Saturday 28th February 2009
There were 12 Greylag Geese at Ballycar Lough, Newmarket-on-Fergus.
Friday 27th February 2009
One Greenland White-fronted Goose was at Ballyallia Lake, Ennis.

White-fronted Goose at Ballyallia Dave MvNamara
Thursday 26th February 2009
The WATER PIPIT is still at Clahane along with six Raven (Dave McNamara).
Two Little Egrets were at Ballyallia Lake, Ennis.
Fifteen Gadwall were at Maurices Mills while three Woodcock were seen at Dysart.

Water Pipit at Clahane Dave McNamara
Wednesday 25th February
One Short-eared Owl was at Slieve Callan.
A male and female Blackcap were at Oak Park, Ennis
A Jay was heard in Lees Road Wood, Ennis.
Monday 23rd February
The drake Ring-necked Duck was at Ballyallia Lake today (Finbarr MacGabhann)
Three Little Egret were at the same site.
One Iceland Gull was at Liscannor.
A flock of 50 Tufted Ducks, 26 Gadwall and two Ravens were at Lough Gash, Newmarket-on-Fergus.
An additional six Ravens wee at Ballycar, Newmarket-on-Fergus.
Two Dippers were near the Clare/Galway border north of Crusheen.
The Red & White colour ringed Redshank was at Clahane again today.
Sunday 22nd February 2009
The Water Pipit was still at Clahane (Dave McNamara).
One first-winter Iceland and one first-winter Glaucous Gulls were at Liscannor.
One male Hen Harrier was at Lough Atedaun.
One female ring-tailed Hen Harrier was at Lough Muchanangh.
Saturday 21st February 2009
The Water Pipit was once again at Clahane (Dave McNamara), along with on Peregrine.
There was one first-winter Iceland and one first-winter Glaucous Gulls were at Liscannor.
One male Hen Harrier was at Lahinch Marsh.
A group of 8 Little Egrets were at Coronroo on the Clare Galway border.
A Red-legged Partridge has been feeding alongside pheasants at a garden in Ennis since last October.
Friday 20th February 2009
The Water Pipit is back at Clahane (Dave McNamara).
The Green-winged Teal was at Lough Atedaun (Finbarr MacGabhainn).
One Twite was at Killard Bay, Doonbeg.
A flock of 34 Whooper Swans were at Tullagher.
Thursday 19th February 2009
There were two Glaucous and one Iceland Gull at Liscannor.
One coloured Ringed Redshank was at Clahane (see photo below).
Ten Greylag Geese and a Raven were at Ballycar lough, Newmarket-on-Fergus,
and the Carrion Crow was back at Applewood, Ballycar.
There were 40 Redpolls and two Blackcaps at a garden on the Lahinch Road, Ennis.

A second-winter Glaucous Gull at Liscannor Stan Nugent

The colour ringed Redshank at Clahane Stan Nugent
Wednesday 18th February 2009
One second-winter Glaucous Gull was at Liscannor along with ten Red-throated Divers.
One Brent Goose showing a dark belly was at the Flaggy Shore along side 12 Bar-tailed Godwits.
One Little Egret at Aughinish Island.
One Jay was at Darragh.
One Red-legged Partridge was sen near Dromoland.

Coulour Ringed Sanderling at Quilty John N Murphy
Tuesday 17th February 2009
One drake Green-winged Teal was at Bell Harbour (John N Murphy & Andy Smith).
Another drake Green-winged Teal was at Lough Atedaun (Dave McNamara).
One drake Ring-necked Duck was at Ballyallia Lake (Tom & Nuala Lynch),
alongside two Little Egrets and ten Whooper Swans.
One Waxwing was heard flying over the middle of Ballyvaughan Village.
There were three Black-throated Divers off Black Head along with 16 Common Scoter.
One Black-throated Diver was at the Rine Ballyvaughan.
One first-winter Glaucous Gull was at Liscannor.
One Black-throated Diver, one Long-tailed Duck and 10 Rock Doves were at Aughinish.
There were 20 Goldeneye at Lough Muchanagh.
One Peregrine was at New Quay.
A small flock of 20 Skylark were at Eagle Rock in the north east Burren.
One Peregrine and two Ravens were at the Cliffs of Moher.
One Little Egret was at Coronroo on the Clare/Galway border.
A Red-necked Grebe and one Slavonian Grebe were between Doorus and
Traught near the Clare Galway border.

First-winter Glaucous Gull at Liscannor Jeff Copner
Monday 16th February 2009
One Twite was at Clahane (Jeff Copner).
One adult Glaucous Gull was at Liscannor.
One Carrion Crow was at the Hospital Grounds in Ennis.
There were four Woodcock, 30 Whooper Swans and a flock of 290
Hooded Crows at Lough Inchiquin.

Twite at Clahane Jeff Copner
Sunday 15th February 2009
One first-winter Little Gull was at Aughinish Island, North Clare.
One Jack Snipe was at Ballycar, Newmarket-on-Fergus.
Four Woodcock were at Dysart.
A flock of 13 goldeneye were at Lough Muchanagh.

Little Gull at Aughninist Dave McNamara
Saturday 14th February 2009
The drake Ring-necked Duck was at Ballyallia Lake (John N Murphy & Tom Lynch).
The male Green-winged Teal is still at Bell Harbour (John N Murphy & Tom Lynch).
There were 21 Black-throated Divers at Ballyvaughan Bay with two more off Doorus Pier.
One Little Egret was at Ballyvaughan.
Another Little Egret and 250 Brent Geese were at New Quay.
One Little Egret and three adult-winter Mediterannean Gulls were at Coronroo, on the Clare Galway border.
There were 50 Great Northern Divers off the Flaggy Shore.
Three Woodcock and two Ravens were at Dysart.
One immature Hen Harrier was at Cullaun Lough.
Four Yellowhammers were at Mullagmore, the Buren.
Two Woodcock were at Darragh.
Friday 13th February 2009
Over 50 Greylag Geese and a Raven were at Ballycar Lough, Newmarket-on-Fergus.
A flock of 120 Whooper Swans were at Ballygireen, Newmarket-on-Fergus.
Sixteen Red-throated Divers were at Liscannor Bay.
Two Peregrines were at the Cliffs of Moher.
One Dipper was at the Falls, Ennistymon.
Thursday 12th February 2009
One drake Ring-necked Duck was at Ballyallia Lake(Dave McNamara).
One first-winter Iceland Gull and ten Red-throated Divers were at Liscannor.
There was a ring-tailed Hen Harrier at Lough Cullaun.
One Peregrine and four Woodcock were at Dysart.
One male Blackcap was seen on the River Fergus in the heart of Ennis.
Wednesday 11th February 2009
A small group of ten Greylag Geese were at Ballycar Lough, Newmarket-on-Fergus.
A male and female Blackcap were at Oak Park, Ennis.
Tuesday 10th February 2009
One male and one female Blackcap were at Ballymacahill, Ennis.
Over 80 Whooper Swans were at Ballygireen, Newmarket-on-Fergus.

Stonechat Barry Howell
Monday 9th February 2009
One Jack Snipe was at Claureen River, Ennis.
One male Blackcap was at Willow Park Ennis.
Sunday 8th February 2008
One first-winter Iceland Gull was at Clahane.
One Ring-tailed Hen Harrier was at Lough Muchanagh.
One Great Northern Diver was at Lough Cullaune, the Burren.
Saturday 7th February 2009
One Red-necked Grebe was off Doorus near the Clare/Galway border (Finbarr McGabhann).
Five Snow Buntings and nine Black-throated Divers were off the Rine, Balyvaughan.
There were 16 Black-throated Divers, three Long-tailed Ducks and 150 Brent Geese
at the Flaggy Shore.
Four Long-tailed Ducks were off Aughanish Island.
A flock of 250 Brent Geese and one Scaup were at New Quay.
Five Woodcock were at Clifden Hill, Corofin.
There were five Yellowhammers at Mullaghmore the Burren.
Friday 6th February 2009
One male Blackcap was at Ballymacahill, Ennis.
Two male and one female Blackcap were also seen at Oak Park Ennis.
Thursday 5th February 2009
There were two immature Glaucous Gulls at Clahane.
One Dipper and three Grey Wagtails were at the Falls, Ennistymon.
Wednesday 4th February 2009
Five Snow Buntings were at George’s Head, Kilkee.
A flock of 260 Brent Geese were near the Flaggy Shore New Quay.
With them there were three colour ringed Birds.
Brent Geese Ring combinations were;
1. Right Leg: White with letter L Left Leg Blue with letter U.
2. Right Leg: Red with letter J Left Leg: Blue with letter H.
3. Right Leg: Red with letter L or I Left Leg: Blue with letter Z.
The colour ringed Lapwing with Green Flag and ENX on its right leg and Yellow band on
the left leg was at Kells, halfway between Corofin and Tubber.
There was one Carrion Crow at Applewood, Ballycar, Newmarket-on-Fergus.
Two Little Egrets and one Kingfisher were at Moyasta.
A flock of 125 Rock Doves were in a field near New Quay.
A flock of 34 Moorhens were feeding on a grassy slope at Burrin Lake, near New Quay.
A flock of 20 Whooper Swans and 15 Gadwall were at Lough Inchiquin.
There were seven Woodcock at Gort Coirce, Dysert.

Carrion Crow with Rook John N Murphy
Tuesday 3rd February 2009
One drake Ring-necked Duck was at Ballyallia Lake, Ennis (John N Murphy & Stan Nugent).
One adult winter Glaucous Gull and one first-winter Iceland Gull were at Seafield, Quilty.
One first-winter Glaucous Gull was at Spanish Point.
Another first-winter Glaucous Gull was at Kilkee Beach.
One second-winter Glaucous Gull was at Clahane, Liscannor.
One male, and one female Hen Harriers were at Lough Muchanagh along with
15 White-fronted Geese.
There were four Woodcock at Clifden Hill.
A flock of 84 Whooper Swans were at Ballygireen, Newmarket-on-Fergus.
There were 100 Brent Geese and one Little Egret at Lough Murree.
Two Little Egrets were near Corronroo on the Clare/Galway border.
One male and one female Blackcap were at Ballymacahill, Ennis and another male and female at Oak Park Ennis.

Second-winter Glaucous Gull at Clahane Jeff Copner

First-winter Iceland Gull at Seafield Dave McNamara
Monday 2nd February 2009
One male Blackcap was at Ballymacahill, Ennis.
A flock of 40 Redpoll were in a garden on the Lahinch Road Ennis.
One Merlin was near Lough Inchiquin, Corofin.
One Peregrine, four Chough and two Ravens were at Baltard, Doonbeg.
A flock of close to 1,000 Lapwing were at Liscannor.

Redpolls at a garden on the Lahinch Road Ennis John N Murphy
Sunday 1st February 2009
There was a flock of over 200 Barnacle Geese at Doonbeg.
One male and one female Blackcap were at Ballymacahill, Ennis.
A small party of 18 Whooper Swans were in fields between Killard and Farrihy.

Male Blackcap Ballymacahill Ennis John N Murphy
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