Swift at Lough Atedaun James Organ
The partial albino Curlew was back at Corofin and 15 Swift were at Lough Atedaun. (James Organ)
Swift at Lough Atedaun James Organ
The partial albino Curlew was back at Corofin and 15 Swift were at Lough Atedaun. (James Organ)
A metal ringed adult Mediterranean Gull at Corronroo Barry Howell
The Elegant Tern was still at Inishroo this afternoon. (Chris & Alex Cullen and Barry Howell)
One adult Mediterranean Gull was at Corronroo. (Barry Howell)
Single Buzzards were at Cratloe and Ballycasey (Tom Tarpey).
This Sparrowhawk was at Corofin James Organ
There were seven Crossbills near Cloonkett this afternoon.(John N Murphy)
Curlews have return to the shore from breeding grounds throughout the county like this juvenile at Killimer today John N Murphy
The Elegant Tern was back at Inisroo again this morning near the Clare/Galway border. (Tom Murtagh)
Elegant Tern Jeff Copner This is the same bird that was found within a colony of Sandwich Terns a couple of weeks ago at Lady’s Island in Wexford
An Elegant Tern was located within the Sandwich Tern colony at Inishroo, Carronroo Bay on the Clare/Galway border this afternoon. (Sean Holland)
One Carrion Crow was still at Ross, Loop Head. (John N Murphy)
One adult Carrion Crow was at Ross, Loop Head this afternoon and 25,000 Manx Shearwaters (pH) flew west past Ross this evening. (John N Murphy)
There was on adult and three juvenile Long-eared Owls near Mullaghmore, the Burren this evening.(James Organ)
A Barn Owl was at the Gort Road, Ennis.(Nuala and Tom Lynch)
Over 10,000 Manx Shearwaters (ph) and one Black Guillemot flew west past Ross, Loop Head this evening.(John N Murphy)
Eight Long Eared owl chicks were recorded in the Burren area tonight. Three near Mullaghmore (10:30) and another near Gortlecka. Three more were heard in mixed woodland near Corofin. (James Organ)
The three Eiders were off Cregg Beach Liscannor along with a flock of 49 Sandwich Terns.(James Organ)
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