Category Archives: Scarce & Rare Bird Sightings

Wednesday 23rd of October 2024

A White-tailed Eagle flew past Whelan’s Quarry outside Ennis.(Jeff Copner)

Tuesday 22nd October 2024

A Snow Bunting and a Merlin were at Loop Head this morning.(Ray Glynn)
A White-tailed Sea Eagle with a green tag 25 on its left wing was at Inismurray.(Simon Berrow)
Four Whooper Swan flew over Milltown Malbay.(Sally O’Meara)
A Yellow-legged Gull and 50 Golden Plover were at Inagh River Estuary.(Geoff Pearson)
A Barnacle Goose was at Lahinch Marsh and two adult and two juvenile Whooper Swan flew east over the area.(GP)
One Wheatear was at the Caher Valley.(Jan Biemens)

Monday 21st October 2024

A seawatch at the Bridges of Ross between 09.00-14.00 produced 4000 Gannets per hour initially, 100 Cory’s Shearwater, 20 Great Shearwater, 50 Sooty Shearwater, four juvenile Sabine’s Gull, two Grey Phalarope, two Arctic Tern, 20 Great Northern Diver three Red-throated Diver and one Common Scoter.(Geoff Pearson)
At Ross Ringing Station around lunchtime there were 120 Great Shearwater, 35 Cory’s Shearwater, 28 Sooty Shearwater, 32 Manx Shearwater, one Pomarine Skua and five Great Northern Diver.(John N Murphy)
Three Goldcrest are still at the gardens in Kilbaha(JNM)
Two Whooper Swan are in the fields on the Cliff road, Kilkee.(JNM)
A Kingfisher and a Common Sandpiper were at Clarecastle Quay.(JNM)
A Wheatear was at the Rine, Ballyvaughan this afternoon.(Jan Biemens)

Saturday 19th October 2024

Saturday 19th October 2024

Snow Bunting Loop Head.(John N. Murphy)
A Snow Bunting, a Lapland Bunting, one Barnacle Goose (over the village) one Cory’s Shearwater, one Merlin, one Buzzard two Whooper Swans(near Anvil Farm) and 150 Golden Plover were at Loop Head.(Chris Cullen, John N Murphy)
Three Goldcrest were in the gardens at Kilbaha.(JNM, CC)
A Peregrine and ten Gadwall were at Costello’s, Ballyallia.(Nuala and Tom Lynch)

Friday 18th October 2024

Friday 18th October 2024

This colour banded Ringed Plover missing its left leg has been on Kilkee Beach for the last few weeks John N Murphy

A Common Sandpiper was at Cappagh this morning.(John N Murphy)
An adult Mediterranean Gull was at Kilrush Marina.(JNM)
There were two Whooper Swan in the cliff fields, Dunlickey, Kilkee.(JNM)

Thursday 17th October 2024

A one hour seawatch at Ross Ringing Station this morning produced over 1000 Great Shearwater, 50-60 Cory’s Shearwater, 35 Sooty Shearwater, 70 Manx Shearwaters, three Sabine’s Gull, one immature Little Gull, three Grey Phalaropes, two Brent Geese and two Common Scoter.(John N Murphy)
At the Bridges of Ross between 09.00-11.00 there were 2000 Great Shearwater passing per hour, 45 Cory’s Shearwater, one juvenile Glaucous Gull, one Leach’s Petrel, two Arctic Skua, one Pomarine Skua, one adult Long-tailed Skua, three Common Scoter and one juvenile Little Gull.(Geoff Pearson)
A Hen Harrier was hunting at the Bog Road, Kilbaha.(JNM)
One Kingfisher was found dead at Keatings Pub, Kilbaha and one Goldcrest and six Collared Doves were in the village gardens. (JNM)
At the Bridges of Ross between 11.00-16.30 there were four Arctic Skua, one Great Skua, 12 Puffin, 80 Cory’s Shearwater, 1000 Great Shearwater, 15 Sooty Shearwater, 40 Manx Shearwater, one juvenile Sabine’s Gull, one Arctic Tern, 600 Kittiwake and 600 Guillemot.(GP)

Wednesday 16th October 2024

Wednesday 16th October 2024

There were two Cattle Egret at the Bog Road, Kilbaha.(John N Murphy)
There were 45 Barnacle Goose on Mutton Island.(Geoff Pearson)
There were 60 Great Shearwater north of Ross Ringing Station this evening and 50 Golden Plover flew east over the site.(JNM)
At Lough Donnell there was an immature Hen Harrier, 56 Curlew and nine Whooper Swan.(GP)
An immature Peregrine was at Doonbeg.(GP)
A Peregrine was at Carmody Street,Ennis.(Paul Cosgrove)

Tuesday 15th October 2024

Tuesday 15th October 2024

Cattle Egret at Loop Head, 8th county record John N Murphy

A Siberian Chiffchaff was at the gardens, Kilbaha (John N Murphy), along with one Common Chiffchaff, three Goldcrest, one immature Hen Harrier and seven Chaffinch.
A Cattle Egret was at the Bog Road, Kilbaha.(JNM and James Organ)
There were over 900 Great Shearwater, 119 Sooty Shearwater, 34 Manx Shearwater, one pale-phased Arctic Skua, a Red-throated Diver and eight Common Scoter at the tip of Loop Head during the course of a two hour seawatch.(Mark Gibson)
There were 50 Common Scoter at Lahinch.(Geoff Pearson)
An adult Yellow-legged Gull and 60 Golden Plover were at the Inagh Estuary.(GP)
Eighty Golden Plover were at Clahane and 60 more were at Crab Island.(GP)
An evening seawatch at Loop Head produced 46 Sooty Shearwater, 347 Great Shearwater, nine Manx Shear and five Great Skua.(MG)
There were 110 Golden Plover on the Bog Road.(MG)
One male Hen Harrier was at Lisdeen with a female close to Kilkee. (JO)

Monday 14th October 2024

Monday 14th October 2024

Yellow-browed Warbler at Kilbaha John N Murphy

Two Yellow-browed Warbler, one Blackcap and a Chiffchaff were at Tevlon’s garden, Kilbaha.(Mark Gibson, Jeff Copner and John N Murphy)
A Ruff, one White-tailed Eagle, one Whimbrel, 14 Pintail Duck, 53 Teal, 34 Mallard, eleven Wigeon, three Gadwall, 85 Golden Plover, 284 Lapwing, 28 Black-tailed Godwit, 14 Redshank, 18 Curlew and two Kingfisher were Lake Atedaun.(Tom Tarpey)
There were 15 Red-throated Diver, three Great Northern Diver, 30 Common Scoter and 300 Golden Plover at Clahane.(Geoff Pearson)
A Merlin was at Loop Head, Lighthouse this morning.(Jeff Copner)

Sunday 13th November 2024

A Yellow-browed Warbler was in the gardens in Kilbaha.(Mark Gibson)
Two Swallow were at nearby Cross.(MG)
A Red-throated Diver was at Rhinevilla.(MG)
A Hen Harrier was at Ross Ringing Station.(John N Murphy)
A male Hen Harrier was The Hand Mullagh this evening.(Finbar MacGabhann)
One adult male Marsh Harrier, one White-tailed Eagle and one Kingfisher was Lake Atedaun.(James Organ)
A Kingfisher and a Whimbrel were at Clahane.(Jeff Copner)

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