Monthly Archives: November 2007

April 2007

Sunday 30th April 2006
There were 63 Whimbrel flying in a North West direction over
Ballycar, Newmarket-on-Fergus.

Friday 29th April 2006
There were six Swifts over Ennis Town.
One Dipper was seen on the Claureen River at Kilmaley.

Thursday 27th April 2006
One House Martin was in Quin village this morning.
A  Grasshopper Warbler was heard singing at Darragh.
One male Blackcap was singing at Ballyallia Lake.

Wednesday 26th April 2006
There were 28 Whimbrel seen flying North west over Ballycar, Newmarket-on-Fergus.
One male Blackcap was heard singing at the edge of the Lees Road Wood close to Ballymacguiggan Lake.

Tuesday 25th April 2006
There was a flock of 54 Whimbrel at Poulnasherry Bay.

Monday 24th April 2006
There was one male Blackcap singing at Ballyallia Lake this evening.

Sunday 23rd April 2006
There were two Sedge Warblers singing this morning on the River Fergus near Doora Bridge.  One Peregrine and one Raven were at Quin.
Two flocks of 55 Whimbrel flew north west over Ballycar,Newmarket-on-Fergus this evening. There were two male Blackcaps singing at Ballyallia Lake, another male at Ballymacguiggan near the Lees Road, Wood in Ennis and one male at Ballycar, Newmarket-on-Fergus.

Saturday 22nd April 2006
The drake Green-winged Teal is still at Bell Harbour (Tim Griffin). A second year Glaucous Gull was at Loop Head along with one Peregrine four Chough and Tree Sparrow.There were three Swifts near Knockhogan on the Quin/Ennis road this evening (these birds are about one week early as Swifts normally arrive here in Clare the first weekend of May). 
There was one Blackcap singing at Darragh this morning.

Friday 21st April 2006
One male Blackcap was singing at Ballycar, Newmarket-on-Fergus.
One Dipper was seen on the Claureen River, Kilmaley. 

Thursday 20th April 2006
There were two male Blackcaps singing near Mullaghmore in the Burren.
Also three pairs of Yellowhammer were seen in this locality and another male along the green road.
There was noticable Lesser Black-backed Gull migration over the county today.

Wednesday 19th April 2006

There were six Whimbrel near Seafield, Quilty.

Tuesday 18th April 2006
There were three Black Throated Divers off Bishop’s Quarter in Ballyvaughan Bay.

Monday 17th April 2006
There was one Blackcap at Ballycar, Newmarket-on-Fergus.

Sunday 16th April 2006
There was a Cuckoo at Darragh and one Raven.

Saturday 15th April 2006
There were six Black-throated Divers off Finvarra Point.

Friday 14th April 2006
One Buzzard was in the Burren near Mullaghmore (Meehan Family).
One male Yellowhammer was near Carran.
There was a male Blackcap singing at Ballycar, Newmarket-on-Fergus.
Thursday 13th April 2006
Cuckoos were heard calling in many parts of the county today.
There were two Jays on the Lees Road in Ennis.

Wednesday 12th April 2006
There were two Little Egrets flying over the bridge in Clarecastle this evening.
Tuesday 11th April 2006
There was one Little Egret at Moyasta, Poulnasherry Bay.

Monday 10th April 2006

There was a Dipper at the Claureen River, Kilmaley.

Sunday 9th April 2006
The drake Green-winged Teal was still at Bell Harbour.
The Blackcap was stilll singing at Ballycar.
There was one Jay on the Lees Road Wood  in Ennis.

Saturday 8th April 2006
There was one male Blackcap singing at Ballycar, Newmarket-on-Fergus.

Friday 7th April 2006
There was a Peregrine at Lough Donnell near Quilty.

Thursday 6th April 2006
There was a Buzzard at Poulnasherry Bay (Meehan Family).
There was one female Hen Harrier and seven Little Egrets at Poulnasherry Bay.  One Raven was near Taylor’s Hill, Kilrush. 

Wednesday 5th April 2006
There was one Willow Warbler on the Kilrush Road in Ennis and anotherr at Ballycar, Newmarket-on-Fergus.  Two Water Rails were heard calling at Ballycar Lough.
One Swallow in Bodyke, one in the centre of Ennis and two Sandmartins on the Fergus River in the middle of Ennis.
There was a Hen Harrier near Clahane.

Tuesday 4th April 2006
There was a Swallow on the Kilrush Road in Ennis this morning.
There was one Common Sandpiper, one Raven, two Grey Wagtails and one Sandmartin at the Quay in Clarecastle.  There were four Little Egrets at Poulnasherry Bay along with 150 Brent Geese and one female Wheatear.

Common Sandpiper John N Murphy

Monday 3rd April 2006
There was one Swallow just outside Quin village this morning (9.10).
Sunday 2nd April 2006
One Swallow was at Ballymorris, Cratloe.
Two Little Egrets were at the Shannon Airport Lagoon.

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November 2007

Friday 30th November 2007
There was a malwe Blackcap at Oakwood, Sixmilebridge.
Two Yellowhammers were a Ballycarroll, Barefield.

Thursday 29th November 2007
A WATER PIPIT was found along the Strand Line, near Lough Murree
today ( Paul Troake).  This is only the fifth County record and the third this year.
There were 34 Whooper Swans , 15 Scaup and two Peregrine at Lough Murree.
A group of 79 Brent Geese, 20 Great Northern Divers and eleven Black Guillemots
were just offshore at Lough Murree.
Two Jays were at the Lees Road Wood.
Water Pipit in North Clare © Paul Troake

Monday 26th November 2007
Six Black-throated Divers were at Liscannor Bay.
A group of 16 Black-throated Divers and 14 Great Northerns
were off Black Head.

Sunday 25th November 2007
One adult Mediterranean Gull and eight Purple Sandpipers
were at Clahane.
One Little Egret was at Doonbeg.

Saturday 24th November 2007
One Barn Owl was at Sixmilebridge.

Friday 23rd November 2007
Three Red-throated Divers were off Monastry, Liscannor.
A group of 16 Red-throate Divers were also on Liscannor Bay.
One Little Egret was at Lahinch.
A flock of 30 Whooper Swans were at Drumcliff, Ballyallia Lake.

Thursday 22nd November 2007
The esatern Jackdaw was still at Ballycar, Newmarket-on-Fergus.

Wednesday 21st November 2007
The eastern Jackdaw was still at Ballycar this morning.

Tuesday 20th November 2007
The WATER PIPIT was at Clahane beach, Liscannor is showing
very well this morning (Dave McNamara & Stan Nugent).
Water Pipit at Clahane Videograbs © Stan Nugent
Four Jays were at the Lees Road Wood.
A Jackdaw showing characteristics of the eastern form was at Ballycar
Newmarket-on-Fergus this morning (John N Murphy).

Eastern Jackdaw at Ballycar Videograb © John N Murphy

Monday 19th November 2007
The WATER PIPIT was still at Clahane this morning (Dave McNamara).
There were 77 Whooper Swans, 18 Gadwall, one Peregrine and two 
Raven at Lough Inchiquin.
Two female Hen Harriers were at Doonagore Bog, Doolin.  

Sunday 18th November 2007
There were two Jays at the Lees Road Wood.
A flock of 100 plus Barnacle Geese were on Mutton Island, Quilty.

Saturday 17th November 2007
One WATER PIPIT was at Clahane, Liscannor (Dave McNamara).
A male and female Hen Harrier were at Doonagore Bog, Doolin.
A flock of 87 Whooper Swans and three Little Egrets were at
the Shannon Airport Lagoon.
A group of 15 Whooper Swans were at Ballyallia Lake. 
One female Merlin was at Clahane.
One male Merlin was at Lahinch Marsh. 

Thursday 15th November 2007
One male Black Redstart and one Black Guillemot were in Kilkee.
A flock of 34 Whooper Swans were at Ballyallia Lake, Ennis.

Wednesday 14th November 2007
One Merlin and three Woodcock were at Gortcoirce, Dysart
this evening.

Sunday 11th November 2007
There were two Tree Sparrows at the White Strand, Doonbeg.
A flock of 11 Whooper Swans were at Kilkee Reservoir.
One female Hen Harrier was at Tullagher Lough.

Saturday 10th November 2007
One Common Sandpiper was on the Owenogarney River
near Bunratty.

Friday 9th November 2007
There was an eclipsed drake Ring-neck Duck at Lough
Inchiquin, Corofin (Finbarr MacGabhann).

Tuesday 6th November 2007
Two Green Sandpipers and a Little Egret were at
Ballycorick Bridge, Ballynacally.
A flock of 16 Whooper Swans were back in traditional 
fields at Ballygireen near the Dromoland roundabout. 

Monday 5th November 2007
The WATER PIPIT was back at Clahane (Dave McNamara).

Sunday 4th November 2007
There were two Jay and two Raven at
Mooghaun Wood.

Saturday 3rd November 2007
One Snow Bunting was at Lough Donnell.
Four Woodcock was at Dysart.
One Merlin was at Clahane.
Two Jack Snipe a flock of 100 Chaffinches, one Tree Sparrow
and one Peregrine were at Loop Head.

Friday 2nd November 2007
A flock of 17 Whoopers Swans were at Ballyallia Lake.

Thursday 1st November 2007
The WATER PIPIT was once again at Clahane, Liscannor
earlier today (Dave McNamara & Geoff Pearson).
One Jay was in a small woodland near Roslevan.
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