Category Archives: Scarce & Rare Bird Sightings

Saturday 14th January 2023

Saturday 14th January 2023

Brambling at Darragh Finbarr MacGabhann

At the Bridges of Ross this afternoon there was one first-winter Sabine’s Gull and two Manx Shearwater. (John N Murphy & Dixie Collins)
The Brambling was still in a private garden today at Darragh. (FMacG)

Friday 13th January 2023

Friday 13th January 2023

Great White Egret at Clonlea Lake John Collins

One Great White egret was at Clonlea Lough, Kilkishen. (John Collins & Mariona Sarda)
At Black Head this morning there were five Manx Shearwater, a flock of 13 Barnacle Geese heading west close in, 500 Kittiwakes, 700 auks (85% razorbills) and five Red-throated Divers.(Paul Troake)
There were 17 Common Scoter at Coolsiva and four at the Rine. (PT)

Thursday 12th January 2023

Thursday 12th January 2023

Drake Goosanders at Killimer John N Murphy

A drake Goosanders, one first-winter Little Gull and 47 Little Egrets were at Killimer. (John N Murphy)
One first-winter Mediterranean Gull was at Ballymacrinan Bay.(JNM)

Wednesday 11th January 2023

Wednesday 11th January 2023

Yellowhammer near Tubber John N Murphy

One Brambling was at Darragh. (Finbar MacGabhann)
There were 56 White-fronted Geese at Tubber this afternoon. (JNM)
One Yellowhammer was near Tubber. (JNM)
One Kingfisher was at Islandavanna. (FMacG)
One Common Sandpiper was still at Clarecastle Quay.(JNM)
A Buzzard and two Goldeneye were at Lough Muchanagh. (JNM)
One Buzzard was at Ballyallia Lake.(JNM)
One Merlin, 500 Wigeon and 10 Pintail were at the east side of Toole’s Lough.(JNM)

Monday 9th January 2023

One Barn Owl was at Darragh. (Finbar MacGabhann)
A Long-eared Owl was at Paradise, Ballynacally (Tom Tarpey).
The Common Sandpiper was still at Clarecastle Quay and two Blackcaps were at Applewood, Ballycar.(JNM)

Sunday 8th January 2023

The Black Redstart and two Purple Sandpipers were at Kilkee. (Chris Cullen)
The drake Eider was still off Liscannor Pier. (Ray Glynn)
One Ruff was on the beach at Whitestrand, Doonbeg. (CC)
Single Buzzards were at Cratloe, Tubber and Corcomroe (Tom Tarpey).
Around 80 Purple Sandpiper were at seafield. (RG)

Saturday 7th January 2023

The Black Redstart was at Kilkee again today. (Dixie Collins)
One make Hen Harrier was at Tullagher Bog.(DC)
Nine Whooper Swans and two Greylag Geese were at Farrihy with another Greylag Goose below Killard graveyard.(DC)
The Common Sandpiper was still at Clarecastle Quay.(Chris Cullen)
Two Buzzards at Cliften Hill, Corofin. James Organ)
One Buzzard Lough Muchanagh (JO)
There were 13 whoopers grazing on far shore of Lough inchiquin.(JO)
One male Hen Harrier was at Barefield. (Iomhar Daly)
A flock of 41 whoopers at Kells, Corofin (JO)
Flock of 300 Barnacle Geese landing on Mutton from the south. (Dixie Collins)

Friday 6th January 2023

The drake Common Eider was still off the pier at Liscannor. (Dixie Collins)
One Buzzard was near Kilrush. (Stan Nugent)
Two Black Guillemots were at the White Strand, Doonbeg while two Greylag Geese were with five Whopper Swans at Farrihy.(JNM)

Thursday 5th January 2023

The Black Redstart was still at the West End of Kilkee near the steep steps this morning.(John N Murphy)
One Buzzard was at Barefield.(Iomhar Daly)

Tuesday 3rd January 2023

Tuesday 3rd January 2023

Drake Eider at Liscannor John N Murphy

The female Velvet Scoter and a drake Eider were at Liscannor Bay this afternoon. (John N Murphy)
There were 56 White-fronted Geese at Tubber this afternoon. (James Organ)
Two male Blackcap were at Oak Park, Ennis.(Nuala and Tom Lynch)
One male and one female Blackcap were at Applewood, Ballycar. (JNM)
One Buzzard was at Lough Inchiquin. (JNM)
Two Woodcock were near Clooney, Quin this evening. (JNM)
A male Great Spotted Woodpecker was seen near Meelick. (Tom Tarpey)

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    February 22 @ 11:00 am

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