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- Michael Bonfil and Mrs. Bonfil who were again most helpful
- to the regular observers, especially Tony Mee, Gerry Butler and Killian Mullarney
- all who contributed records;
- to all the land-owners who allowed access to their property
- to the many people in Kilbaha who were so hospitable;
- special thanks to my wife, Noreen.
: One was recorded on Sept. 23.
: A marvellous total of 749 birds, seen between Sept. 2 and Oct. 8, made this the best season since 1984 (when 855 were recorded). Highest daily counts were 64 on Sept. 2 and 23, 80 on Oct. 8. A staggering 486 were counted in 4 ½ hours on the evening of Sept. 11. A few were seen to the south of the peninsula this season, with the vast majority as usual at Ross.
: Better-than-usual numbers throughout the season. 1000 and 750 per hour were recorded on July 30 and 31. There were 401 in 2 hours on Aug 23, 500 on Sept. 2, 350 on Oct. 6 and 500 on Oct. 7.
: Recorded daily, though in relatively small numbers, 300 on Aug 21 being the best count. Frequently under-recorded.
: Usually less than 10 per day, with 18 the best count.
: Regular, in small numbers, with 20 the best day’s count.
: Recorded on 18 days, mainly seen singly. 4 were present on Sept. 19.
: A single adult was at Cloghaun Lough on October 30.
: 20, on Oct. 9was the only sighting. This flock was seen to wander about the peninsula.
: Five records, all from Cloghaun Lough. Singles or pairs were usually recorded, with 8 on Nov. 13.: Four records … 2 in both September and October. 30 was the maximum count on Sept. 25, with 1 to 6 birds involved in the other sightings. All were seen on sea watches off Ross.: Five records, all from Cloghaun Lough. Singles or pairs were usually recorded, with 8 on Nov. 13.
: Regulars from Sept. 10 10 or less were encountered daily in September 10 to 50 in October. Highest counts were in November, with 85 on the 12 and 250 on the 16.
: Two were at Ross bay on Sept. 25. This is the first recorded sighting of the species in the area.
: A duck was in Ross bay on Nov. 12. There are very few records of this bird for the Clare Coast.: Recorded on 14 days; 15 on Sept. 16 was the maximum.: Two were at Ross bay on Sept. 25. This is the first recorded sighting of the species in the area.: A duck was in Ross bay on Nov. 12. There are very few records of this bird for the Clare Coast.
: There were three records in October. Singletons were seen on the 9 and 16, with 9 on the 22. All were seen from Ross.
: Seen on 16 days, generally involving single birds, with 2 present on one day.: Present on 12 days in all, with 2 sightings in September 7 in October and 3 in November. Mainly seen singly, 3 birds on Oct. 30 was the highest : Seen on 16 days, generally involving single birds, with 2 present on one day.
: One flew westwards between Kilbaha and Fodry on October 31. This is the first site record.
: Recorded on 16 days. Generally singles recorded, with 2 seen on three days.
: Recorded on 22 days. 1 to 2 were the normal daily counts, but three were present on two days in late October. Several took up residence in the lighthouse area and were seen attacking migrants on several occasions.
: One was seen on Oct. 15.
: One, at Fodry Bog, on Nov 16, was the first site record.: Recorded on 17 days. There were two sightings of 2 birds, with the rest seen singly. : One was seen on Oct. 15.: One, at Fodry Bog, on Nov 16, was the first site record.
: Normally 35 or less recorded daily, with one count of 70 on Sept. 19.: Single birds were seen on three occasions at Cloghaun Lough, with 2 there on Dec. 17. : Normally 35 or less recorded daily, with one count of 70 on Sept. 19.
: Regularly seen throughout the season. 25 was the best count on Nov. 1 1 to 15 was the normal daily range.
: One was watched for several hours on the afternoon of October 9 in the open country about a half a mile short of the Light.
: 12 birds on Sept 4 were the first seen. Overall, they were recorded on 17 days, all but two of these records involving 50 birds or less. 130 on Oct.13 and 150 on Nov 1 were the highest counts.
: Single birds on Sept. 18 and 20 were the only records that month. From Oct. 1 when 19 appeared, numbers picked up gradually, peaking at 180 in the 22. 650 were present on Nov. 16
: Six September records, mainly on seawatches and all from Ross, involved 20 birds or less on any day.: From mid-October there were four sightings of 1 to 3 birds, all in Ross bay. : Single birds on Sept. 18 and 20 were the only records that month. From Oct. 1 when 19 appeared, numbers picked up gradually, peaking at 180 in the 22. 650 were present on Nov. 16 : Six September records, mainly on seawatches and all from Ross, involved 20 birds or less on any day.
: Three were at the Ross bay storm beach on August 26.
: Two were at the pool at Ross on September 4. This is the first record for the site.
: Two birds seen at Ross on Sept. 24 was the only record.
: Regular in September, with 1 to 13 the daily range. Scarce thereafter, with only a further 8 records involving 1 to 6 birds.: Not recorded before this season. There were six records in all. The first was seen to come in off the sea during a seawatch on Sept. 3. Single birds were seen on Sept. 11, a8th, and 21. Two were seen on the 17 and a further 4 were seen on a seawatch on the 23.: Two birds seen at Ross on Sept. 24 was the only record.: Regular in September, with 1 to 13 the daily range. Scarce thereafter, with only a further 8 records involving 1 to 6 birds.
: Four were on flooded fields at the back of Ross bay on Sept. 24.
: Given the dearth of previous records, their presence on 7 days in the autumn was very satisfactory. The first was seen on Oct. 23, with the exception of 5 recorded on Nov. 6. All the other records were of single birds. Birds were found throughout the area, but most occurred near the Light.
: A very good autumn for the species, with good numbers regular, particularly at Kilbaha Pool. A wisp of 22 on Aug 20 was an interesting sighting for such an early date. There were 10 other counts of 20 or more birds and 50 were present on Sept 10. Recorded almost daily.: Given the dearth of previous records, their presence on 7 days in the autumn was very satisfactory. The first was seen on Oct. 23, with the exception of 5 recorded on Nov. 6. All the other records were of single birds. Birds were found throughout the area, but most occurred near the Light.
: Present on 11 days from late August to Oct 17. 1 to 5 were usually recorded, with 7 seen on three days. There were only two records of single birds in October.
: Recorded daily, with 10 counts of over 100 birds. The highest monthly totals were 219 on Sept. 20, 185 on Oct. 13 and 250 on Nov. 16
: Recorded almost daily, 12 being the highest count.
: Single birds recorded on eight days, mainly at Ross bay, but also at Kilbaha pool and Cloghaun Lough.: One was seen at Cloghaun Lough on Sept 16.: Recorded almost daily, 12 being the highest count.: Single birds recorded on eight days, mainly at Ross bay, but also at Kilbaha pool and Cloghaun Lough.
: Not recorded in previous years, this surprisingly scarce bird turned up twice this season, on Sept. 10 and Oct. 15, both being seen at Kilbaha harbour.
: Recorded daily, both scarce in November, when 6 was the maximum count. 100, on Oct. 1, was the peak, with 40 or less the normal daily tally.
: First seen on July 30 and regular on all late August to October seawatches at Ross with a grand total of 339 birds counted on 19 days. 30 were seen o Aug 20, 70 and 55 on Sept. 23 & 24 and the peak day’s count was 80 on Oct. 6.
: Early records were 3 and 1 on July 30 and 31. 150 birds in all were seen on 23 days up to Oct. 16. 24 on Sept. 3 was the best count, with 20 on the previous day. 1 to 12 was the normal day’s range.: 150 birds were recorded between Sept. 2 and Oct. 7, most probably . 90 on Oct. 7 was the best count. 5 were seen on Sept. 2, 15 on Sept 23 and 6 on Oct. 6.: First seen on July 30 and regular on all late August to October seawatches at Ross with a grand total of 339 birds counted on 19 days. 30 were seen o Aug 20, 70 and 55 on Sept. 23 & 24 and the peak day’s count was 80 on Oct. 6.: Early records were 3 and 1 on July 30 and 31. 150 birds in all were seen on 23 days up to Oct. 16. 24 on Sept. 3 was the best count, with 20 on the previous day. 1 to 12 was the normal day’s range.
: Recorded on 11 days between Aug 22 and Oct. 9, involving 233 birds in all. Some very good day’s counts were had with 51 and 46 on Sept. 23 and 24. 59 and 60 were seen on Oct. 6 and 7. Otherwise 1 to 4 was the normal day’s tally.
: The best year to date, with 11 recorded. All were juveniles. 4 were seen on Sept. 2, with single birds on Sept. 3 and 22, with no more than two seen on any day. Some records may not have been received.
: A good season, with 12 seen between Sept. 19 and Oct 22, with no more than two seen on any day. Some records may not have been received.
: 51 were recorded, making it an excellent season for the species. Birds were seen on 9 days. The first was very early, on July 31. 44 were counted in September, the best days being the 11, 23 and 24 involving 10 and 15 birds respectively. Six were seen in October, the last two on Oct. 7.: One was seen off the Bridges of Ross on Aug. 20 the first record for the area.: A good season, with 12 seen between Sept. 19 and Oct 22, with no more than two seen on any day. Some records may not have been received. : 51 were recorded, making it an excellent season for the species. Birds were seen on 9 days. The first was very early, on July 31. 44 were counted in September, the best days being the 11, 23 and 24 involving 10 and 15 birds respectively. Six were seen in October, the last two on Oct. 7.
: Recorded daily, with 49 birds or less normally seen. 125 on Oct 25 was the peak count.
: Scarce up to October, when they were regularly recorded. Normally 1 to 10 was the daily tally, with a maximum of 25 seen on Oct. 23.
: Usually less than 20 recorded daily. 65 on Sept 19 was the best count.
: Numbers in September were poor, with only four instances of over 200 birds. 700 were seen on Sept. 23. There were three counts of 200 in October and 600 and 800 were counted on Oct. 6 and 7. There were some very small counts, for instance, only 10 were seen on Sept. 9 when there was an otherwise heavy passage.
: Regular on seawatches, with a few seen at Kilbaha Bay. Counts usually varied from 2 to 24, with a high of 42 on Aug 22.
: Only specifically identified twice – 5 on Aug 25 and 8 on Sept. 3. ‘Comic’ Tern: Common or Arctic Terns, not specifically identified, were recorded on 9 days in Sept/Oct. There were four counts of 15 to 25 birds. : Common or Arctic Terns, not specifically identified, were recorded on 9 days in Sept/Oct. There were four counts of 15 to 25 birds.
: Recorded on 11 days between Aug 22 and Oct. 9, involving 233 birds in all. Some very good day’s counts were had with 51 and 46 on Sept. 23 and 24. 59 and 60 were seen on Oct. 6 and 7. Otherwise 1 to 4 was the normal day’s tally.
: Three records. Two were seen on Aug 27 and one on Sept 4, all off the Bridges of Ross.
: There was no check on numbers in the colony. On seawatches, they were specifically identified on only a few occasions. : One was seen off the Bridges of Ross on Aug. 20 the first record for the area.: There was no check on numbers in the colony. On seawatches, they were specifically identified on only a few occasions.
: Definitely recorded only twice. One was seen on Sept.23 and 3 on Oct 8.
: Under recorded. Regular in fairly small numbers, with a peak of 150 on Oct. 22.
: Recorded on five days. 8 on Sept 11 was the maximum.: One was seen off the Bridges of Ross on Aug. 20 the first record for the area.: Recorded on five days. 8 on Sept 11 was the maximum.
: Ten were in the orchard on May 6, and they were very scarce in autumn, as usual, with only a single bird seen on Sept. 18.
: Two records, which were the first for the site. Both were seen in the lighthouse area, on Sept. 21 and Oct. 16. : Two records, both in September. The first was near the Light on the 16 and the other on the main road near the junction with Horse Island on the 19.: Two records, which were the first for the site. Both were seen in the lighthouse area, on Sept. 21 and Oct. 16.
: 206 on Sept. 21 at the Light and 100 on Oct. 9 were unusually high counts. The first counts were had at dawn as rain cleared, the birds then heading off south-westwards. Numbers otherwise were in the 2 to 46 range. In all, a good autumn for the species, with them regularly recorded.
: Over 100 were present on Sept. 4. September numbers were otherwise poor, with 31 the highest day’s total. The last September bird was on the 21. There was only one October record, 2 birds on the 3. There was a late sighting of a singleton on Nov. 1.
: Again plentiful. There were 10 counts of 100 or more. The period from Sept. 17 to 21 was particularly good, with 150+ regular, and 269 the maximum October and November numbers weren’t as good, with the exception of 200 on Oct. 2 and 160 on Nov. 16..
: Plentiful on the shore, the maximum being 52 on Sept. 20. Scarce in November.
: A single bird appeared briefly over Lillis’ on Oct. 2. This was the first record of the species for the area.
: 5 to 20 regular. 37 on Oct. 19 was the maximum count. There were no records of White Wagtails.
: Seen daily, with 7 the peak daily count.: 5 to 20 regular. 37 on Oct. 19 was the maximum count. There were no records of White Wagtails.
: Resident. 21 was the daily maximum.
: Nine or ten records, as follows … – singles on October 2 and 25, 2 on 29/30 with one remaining to the 31st. There were 4 on Nov 12. The bird on Oct. 25 was seen opposite Lillis’; all the others were at the Lighthouse.: 26 was the maximum daily count.: Nine or ten records, as follows … – singles on October 2 and 25, 2 on 29/30 with one remaining to the 31st. There were 4 on Nov 12. The bird on Oct. 25 was seen opposite Lillis’; all the others were at the Lighthouse.
: Two records. A female was the lighthouse on Sept. 20 and a juvenile male was there on Oct 16.
: Five birds were recorded, all in October … one on the 22/23…. 3 on the 26…. 1 on the 28. All were in Kilbaha.
: Recorded daily in good numbers, with 10 to 20 at least each day. 20 were logged on both Oct. 15 and 31.
: Recorded on about 20 days, with 1 to 4 generally involved. 8 and 9 were present on Sept. 20/21. The latest bird was seen on Oct. 26.
: 4 birds on Oct. 9 was the first record. 1 to 30 were involved in the daily counts from then until Nov 6, when 42 were recorded. 5 were present on Nov 13 and the highest count was 180 on Dec 17. An unremarkable season for this species.
: Scarce in September 10 being the daily maximum. Almost absent late in the month and scarce up to Oct. 26, with 7 the maximum. Influxes in late October produced a very good count of on the28with 50 on the 29; arrivals continued into November when 38 were recorded on the 6.: Up to 20 were recorded daily in Sept/Oct. From Oct 26 onwards, 18 to 25 were regular. An influx of 74 was recorded on Nov 6. An obvious migrant, weighing only 77 grams, was trapped on Nov. 1.: 4 birds on Oct. 9 was the first record. 1 to 30 were involved in the daily counts from then until Nov 6, when 42 were recorded. 5 were present on Nov 13 and the highest count was 180 on Dec 17. An unremarkable season for this species.: Scarce in September 10 being the daily maximum. Almost absent late in the month and scarce up to Oct. 26, with 7 the maximum. Influxes in late October produced a very good count of on the28with 50 on the 29; arrivals continued into November when 38 were recorded on the 6.
: Probably bred. Present on 21 days, which is a more regular occurrence than in previous autumns. 5 was the maximum present. There were no obvious influxes as had been the case in the autumn of 1987.: First appeared on Sept (the 93 birds). Numbers wee irregular thereafter, with from 1 to 76 the daily tally. A poor autumn for the species.: Probably bred. Present on 21 days, which is a more regular occurrence than in previous autumns. 5 was the maximum present. There were no obvious influxes as had been the case in the autumn of 1987.
: Three different birds were reeling in the Kilbaha/Fodry area in the summer. A juvenile trapped in the Heligoland on Sept 10 was the first record of the species outside of the breeding season.
: Present in the summer. No autumn records.
: 2 recorded from Oct 16 onwards. Present on 6 days in October, with 3 the maximum on the 29. Present on 6 days up to mid-November, with 4 the maximum on the 6. 11 were ringed.
: Three records. Single birds were trapped in Lillis’ haggard on Oct 16 and 17. Another was at the Sallows on Oct. 26. Eight birds in all have been recorded since 1985.: Seven recorded. Single birds were noted on Sept 17, 20, 30 and Oct 15, 17. Two were present on Oct. 14 6 were ringed.: 2 recorded from Oct 16 onwards. Present on 6 days in October, with 3 the maximum on the 29. Present on 6 days up to mid-November, with 4 the maximum on the 6. 11 were ringed.: Three records. Single birds were trapped in Lillis’ haggard on Oct 16 and 17. Another was at the Sallows on Oct. 26. Eight birds in all have been recorded since 1985.
: Present on 22 days from Sept. 16, with 1 to 3 birds the usual daily tally. 5 on Nov 16 was the best count.
: Present on 13 days in the autumn up to Oct 12, with a single bird seen in May. 2 on Oct was the maximum.
: Another good reason for this bird. First recorded on Sept. 10. A small arrival was obvious in mid-September and 23 were seen on the 20. They were scarce again until Oct 3d, when 12 were present. The best influx was on Oct 14, when 60 appeared, and 30 were logged the following day. Late October and early November saw them regular in single figures. A bird bearing a ring was still present on Dec 27. 64 were ringed.
: A juvenile, the third record for the area and the first since 1985, was seen and later trapped at the Sallows on Oct. 9.
: There were three September records, contrasting with the complete absence of the commoner Spotted Flycatcher. Single birds were involved and they were found on the Sallows, the Sycamores and the Light, respectively. The last bird was seen to be in a very tired condition.
: Recorded daily, in small numbers. 28 on Sept 21 was the maximum count.: Present on 5 days. Singletons were seen on Sept 18 and 30 as well as Oct 1. Three were seen on Oct 2 and 3. Recorded daily, in small numbers. 28 on Sept 21 was the maximum count.
: Continuing to thrive, with up to 40 recorded daily. Most roost in the sycamore grove.
Recorded most days. Parties of 4 to 5 were regular and 9 was the maximum daily count.
Good numbers were seen throughout the autumn, with 200+ recorded on 10 days, 700 on Sept 21 was the peak.
Up to 40 were recorded daily.
An exceptional season for this bird. 3 on Sept 16 and one on the 30 were the only records for the month. From mid-October they became regular, with larger-than-usual arrivals, starting with 80 on the 22. This was eclipsed by 350 on the 28 and an amazing on the 29, with 230 on the following day and 380 on Nov. 11. On these days birds could be seen arriving from the North near the lighthouse and streaming eastwards along the peninsula. Of the birds trapped at this time, all were large birds, with many big enough to be of the nominate (northern) race, f .c. coelebs. The September and early October birds were of the smaller Irish/British race, f.c. hortensis.
Brambling: Four records … one on Oct. 16th, 2 on Oct 28th, 3 on Nov 6th and 2 on Nov 16th.
Nine records, from Oct 3 onwards. 2 to 5 were the usual counts, with 8 on Nov. 6.
Redpoll: In September, single birds were recorded on the 16th and 20th, in October on the 9th and in November on the 1st and 5th. 15 were in fields above the ‘top farm’ on Sept 19th.
An adult male was seen at the orchard on Nov 12 after a heavy downpour. It was watched for only a minute before disappearing eastwards.
Two records. One was flushed above the cliffs near the lighthouse on Oct 22 and a record was seen at Ross bay on Nov. 16
5 birds arrived on Oct 31 and single birds were present on Nov. 2 and 5, presumably remnants of the earlier arrival. The only previous record was of a single bird in 1985.
Little Bunting: A juvenile was trapped beside the hedge bordering Bonfil’s garden, Kilbaha, on Oct. 16th.
Most likely . These records were accidentally omitted from last year’s report. 11 probable Grey Phalaropes were seen on Sept. 12. Specifically identified Grey Phalaropes were seen on five days from Oct 4 to 9, involving 46 birds in all, with the final record, a singleton, on Oct 16.
It is not known whether the bird seen on Sept 12 1987 was submitted to the Irish Rare Birds Panel or not.
Birds Ringed loop Head
Storm Petrel
Curlew Sandpiper
Meadow Pipit
Rock Pipit
Grey Wagtail
Pied Wagtail
Grasshopper Warbler
Garden Warbler
Willow Warbler
Yellow-Browed Warbler
Red Breasted Flycatcher
Pied Flycatcher
Blue Tit
Great Tit
House Sparrow
Tree Sparrow
Redpoll Lesser
Reed Bunting
Little Bunting
Yearly Totals
: 793 birds of 49 species were ringed in 1988. Most of these were trapped from September to mid-November, though some Storm Petrels were tape-lured in June. Totals were well up on last year’s tally of 468, despite the fact that most of the ringing was done by two people.
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April 2006
Sunday 30th April 2006
There were 63 Whimbrel flying in a North West direction over
Ballycar, Newmarket-on-Fergus.
Friday 29th April 2006
There were six Swifts over Ennis Town.
One Dipper was seen on the Claureen River at Kilmaley.
Thursday 27th April 2006
One House Martin was in Quin village this morning.
A Grasshopper Warbler was heard singing at Darragh.
One male Blackcap was singing at Ballyallia Lake.
Wednesday 26th April 2006
There were 28 Whimbrel seen flying North west over Ballycar, Newmarket-on-Fergus.
One male Blackcap was heard singing at the edge of the Lees Road Wood close to Ballymacguiggan Lake.
Tuesday 25th April 2006
There was a flock of 54 Whimbrel at Poulnasherry Bay.
Monday 24th April 2006
There was one male Blackcap singing at Ballyallia Lake this evening.
Sunday 23rd April 2006
There were two Sedge Warblers singing this morning on the River Fergus near Doora Bridge. One Peregrine and one Raven were at Quin.
Two flocks of 55 Whimbrel flew north west over Ballycar,Newmarket-on-Fergus this evening. There were two male Blackcaps singing at Ballyallia Lake, another male at Ballymacguiggan near the Lees Road, Wood in Ennis and one male at Ballycar, Newmarket-on-Fergus.
Saturday 22nd April 2006
The drake Green-winged Teal is still at Bell Harbour (Tim Griffin). A second year Glaucous Gull was at Loop Head along with one Peregrine four Chough and Tree Sparrow.There were three Swifts near Knockhogan on the Quin/Ennis road this evening (these birds are about one week early as Swifts normally arrive here in Clare the first weekend of May).
There was one Blackcap singing at Darragh this morning.
Friday 21st April 2006
One male Blackcap was singing at Ballycar, Newmarket-on-Fergus.
One Dipper was seen on the Claureen River, Kilmaley.
Thursday 20th April 2006
There were two male Blackcaps singing near Mullaghmore in the Burren.
Also three pairs of Yellowhammer were seen in this locality and another male along the green road.
There was noticable Lesser Black-backed Gull migration over the county today.
Wednesday 19th April 2006
One male Yellowhammer was near Carran.
There was a male Blackcap singing at Ballycar, Newmarket-on-Fergus.
There was one Little Egret at Moyasta, Poulnasherry Bay.
Monday 10th April 2006
The Blackcap was stilll singing at Ballycar.
Friday 7th April 2006
There was a Peregrine at Lough Donnell near Quilty.
There was a Buzzard at Poulnasherry Bay (Meehan Family).
There was one female Hen Harrier and seven Little Egrets at Poulnasherry Bay. One Raven was near Taylor’s Hill, Kilrush.
Wednesday 5th April 2006
There was one Willow Warbler on the Kilrush Road in Ennis and anotherr at Ballycar, Newmarket-on-Fergus. Two Water Rails were heard calling at Ballycar Lough.
One Swallow in Bodyke, one in the centre of Ennis and two Sandmartins on the Fergus River in the middle of Ennis.
There was a Hen Harrier near Clahane.
Tuesday 4th April 2006
There was a Swallow on the Kilrush Road in Ennis this morning.
There was one Common Sandpiper, one Raven, two Grey Wagtails and one Sandmartin at the Quay in Clarecastle. There were four Little Egrets at Poulnasherry Bay along with 150 Brent Geese and one female Wheatear.
Common Sandpiper John N Murphy
Monday 3rd April 2006
There was one Swallow just outside Quin village this morning (9.10).
Sunday 2nd April 2006
One Swallow was at Ballymorris, Cratloe.
Two Little Egrets were at the Shannon Airport Lagoon.
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