at Ballycar Lough, Newmarket-on-Fergus.

Monday 13th February 2006
There was a Jack Snipe near Ballycar North, Ardnacrusha.
One Woodcock was at Ballycar, Newmarket-on-Fergus.

Sunday 12th February 2006
The male Ring-necked Duck was at Lough Inchiquin, Corofin today (Meehan Family),
along with two Hen Harriers and seven Bewick’s Swans.
There was a female Hen Harrier at Islandavanna, Clarecastle.
One first-winter Iceland Gull was at Quilty.
One Little Egret was in Doonbeg Bay.
There was one Jay at Cappateemore East, north of Parteen today.

Saturday 11th February 2006
There were four Crossbills near Kylemore, Sallybank, Broadford.
One male Crossbill was at Kilnacreagh along with four Raven.

Friday 10th February 2006
There was a female Black Redstart on the peir at Seafield, Quilty.
Four Crossbills were at Gallowshill with one pair building a nest.
Black Redstart © Stan Nugent

Thursday 9th February 2006
There was a female Merlin at Ballycar, Newmarket-on-Fergus.
One male Merlin was seen hunting over the road at Toonagh Cross, Ennis.
One Dipper was spotted at the Rine River in Quin.

Wednesday 8th February 2006
There was a Jay at Moneennagliggin South, near Meelick this morning.

Tuesday 7th February 2006
There was one Jay near Glenwood, east of Sixmilebridge.

Monday 6th February 2006
There was a Barn Owl at Ballycasey, Shannon tonight.
One male Blackcap was seen just outside Quin village.

Sunday 5th February 2006
A drake Ring-necked Duck was at Lough Inchiquin (Maeve Meehan).
There were 15 Crossbills and 35 Siskins at Kilnacreagh this morning.
One 2nd-winter Iceland Gull was at Clahane, Liscannor.
Two Little Egrets were at Blackwier Bridge, Poulnasherry Bay.

Friday 3rd February 2006
There was a Carrion Crow and one Jay near Cratloe this morning.

Thursday 2nd February 2006
One female Crossbill was in a small wood near Castlecrine
east of Sixmilebridge.
One Dipper was on the River below the bridge at Sixmilebridge.

Tuesday 31st January 2006
There was one male Blackcap and a Kingfisher near Parteen Today.
One Black-throated Diver was in Kilkee Bay.

Monday 30th January 2006
Two Common Sandpipers were at the Quay in Clarecastle.
There was one Little Egret at poulnasherry Bay.
One male Black Redstart was at Kilrush.
Black Redstart at Kilrush © Charles Glynn

Sunday 29th Janaury 2006
One female Hen Harrier flew over Applewood, Ballycar
Newmarket-on-Fergus this morning.
Another female Hen Harrier was seen near Doonbeg this afternoon.
A count of 67 Whooper Swans were at Ballygireen.
The drake Ringed-necked Duck was at Ballyiallia lake (Austin Cooney & Brian Finnegan).
There was one Common Sandpiper and one Green Sandpiper
at the Quay in Clarecastle.

Saturday 28th January 2006
There were 15 Black-throated Divers off Finvarra Point and the Flaggy Shore.
Between Traugh Beach and the Flaggy shore there were 90 Black Guillemots
and 32 Long-tailed Ducks.
One Velvet Scoter was mixed in with a flock of 30 Common Scoters
off Aughinish Island.
There were also 50 Great Northern Divers and 30 Brent Geese along the
North Clare coast today.
Brent Geese at NorthClare © John N Murphy

Friday 27th January 2006
There were 11 Crossbills at Kilnacreagh Wood this afternoon.
Ten Graylag Geese flew into Ballycar Lough this morning.

Thursday 26th January 2006
Onme drake Ring-necked Duck at Ballyallia Lake,
Ennis ( Finbarr Mac Gabhann & Kieran Grace).

Tuesday 24th January 2006
The male Blackcap was still at Oak Park.

Monday 23rd January 2006
There was a male Blackcap at Oak Park, Ennis.

Sunday 22nd January 2006
Only the male Ring-necked Duck was seen today
at Ballyallia Lake (Austin Cooney & John N Murphy).
One male Blackcap was North of Sixmilebridge.
There were two Common Sandpipers and one Jack Snipe
on the Owenogarney River near Bunratty.
Drake Ring-necked Duck at Ballyallia lake © John N Murphy

Saturday 21st January 2006
The Common Sandpiper was once again at Clarecastle

Friday 20th January 2006
One Common Sandpiper was on the pier in Clarecastle.
The two Ring-necked Ducks were still at Ballyallia Lake (John N Murphy).

Thursday 19th January 2006
The female Blackcap was still at Balymacahill on the Tulla Road, Ennis.

Wednesday 18th January 2006
There was a female Blackcap at Ballymacahill, Ennis.

Tuesday 17th January 2006
There were three Crossbills at Kilnacreagh, east of Sixmilebridge.
One Little Egret was at Tullyvarraga Marsh in Shannon,
while at nearby Saint’s Island and Tradaree Point there
was a large flock of 2,500 Golden Plover and 2,000 Lapwing.

Monday 16th January 2006
There were two Ring-necked Ducks at Ballyallia, one drake
and one hen (Stan Nugent).
One Jay was at Sixmilebridge.
One male Blackcap was still at Oak Park, Ennis.
A flock of 35 Greylag Geese were at Ballycar Lake, Newmarket-on-Fergus.

Sunday 15th January 2006
One female Blackcap was at Shannon Town.
There was a male Blackcap at Oak Park, Ennis.
There was a male Hen Harrier at Tullagher Bog.
There were 17 Greylag Geese at Ballycar, Newmarket-on-Fergus.

Saturday 14th January 2006
There was a first-winter Iceland Gull at Quilty.
Ten Snow Buntings were near the Martello Tower on Aughinish
Island in North Clare.
A flock of 204 Brent Geese were in fields adjacent to Lough
Murree near the Flaggy Shore in North Clare this afternoon.
There were 125 Barnacle Geese on Mutton Island while another
50 were seen on Illaunonauran near Kilkee.
One Little Egret was at Doonbeg.
The Greenland White-fronted Goose flock at Tullagher Bog is
down to just 15 birds.  At the rate they are dropping off in
three years there will probably be no more birds at this site.
Iceland Gull at Quilty © John N Murphy

Friday 13th January 2006
Female Blackcap at Ballymacahill, Ennis.

Tuesday 10th January 2006
Female Blackcap at Ballymacahill, Ennis.

Saturday 7th January 2006
There was one male and one female Blackcap at Oak Park, Ennis.
There were ten Crossbills in pine woods just North of Flagmont, near Lough Graney.
A flock of 60 Reed Buntings were also seen going to roost in a recently felled wood
just North of Flagmont.

Friday 6th January 2006
There was one Jackdaw of the Scandinavian race at Ballycar this morning.
One Little Egret fed in drains near Meelick this afternoon.
There were three Jays at the Lees Wood Road.

Thursday 5th January 2006
There was one Jay at Kilrush Woods.
A flock of 50 Siskins were on the Kilrush road just outside Ennis.
The female Blackcap was still at Ballymacahill, on the Tulla Road.

Wednesday 4th January 2006
One Common Sandpiper on the quayside in Clarecastle.

Monday 2nd January 2006
There was a 2nd winter Iceland Gull at Clahane.
A 1st winter Iceland Gull was at Quilty.

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Bufflehead in Clare

Bufflehead at Lough Atedaun
A female Bufflehead was found at Lough Atedaun by John N Murphy & Fnbarr MacGabhann on Saturday afternoon the 6th January 2007.  If accepted by the Irish Rare Birds Committee (IRBC), this will only be the second ever Irish record of this species.  The first accepted Irish record was a female at The Gearagh, Cork in 1998. The photographs below depict female birds taken in Boston during February 2005 (John N Murphy).  So far the autumn/winter of 2006/07 has been very good for trans-Atlantic ducks with at least four Ring-necked Ducks in the county and many North American waders and passerines arrived in the county during Autumn of 2006.  There are also a few national records of Lesser Scaup throughout the country and a male Bufflehead presently in Scotland. This helps in the case of the female Bufflehead at Lough Atedaun being of wild origins and a probable true vagrant and not just an escape from some national collection.


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January to March 2006

Rare & Scarce Bird News for Clare
Seawatchers at the Bridges of Ross © Joe DoolanRare Bird Sightings


All records of national rarities (see Irish Birds 4: 116 – 118 for complete list, and Irish Birds 4: 258 – 260,
5: 80 for amendments to list) should be sent for assessment to Irish Rare Birds Committee (IRBC).
This should be done as soon as possible after the bird has been found.
Prompt submission facilitates assessment and helps to ensure early publication.
Rarity description forms can be obtained by sending a S.A.E. to the secretary
Mr. Paul Milne, 100 Dublin Road, Sutton, Dublin 13 or
All local and scarce bird sightings, should be sent to the county recorder:
John Murphy, Applewood, Ballycar, Newmarket-on-Fergus, Clare or
List of Contributors:
Julia Baer, Cillian Boyd, Lorraine Benson, Dermot Breen, Austin Cooney, Mike Davis,
Shane Farrell, Brian Finnegan, Charles Glynn, Kieran Grace, Tim Griffin, Tom & Nuala Lynch,
Finbarr Mac Gabhann, Ken MacKenzie, Stewart Holohan, Tomas McCoy, Andrew, Maeve & Christy Meehan,
John N Murphy, Barry O’Donoghue, Colin Perkins, John Rattigan, Billy Ryan, Oliver Shine, Stan Nugent,
Andy Woods, Iza Zawadzka



Recent SightingsSaturday 25th March 2006
One drake Ring-necked Duck was at Ballyallia Lake this afternoon (John N Murphy et al).
A drake Green-winged Teal was at Bell Harbour.
A dark-bellied Brent Goose was at Lough Murree, near the Flaggy Shore.
There were 15 Black-throated Divers between Finvarra Point and Aughinish Island.
One Red-necked Grebe was off Doorus Pier near Aughinish Island along with one
Long-tailed Duck and one Sandwich Tern.
Great Northern Diver John N Murphy

Thursday 23rd March 2006
There was a Merlin at Quilty today.

Wednesday 22nd March 2006
There were five Wheatears near Tullig, Cross in west Clare today.
A count of 11 Little Egrets was had at Moyasta, Poulnasherry Bay.
There was a 2nd year Ring-billed Gull and two Common Sandpipers
at the Quay in Clarecastle today.

Thursday 16th March 2006
There were 30 Whoopers Swans on wet meadows
along the Cullenagh River just south of Cullenagh on the Ennistymon road.

Wednesday 15th March 2006
There was a Merlin near Knockhogan on the main
Quin to Ennis road.

Tuesday 14th March 2006
The drake Ring-necked Duck was at Ballyallia Lake  today (John N Murphy).
There were five Little Egrets at Poulnasherry Bay.

Sunday 12th March 2006
A second-winter Iceland Gull was at Ross Bay, Loop Head.
There were 93 Whoopers Swans between Latoon South and Ballygirreen.
There was one Chiffchaff at Pine Grove, Ennis.
Five Greylag Geese were at Finn Lough, Newmarket-on-Fergus.

Friday 10th March 2006
A drake Ring-necked Duck was on Ballyiallia lake today (S. Nugent)
The 15 White-fronted Geese were at Tullagher Bog today.

Wednesday 8th March 2006
A Common Sandpiper was seen in Clarecastle.

Sunday 5th March 2006
There were three female Ring-necked Ducks
at Knockalough, Kilmihil (John N Muphy et al).
There was one Crossbill at Boolynagleragh Bog.
There were 13 Snow Buntings at Loop Head.
Two Little Egrets and the white Curlew were
at Poulnasherry Bay.

Three female Ring-necked Ducks at Knockalough ©  John N Murphy

Saturday 4th March 2006
The drake Green-winged Teal was still at Querrin (Maeve & Christy Meehan).
A group of 24 Red-throated Divers were off Querrin Point.
There were three Black-throated Divers off Finvarra Point.
The Black Redstart was still in Kilrush.
The Barn Owl was seen again in Kilkee.

Friday 3rd March 2006
The Barn Owl was one again seen hunting in Kilkee.

Thursday 2nd March 2006
One Jack Snipe was flushed at Ballyallia Lake.
There was one Black-throated Diver at Liscannor Bay with
two more birds off the rocky beach in Clahane.
A Barn Owl was seen hunting late this night at Kilkee.
A male Hen Harrier was seen west of Connolly.
A first winter Iceland Gull was at Lough O’Donnell, Quilty.

Wednesday 1st March 2006
Two Black-throated Divers were between Cappa and Aylevarroo, Kilrush.
A female Blackcap was in the Hermitage, Ennis.

Tuesday 28th February 2006
There was a drake Green-winged Teal at Querrin and another
drake was at Bell harbour.
Two Little Egrets were at Poulnasherry Bay.
Partial albino Pied Wagtail in Kilkee,
this bird has been around for a few years ©  Iza Zawadzka

Sunday 26th February 2006
A male and female Blackcap were still at Oak Park, Ennis.

Saturday 25th February 2006
There was a Black Redstart at Liscannor.
Six Black-throated Divers and 20 Long-tailed Ducks
were seen along the Flaggy Shore in North Clare.
A Dark-bellied Brent Goose was in lough Murree.

Friday 24th February 2006
One male and one female Blackcap were in Oak Park, Ennis.

Thursday 23rd February 2006
A male and a female Blackcap were seen feeding in a gadren
in Oak Park, Ennis.

Wednesday 22nd February 2006
There was a drake Green-winged Teal at Querrin today (Maeve Meehan).

Tuesday 21st February 2006
There was a Merlin 2km east of Kilrush today.

Monday 20th February 2006
One Jay was seen North of Finn Lough, Newmarket-on-Fergus.

Saturday 18th February 2006
An adult Ring-billed Gull was at Ballyvaughan.
There were seven Black-throated Divers and four
Long-tailed Duck near the Flaggy Shore today.

Friday 17th February 2006
There were two Jays north of Ardnacrusha.

Tuesday 14th January 2006
There was a Red Grouse at Woodcock Hill, Cratloe this afternoon.
One Water Rail was at Ballycar Lough, Newmarket-on-Fergus.

Monday 13th February 2006
There was a Jack Snipe near Ballycar North, Ardnacrusha.
One Woodcock was at Ballycar, Newmarket-on-Fergus.

Sunday 12th February 2006
The male Ring-necked Duck was at Lough Inchiquin, Corofin today (Meehan Family),
along with two Hen Harriers and seven Bewick’s Swans.
There was a female Hen Harrier at Islandavanna, Clarecastle.
One first-winter Iceland Gull was at Quilty.
One Little Egret was in Doonbeg Bay.
There was one Jay at Cappateemore East, north of Parteen today.

Saturday 11th February 2006
There were four Crossbills near Kylemore, Sallybank, Broadford.
One male Crossbill was at Kilnacreagh along with four Raven.

Friday 10th February 2006
There was a female Black Redstart on the peir at Seafield, Quilty.
Four Crossbills were at Gallowshill with one pair building a nest.
Black Redstart © Stan Nugent

Thursday 9th February 2006
There was a female Merlin at Ballycar, Newmarket-on-Fergus.
One male Merlin was seen hunting over the road at Toonagh Cross, Ennis.
One Dipper was spotted at the Rine River in Quin.

Wednesday 8th February 2006
There was a Jay at Moneennagliggin South, near Meelick this morning.

Tuesday 7th February 2006
There was one Jay near Glenwood, east of Sixmilebridge.

Monday 6th February 2006
There was a Barn Owl at Ballycasey, Shannon tonight.
One male Blackcap was seen just outside Quin village.

Sunday 5th February 2006
A drake Ring-necked Duck was at Lough Inchiquin (Maeve Meehan).
There were 15 Crossbills and 35 Siskins at Kilnacreagh this morning.
One 2nd-winter Iceland Gull was at Clahane, Liscannor.
Two Little Egrets were at Blackwier Bridge, Poulnasherry Bay.

Friday 3rd February 2006
There was a Carrion Crow and one Jay near Cratloe this morning.

Thursday 2nd February 2006
One female Crossbill was in a small wood near Castlecrine
east of Sixmilebridge.
One Dipper was on the River below the bridge at Sixmilebridge.

Tuesday 31st January 2006
There was one male Blackcap and a Kingfisher near Parteen Today.
One Black-throated Diver was in Kilkee Bay.

Monday 30th January 2006
Two Common Sandpipers were at the Quay in Clarecastle.
There was one Little Egret at poulnasherry Bay.
One male Black Redstart was at Kilrush.
Black Redstart at Kilrush © Charles Glynn

Sunday 29th Janaury 2006
One female Hen Harrier flew over Applewood, Ballycar
Newmarket-on-Fergus this morning.
Another female Hen Harrier was seen near Doonbeg this afternoon.
A count of 67 Whooper Swans were at Ballygireen.
The drake Ringed-necked Duck was at Ballyiallia lake (Austin Cooney & Brian Finnegan).
There was one Common Sandpiper and one Green Sandpiper
at the Quay in Clarecastle.

Saturday 28th January 2006
There were 15 Black-throated Divers off Finvarra Point and the Flaggy Shore.
Between Traugh Beach and the Flaggy shore there were 90 Black Guillemots
and 32 Long-tailed Ducks.
One Velvet Scoter was mixed in with a flock of 30 Common Scoters
off Aughinish Island.
There were also 50 Great Northern Divers and 30 Brent Geese along the
North Clare coast today.
Brent Geese at NorthClare © John N Murphy

Friday 27th January 2006
There were 11 Crossbills at Kilnacreagh Wood this afternoon.
Ten Graylag Geese flew into Ballycar Lough this morning.

Thursday 26th January 2006
Onme drake Ring-necked Duck at Ballyallia Lake,
Ennis ( Finbarr Mac Gabhann & Kieran Grace).

Tuesday 24th January 2006
The male Blackcap was still at Oak Park.

Monday 23rd January 2006
There was a male Blackcap at Oak Park, Ennis.

Sunday 22nd January 2006
Only the male Ring-necked Duck was seen today
at Ballyallia Lake (Austin Cooney & John N Murphy).
One male Blackcap was North of Sixmilebridge.
There were two Common Sandpipers and one Jack Snipe
on the Owenogarney River near Bunratty.
Drake Ring-necked Duck at Ballyallia lake © John N Murphy

Saturday 21st January 2006
The Common Sandpiper was once again at Clarecastle

Friday 20th January 2006
One Common Sandpiper was on the pier in Clarecastle.
The two Ring-necked Ducks were still at Ballyallia Lake (John N Murphy).

Thursday 19th January 2006
The female Blackcap was still at Balymacahill on the Tulla Road, Ennis.

Wednesday 18th January 2006
There was a female Blackcap at Ballymacahill, Ennis.

Tuesday 17th January 2006
There were three Crossbills at Kilnacreagh, east of Sixmilebridge.
One Little Egret was at Tullyvarraga Marsh in Shannon,
while at nearby Saint’s Island and Tradaree Point there
was a large flock of 2,500 Golden Plover and 2,000 Lapwing.

Monday 16th January 2006
There were two Ring-necked Ducks at Ballyallia, one drake
and one hen (Stan Nugent).
One Jay was at Sixmilebridge.
One male Blackcap was still at Oak Park, Ennis.
A flock of 35 Greylag Geese were at Ballycar Lake, Newmarket-on-Fergus.

Sunday 15th January 2006
One female Blackcap was at Shannon Town.
There was a male Blackcap at Oak Park, Ennis.
There was a male Hen Harrier at Tullagher Bog.
There were 17 Greylag Geese at Ballycar, Newmarket-on-Fergus.

Saturday 14th January 2006
There was a first-winter Iceland Gull at Quilty.
Ten Snow Buntings were near the Martello Tower on Aughinish
Island in North Clare.
A flock of 204 Brent Geese were in fields adjacent to Lough
Murree near the Flaggy Shore in North Clare this afternoon.
There were 125 Barnacle Geese on Mutton Island while another
50 were seen on Illaunonauran near Kilkee.
One Little Egret was at Doonbeg.
The Greenland White-fronted Goose flock at Tullagher Bog is
down to just 15 birds.  At the rate they are dropping off in
three years there will probably be no more birds at this site.
Iceland Gull at Quilty © John N Murphy

Friday 13th January 2006
Female Blackcap at Ballymacahill, Ennis.

Tuesday 10th January 2006
Female Blackcap at Ballymacahill, Ennis.

Saturday 7th January 2006
There was one male and one female Blackcap at Oak Park, Ennis.
There were ten Crossbills in pine woods just North of Flagmont, near Lough Graney.
A flock of 60 Reed Buntings were also seen going to roost in a recently felled wood
just North of Flagmont.

Friday 6th January 2006
There was one Jackdaw of the Scandinavian race at Ballycar this morning.
One Little Egret fed in drains near Meelick this afternoon.
There were three Jays at the Lees Wood Road.

Thursday 5th January 2006
There was one Jay at Kilrush Woods.
A flock of 50 Siskins were on the Kilrush road just outside Ennis.
The female Blackcap was still at Ballymacahill, on the Tulla Road.

Wednesday 4th January 2006
One Common Sandpiper on the quayside in Clarecastle.

Monday 2nd January 2006
There was a 2nd winter Iceland Gull at Clahane.
A 1st winter Iceland Gull was at Quilty.

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