Monthly Archives: November 2006

November 2006

Thursday 30th November 2006
The Pink-footed Goose was still with a flock of 18 Whooper
Swans at Keevagh on the Ennis side of Quin village this morning.

Wednesday 29th November 2006
The Pink-footed Goose was still at Keevagh outside Quin today.

Tuesday 28th November 2006
A female Ring-necked Duck was at Ballyallia Lake (John N Murphy &
Barry O’Donoghue).
One Pink-footed Goose was at Keevagh on a flooded field, the Ennis
side of Quin within a flock of Whooper Swans.

Monday 27th November 2006
One female Marsh Harrier was at Ballyallia Lake (Dave McNamara)
along with 20 Pintail.
Two Jays were seen in territorial battle along the Lees Wod Road, Ennis.

Saturday 25th November 2006
Five Black-throated Divers, three Long-tailed Ducks,
17 Black Guillemots and 35 Common Scoter were at
the Flaggy Shore today.
A small flock of 60 Woodpigeons were at Fenloe Lake.

Friday 24th November 2006
One male Ring-necked Duck and a Marsh Harrier were at
Ballyallia Lake today (Finbarr MacGabhann), along with one

Tuesday 21st November 2006
One Jay was at the Lees Wood Road again today.

Monday 20th November 2006
There was one first winter Marsh Harrier at Bunnow Marsh near,
Doora this morning (John N Murphy).
One Water Rail was calling at Ballycar Lake, Newmarket-on-Fergus.
One Jay was on the Lees Wood Road.

Sunday 19th November 2006
Six Greylag Geese flew over Sixmilbridge this morning.

Friday 17th November 2006
One Short-eared Owl was seen hunting near the Cliffs of Moher.
Over 70 Purple Sandpipers and one Glaucous Gull were on the
beach at Seafield, Quilty.

Thursday 16th November 2006
One Little Egret was at Doonbeg Bay.

Thursday 9th November 2006
A flock of 200 Woodpigeons were in the beech trees at Ballyallia
Lake this afternoon with over 70 Tufted duck on the main lake.
One Blackcap was seen near Knockhogan. There were 20 Purple
Sandpipers at Seafield and one Green Sandpiper at Doonbeg.
Wednesday 8th November 2006
One Raven flew over Applewood, Ballycar and two Water Rails
were calling at Ballycar Lake, Newmarket-on-Fergus.

Monday 6th November 2006
One Yellow-browed Warbler was at Kilbaha, Loop Head.
One male Blackcap was at Ballymacahill, Ennis.
There were six Whooper Swans at Ballyallia Lake today. 

Sunday 5th November 2006
The female Marsh Harrier was once again at Ballyallia Lake (Dave McNamara).
One Hen Harrier was at Lough Donnell.  Eight Little Egrets were at Aughinish
Island in North Clare.  Two Water Rails were at Ballycar Lake, Newmarket-on-Fergus. 

Saturday 4th November 2006
Today at Loop Head there were two Hen Harriers, four Merlin,
one Peregrine, five Blackcaps, two Chiffchaff, one Jack Snipe,
one Red-throated Diver, 125 Golden Plover, three Brent Geese
and one Minke Whale.
In north Clare between Traught beach and Black Head there
were 17 Black-throated Divers and one Hen Harrier flew in off
the sea near Black Head.
There were nine Little Egrets at Moyasta, Poulnasherry Bay.
Four Whooper Swans were at Moanmore, Tullagher Bog.

Friday 3rd November 2006
There were two Black-throated Divers off Fanore. 
A small flock of 15 Whooper Swans and two Greyag Geese
w ere at Islandavanna. 
There weres lots of Fieldfares and Lapwing on the move
today with 26 Fieldfares at Ballycar, Newmarket-on-Fergus
this morning and a flock of 60 at IslandMcGrath, Clarecastle.

Thursday 2nd November 2006

There was a Slavonian Grebe off the coast road near Fanore (Barry O’ Donoghue) 

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