Category Archives: Scarce & Rare Bird Sightings

Tuesday 4th April 2023

A Cuckoo was calling at Moyasta.(per Michael-West Clare Wildlife)
The two White-tailed Eagle were still at Lough Muckanagh.(Maura Crowe)

Sunday 2nd April 2023

Four Buzzards were at Fenloe Lake this morning.(John N Murphy)

Saturday 1st April 2023

Saturday 1st April 2023

Male Wheatear at Cloughaun Lough, one of five at Loop Head John N Murphy

The five Ring-necked Ducks were still at Kilkee Reservoir.(John N Murphy)
The Glaucous Gull was back at Kilkee Beach.(Dixie Collins et al)
There were over 500 Manx Shearwaters passing Ross, Loop Head this morning with a flock of 300 Golden Plover in fields on the cliffs. (JNM)

Friday 31st March 2023

Two juvenile White-tailed Eagles were at Lough Muchanagh.(Maura Crowe)
One male Peregrine was hunting Ennis Town this afternoon.(John N Murphy)

Thursday 30th March 2023

Thursday 30th March 2023

Great Spotted Woodpecker Woodcock Hill John N Murphy

One female Great Spotted Woodpecker was in a spruce plantation at Woodcock Hill. (Paidi Cullinan & John N Murphy)
Another female Great Spotted Woodpecker was at Tinerana House, Killaloe, along with a Buzzard. (JNM & PC)
One Great Spotted Woodpecker was heard drumming north of Oatfield, near Sixmilebridge.(Tom Turner)
One male Blackcap and two Willow Warblers were near Raheen Woods, Tuamgraney. (JNM & PC)
Two Buzzards were at Truach. (JNM & PC)
One Buzzard was at Ardcloony .(PC & JNM)
One Buzzard was at Applewood, Ballycar.(PC & JNM)
One Swallow and the first for the county was at Sixmilebridge. (Tom Tarpey)
Two Blackcaps, a Willow Warbler and a Chiffchaffs were at Belvoir (TT).

Wednesday 29th March 2023

The five Ring-necked Ducks were still at Kilkee Reservoir.(John N Murphy & Finbar McGabhan)
Two White-tailed Eagles were at Lough Muchanagh this afternoon (Maura Crowe)
The 2cY Glaucous Gull was still at Kilkee Beach with a flock of 500 Golden Plover near Bishop’s Island.(JNM & FMacG)
One Peregrine was at St Flannan’s (James Organ)
One Buzzard was at Dromoland Castle.(JNM)

Tuesday 28th March 2023

Tuesday 28th March 2023

Videograb of Night Heron at Tullagher Kevin Green

One adult Black-crowned Night Heron was at a farm at Tullagher. (The Green Family)
This is a first county record bringing the Clare List to 341 species.
One Great Northern Diver was again at Lough Bunny. (Paul Troake)
There were 111 Barnacle Geese on Mutton Island an 65 Brent Geese at Seafield, Quilty with a Merlin hunting at Quilty.(PT)

Monday 27th March 2023

There were two Velvet Scoters at Liscannor Bay. (Jeff Copner)
Three White-tailed Eagles were at Lough Muchanagh.(Geoff Pearson & Maura Crowe)
Two Buzzards were also at Lough Muchanagh.(Geoff Pearson)

Sunday 26th March 2023

Sunday 26th March 2023

Little Egrets are gathering in large groups currently to begin their mating rituals John N Murphy

The five Ring-necked Ducks were still at Kilkee Reservoir.(John N Murphy)
One Glaucous Gull was on the church rooftop in Kilkee (Chris Cullen)
One Peregrine, two male Wheatears, one Sandmartin and two Whooper Swans were at Loop Head. (JNM)
There were 27 Black-throated Divers between Black Head and Aughinish Island along with 80 Sandwich Terns, 19 Long-tailed Ducks, six Mediterranean Gulls and two Sandmartins. (Victor Caschera et al)
One Barn Owl was heard screeching in the early hours of this morning at Dysart. (James Organ)
There were eight Yellowhammer at garden feeders in Rinnamona and another male at a farmyard near Tubber.(Nuala and Tom Lynch)
A Buzzard was at Tubber and another at Fountain Cross.(N & TL)
One Peregrine and two Wheatears were at Dunlickey.(JNM)
Chiffchaffs were heard singing today at Fenloe Lake, Dysart and Shannon Town. (JNM, JO & AG)
One Willow Warbler was singing at Moanreal.(JC)

Saturday 25th March 2023

Saturday 25th March 2023

A 2CY colour ringed Shag on the steps of the main pier at Ballyvaughan Sean Whelan

The drake Ring-necked Duck was still at Ballyallia Lake this afternoon.(James Organ)
One White-tailed Eagle was at Lough Muchanagh. (John N Murphy & Finbar MacGabhann)
Off Aughinish Island north Clare there were two Black-throated Divers,two Red-throated Divers, 70 Great Northern Divers, eight Long-tailed Ducks, 24 Sandwich Terns, 165 Brent Geese and one male Wheatear. (JNM & FMacG)
There were 12 Black-throated Diver at Rine during the Clare Branch Outing. One was at an advanced stage of summer plumage.(Stan Nugent, Nuala and Tom Lynch et al)
Also at Ballyvaughan there were 56 Brent Geese, three Sandwich Terns, and two Black-throated Divers. (JNM & FMacG)
Two Buzzards were at Toole’s Lough. (JNM & FMacG)
One Stock Dove was at Newquay.(JNM)
At the Flaggy Shore there was one Red-throated Diver, 30 Great Northern Divers, 40 Turnstones and 15 Sandwich Terns. (Peter & Sean Whelan)
One Buzzard was at Cahercalla, Ennis. (JNM)
There were 16 Little Egrets at Sandfield Marsh, Lahinch.(Jeff Copner)
Nine Little Egrets were at Clare Abbey, Clarecastle. (JNM)
One littoralis Rock Pipit and one Peregrine were at Clahane, Liscannor. (Chris Cullen)

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