Black-headed Gull
Mammals & Insects Sightings
A Red Squirrel was seen at Lees Road Wood Ennis.
Black-tailed Godwit
Limerick Sightings
Thursday 30th December 2010
Five Brambling were at Athea.
Monday 27th December 2010
A adult Ring-billed Gull was seen at Westfields during the annual Christmas Outing. A Water Rail also gave good views near the viewing platform.
One Brambling and two Blackcaps were in a garden at Raheen.
Friday 24th December 2010
Two Waxwings were seen in a garden in Cappamore.
A male Brambling was seen in a garden in Newcastle West.
Two Blackcaps, a male and a female, were reported froam a rural garden near Ballingarry.
Thursday 23rd December 2010.
A Brambling was seen in Croom.
A male Blackcap was seen in Monaleen, Castletroy.
A Buzzard was seen at Garryarthur, Glenroe.
Wednesday 22nd December 2010
Two Hawfinches and four Brambling were at Curraghchase (Andrew Holmes)
Monday 20th December 2010
The adult Ring-billed Gull was at Harvey’s Quay and 13 Redshank, ten Dunlin and seven Grey Herons were at Clancy’s Strand. An otter was also seen feeding on an eel on a rock in the river at the strand.
Sunday 19th December 2010
Two Hawfinches and two Brambling were at Curraghchase (John N Murphy).
A Brambling, a male Merlin, a Kestrel, a Sparrowhawk, 220 Chaffinches, 150 Reed Buntings, 55 Skylarks, three Lapwing, two Water Rails and a Golden Plover were at Coonagh.
Goldcrest © Tom Tarpey
Hawfinch at Curraghchase © James Hayes
Friday 17th December 2010
A colour ringed Black-headed Gull (White 2P45) was at Westfields. The bird was ringed as a chick at Cleveland Farm, Wiltshire on 29/6/09 and was observed at Cerney Wick, Gloucestershire on 17/9/09. This is the third coloure ringed bird from the Cotswold Water Park ringing project in England to be recorded in Limerick.
A Brambling and seven Jays were at Curraghchase.
A female Ring-necked Duck (James Hayes), two Pintail, 28 Teal, 130 Tufted Duck, 200 Wigeon and a Raven were at Lough Gur.
White-tailed Eagle at Ringmoylan © James Hayes
Saturday 11th December 2010
A White-tailed Eagle was seen on the estuary near Ringmoylan Pier today (Tom Tarpey). This is the second year male satelite tagged bird (Star) that has been frequenting the area for much of the past two weeks.
A flock of at least 70 Whooper Swans was also seen nearby.
There were 210 Whooper Swans again today at Clarina.
Two Goldeneye were at Cooperhill Lake, Mungret.
Distant view of White-tailed Eagle attended by Hooded Crow near Ringmoylan (Tom Tarpey)
Friday 10th December 2010
There were 210 Whooper Swans in two seperate flocks at Newtown, Clarina.
Thursday 9th December 2010
A flock of 80 Whooper Swans were seen near Pallaskenry.
Wednesday 8th December 2010
A male Blackcap was at Gouldavoher.
Tuesday 7th December 2010
A male Blackcap was seen in a private garden in Raheen.
The adult Ring-billed Gull was at O’Callaghan’s Strand.
Thurdsay 2nd December 2010
Five Hawfinches, ten Brambling and ten Jays were at Curraghchase Forest Park (John N Murphy & James Hayes)
Wednesday 1st December 2010
A lone Waxwing was seen at the Monaleen Road, Castletroy this evening. This is the first appearance of this eruptive species in Limerick since February 2005.
Two male Blackcaps were also seen in the Monaleen area.
The adult Ring-billed Gull was at O’Callaghan’s Strand again this morning.
Waxwing at Castletroy © Tom Tarpey
Tuesday 30th November 2010
Seven Hawfinches were at the Curraghchase (Bruce Carrick).
Monday 29th October 2010
Five Hawfinches and four Bramblings were seen in Currachase Forest Park this morning (James Hayes)
Sunday 28th November 2010
A satelite tagged White-tailed Eagle was reported near Beagh Castle on the Shannon Estuary. This bird was also present in the same area on November 26th and was also seen that day near Ennis, Co. Clare.
A Cattle Egret was reported at Morgans North, Askeaton this afternoon by a farmer feeding his cattle (per Frank King). The bird was also reported to have been seen at the same location on November 17th approx. Confirmation of identity is awaited.
At least nine Hawfinches were at Curraghchase (Peter J Doyle).
A Kingfisher was found near Foynes.
Three Goldeneye and 800 Lapwing were at Bunlicky.
Friday 26th November 2010
A Hawfinch, ten Brambling and 30 Jays were reported from Curraghchase (Bruce Carrick).
The female Ring-necked Duck was reported again at Lough Gur,
The adult Ring-billed Gull was at O’Callaghan’s Strand again today.
300 Lapwing, 18 Dunlin, ten Redshank, four Golden Plover, four Shoveler, 30 Teal and 14 Wigeon were at Coonagh.
Two colour ringed Black-headed Gulls (Yellow 252M & Yellow 208P) were at Harvey’s Quay today. Both birds were ringed as chicks in Lough Mask, Mayo in June 2007 and were recorded in Limerick City last winter as well.
Five Hawfinches and six Brambling were seen at Curraghchase this morning (Tom Tarpey).
A female Ring-necked Duck was reported at Lough Gur.
An adult Ring-billed Gull was at O’Callaghan’s Strand.
A pair of Pintail along with 185 Tufted Duck, 150 Wigeon, 15, Teal, 12 Gadwall, eight Mallard and three Shoveler were at Lough Gur.
A Barn Owl was seen at Banogue near Croom.
Four Bramblings were with a flock of 250 Chaffinches at Glenstal Abbey, Murroe and a large count of 23 Goldcrests was reported from the Clare Glens.
There were tree Hawfinches (John N Murphy & James Hayes), 12 Brambling and ten Jays at the Currachase Forest Park this morning.
Monday 15th November 2010
Ten Brambling were seen at Currachase Forest Park today.
The Eastern Jackdaw was seen again at Raheen.
Sunday 14th November 2010
There was at least ten Bramblings with the large Chaffinch flock at Currachase Forest Park today.
One Buzzard, a Merlin, 25 Greylag Geese, 75 Whooper Swans and a colour-ringed Little Egret (yellow 9 right, black J left) were seen at Ringmoylan.
Saturday 13th November 2010
Seven Hawfinches (James Hayes & Clodagh Glasgow) and five Brambling were seen at Currachase Forest Park today. Hawfinches have been seen here on a number of occasions since a major influx of over 100 birds occurred in November 1988. The Hornbeam trees near the main carpark is one of the favoured areas used by these birds.
There were 300 Teal, ten Shoveler, 12 Whooper Swans, 55 Mute Swans, 290 Lapwing, 85 Golden Plover, eight Redshank, two Dunlin, a Snipe and one Little Egret were at the Coonagh Settlement Ponds today.
Hawfinch and Brambling at Curraghchase © James Hayes
Wednesday 10th November 2010
There were three Bramblings, 40 Jays, 200+ Chaffinchs and 60 Siskin at Currachase today.
An Eastern Jackdaw was seen at Croagh.
Jay and Brambling at Curraghchase © James Hayes
A Merlin was seen at Carrigkerry.
Saturday 6th November 2010
There was 100 Tufted Duck, 32 Teal and eleven Gadwall at Lough Gur today.
Tuesday 2nd November 2010
The Eastern Jackdaw was seen in Raheen today.
Saturday 30th October 2010
A juvenile Snow Bunting was found near the summit of Knockfierna today.
Friday 29th October 2010
There was 150 Tufted Duck, 28 Teal, a Scaup and 12 Little Grebe at Lough Gur today.
Thursday 28th October 2010
The continental race Jackdaw was seen in a private garden at Raheen again today.
Recently arrived Whooper Swans at Coonagh © Tom Tarpey
Sunday 24th October 2010
Thirteen Whooper Swans (including four juveniles), 34 Mute Swans, 250 Teal, nine Shoveler, six Snipe, three Black-tailed Godwits and a Sparrowhawk were at the Coonagh Settlement Ponds this evening.
Sunday 17th October 2010
Six Whooper Swans were early arrivals at Lough Gur today.
Wednesday 13th October 2010
A adult Mediteranean Gull was seen at Robertstown today.
Saturday 9th October 2010
One Blue-winged Teal (Tom Tarpey), 40 Teal, 12 Shoveler, three Mallard, six Knot, seven Golden Plover, a female Hen Harrier, one female Sparrowhawk and a Whinchat were at Coonagh today.
Whinchat at Coonagh © Tom Tarpey
Friday 8th October 2010
A Buzzard was seen near Croagh today.
Wednesday 6th October 2010
The eastern race Jackdaw was on show on a public green in Raheen today.
Eastern race Jackdaw at Raheen © James Hayes
Monday 4th October 2010
Today there were eight Snipe, four Water Rails, two Little Egrets, 40 Teal, five Mute Swans, a Peregrine Falcon and two Kestrels at the Coonagh Settlement Ponds.
Sunday 3rd October 2010
An eastern race Jackdaw (C. m. monedula or soemmerringii) was seen in a garden in Raheen today (James Hayes).
There was a Jack Snipe, a Spotted Redshank, five Snipe, 70 Teal, 15 Shoveler, three Mute Swans and a Wheatear at the Coonagh Ponds this evening.
Monday 27th September 2010
A Buzzard was seen at the M20/M7/N18 interchange at Rossbrien this morning.
Saturday 25th September 2010
A Wheatear, 43 Teal, two Tufted Duck, seven Snipe, a Greenshank, a Water Rail, a female Sparrowhawk and a Kestrel were at the Coonagh Ponds.
Friday 24th September 2010
Black Swans have been reported from a number of localities in Limerick recently. A pair were on the Shannon at Howley’s Quay today.
Black Swans at Howley’s Quay © James Hayes
Tuesday 21st September 2010
The Pectoral Sandpiper was at the east end of the Coonagh Ponds again this morning. Two Wheatear, a Little Egret two Water Rails and 20 Shoveler were also at the site.
A Black Swan of unknown origin was associating with the Mute Swans at O’Callaghan’s Strand today.
Juvenile Pectoral Sandpiper at Coonagh © James Hayes
Monday 20th September 2010
There were six Little Egrets roosting on St. Gearoid’s Island at Lough Gur this evening.
Sunday 19th September 2010
There was a Whimbrel and five Little Egrets at Tarbert today.
Friday 17th September 2010
There was a juvenile Pectoral Sandpiper at the Coonagh Ponds this evening. This is the third record of this transatlantic vagrant for the County. There was also 45 Teal, nine Black-tailed Godwits, two Tufted Duck, two Little Egrets, three Swift, a Water Rail and a Kestrel at the site.
Juvenile Pectoral Sandpiper at Coonagh © Tom Tarpey
Tuesday 14th September 2010
The Citrine Wagtail was still present at the Coonagh Settlement Ponds today(Tom Tarpey). Also present was the Yellow Wagtail, the Black Tern, three Swift and a Reed Warbler.
Monday 13th September 2010
Citrine Wagtail at Coonagh © Tom Tarpey
Black Tern at Coonagh © Tom Tarpey
Tuesday 7th September 2010
There was one Curlew Sandpiper, two Ruff, 19 Greylag Geese, three Little Egrets, one Whimbrel, a single Dunlin, small numbers of Black-tailed Godwits and Redshank and 15 Swift at the Coonagh Settlement Ponds. One Painted Lady Butterfly was also noted.
Sunday 5th September 2010
There was a Green Sandpiper, a juvenile Wood Sandpiper and three juvenile Spotted Redshank at the Coonagh Settlement Ponds this morning. A pair of Swifts were also seen in the area.
Saturday 4th September 2010
The juvenile RED-NECKED PHALAROPE was seen at the Coonagh Settlement Ponds again today (Barry Howell).
Friday 3rd September 2010
A juvenile RED-NECKED PHALAROPE was at the Coonagh Settlement Ponds this afternoon (Tom Tarpey). This is the first record of the species in Limerick. Nine Ruff, three Little Egrets, nine Little Grebes, a Greenshank, 40 Lapwing and smaller numbers of Black-talied Godwits, Teal and Mallard were also present.
Juvenile Red-necked Phalarope at Coonagh © Tom Tarpey
Thursday 26th August 2010
The high tide count at the Coonagh Settlement Ponds this evening included ten Ruff, a Wood Sandpiper, 25 Snipe, 80 Redshank, 11 Greenshank, 28 Lapwing, 175 Black-tailed Godwits, two Little Egrets, six Shoveler, 20 Teal, five Mallard and four Little Grebe.
Friday 20th August 2010
Buzzard near the N69 at Askeaton.
Saturday 31st July 2010
Two Hen Harriers (female & juvenile), four Jays and a high count of 55 Mistle Thrushes were recorded
Wednesday 14th July 2010
There was a Whimbrel near the Shannon at Rhebogue.
Sunday 13th June 2010
There were four Blackcaps singing in one CBS tetrad at Currachase this morning. A Spotted Flycatcher was also seen.
Sunday 23rd May 2010
There were four Blackcaps singing at the eastern end of Plassey Walk, Castletroy.
Saturday 22nd May 2010
Cuckoo at Gooig Bog.
Monday 17th May 2010
Single Cuckoos were seen at Scotland Bog, Carrigkerry and New Quay, Askeaton today.
Saturday 8th May 2010
Five Whimbrel were at Askeaton
Friday 7th May 2010
A Cuckoo was at Gortadroma, Ballyhahill.
Tuesday 4th May 2010
There was a Cuckoo at Ashfort, Patrickswell today.
Whitethroat at Gooig Bog © Tom Tarpey
Saturday 1st May 2010
There were four Blackcaps in song in a one kilometre CBS square in Currachase. A Sedge Warbler was also head in the area.
A Whitethroat was singing at Gooig Bog.
Thursday 29th April 2010
The first Swifts of the year were reported today from Bruff and the Castle Demense, Newcastle West.
Tuesday 27th April 2010
There was a Turtle Dove at Rathbane Golf Course today.
Red Grouse © James Hayes
Monday 26th April 2010
Two Cuckoos, two Grasshopper Warblers, a male Hen Harrier and a Red Grouse were seen in the West Limerick Hills today.
Sunday 25th April 2010
Four Hen Harriers (three females and a male), four Grasshopper Warblers and two Cuckoos were in the West Limerick Hills today.
Tuesday 20th April 2010
There was Cuckoo, a female Hen Harrier and two Grasshopper Warblers at Griston Bog, Ballylanders today.
A Cuckoo and two Wheatear were seen at Gooig Bog.
Willow Warbler at Gooig Bog © Tom Tarpey
Friday 16th April 2010
There was a Little Egret, seven Willow Warblers and five Chiffchaffs at Adare.
Wednesday 14th April 2010
There was a Blackcap in song and a Buzzard at Newtown, Castletroy.
1st year Ring-billed Gull on the Shannon at Howley’s Quay, Limerick City.
Three Buzzards were seen circling overhead near Raheen, Limerick in the evening.
There was a Blackcap in song at Plassey, Castletroy.
Monday 5th April 2010
Two Ring-billed Gulls (Adult and 1st Year) at Howleys Quay.
Second year Ring-billed Gull at Howleys Quay, Limerick City.
Eight Sand Martins at Westfields.
Friday 2nd April 2010
Green-winged Teal at Tarbert (Geoff Hunt).
Chiffcahffs at Ballingarry and Adare.
Tuesday 30th March 2010
Four Swallows at Bleach Lough, Kildimo.
Monday 29th March 2010
Adult Ring-billed Gull at Tarbert.
Sunday 28th March 2010
Two drake Scaup were at Lough Gur. Three Chiffchaffs and a Willow Warbler were also head singing in the area.
A Blackcap was in song at Monaleen, Castletroy.
One Chiffchaff at Adare.
Six Sand Martins and two Swallows at Abbeyfeale.
Thursday 25th March 2010
A number of Sand Martins were seen over the Maigue in Croom.
Two male Scaup were at Lough Gur.
A flock of three Little Egrets flew over Milltown, Ballysimon.
Two adult Ring-billed Gulls and a second-winter Mediterranean Gull were at Arthur’s Quay, Limerick City today.
Sunday 21th March 2010
There was a female Brambling in a garden at Monaleen, Castletroy today.
There were four Little Egrets and a male Blackcap at Castleconnell
Buzzard near Ardagh © Andrew Holmes
Monday 15th March 2010
There was a Buzzard just north of Ardagh by the side of the Shanagolden Road today
Sunday 14th March 2010
There were two Ring-billed Gulls, an adult and 1st winter bird, on the Shannon in Limerick City today.
Monday 8th March 2010
Two drake Scaup were at Lough Gur today. Two Jay were also seen near the lake.
A flock of 54 Whooper Swans and a Little Egret were at Athlacca.
Sunday 7th March 2010
The female Ring-necked Duck was at Lough Gur today.
There was a male Blcakcap at Monaleen, Castletroy.
Saturday 6th March 2010
There were three Blackcaps (two male and a female) in a garden at Castleconnell.
Continental Cormorant © James Hayes
There was two male Blackcaps at Castleconnell.
Westfields had a count of 20 Pochard.
A male Blackcap was at Castletroy and a female was at Raheen.
Saturday 20th February 2010
Thursday 18th February 2010
A Chiffchaff was seen at Deerpark, Adare.
There was a male Blackcap at Monaleen, Castletroy.
One male Blackcap at Castleconnell.
Sunday 7th February 2010
A female Ring-necked Duck was at Lough Gur earlier today (Paul Troake).
Friday 5th February 2010
A Ring-billed Gull and 25 Pochard were at Westfields today.
Wednesday 3rd February 2010
There was a Ring-billed Gull was at O’Callaghan’s Strand.
A Raven was seen at Aughinish Island and a Little Egret at nearby Robertstown Creek.
Tuesday 2nd February 2010
There were two Ring-billed Gulls and three Turnstone on the Shannon in Limerick City today.
There was a Scaup, two Whooper Swans and two Gadwall at Lough Gur.
A flock of 30 Oystercatchers was seen feeding on the green on King John’s Island in Limerick City today.
Black-headed Gull Yellow 286B was also seen at Arthur’s Quay today.
Whooper Swan at Mill Road, Corbally © John N Murphy
Thursday 27th January 2010
A Whooper Swan is still present at the Mill Road, Corbally.
Tuesday 26th January 2010
Ten Twite were seen at Aughinish, Askeaton.
There was a flock of 120 Whooper Swans at Newtown, Clarina.
Two Blackcaps (male and female) were in a garden at Raheen and a male was in Castletroy.
Sunday 24th January 2010
A Black Redstart was at the Potato Market, Merchants Quay, Limerick.
Redshank at O’Callaghan’s Strand © Tom Tarpey
Ring-billed Gull at O’Callaghan’s Strand © James Hayes
Tuesday 19th January 2010
Two Ring-billed Gulls at O’Callaghan’s Strand and a third near the City centre.
Friday 15th January 2010
Eight Whooper Swans were seen near Rathkeale.
A Ring-billed Gull and a Little Egret were at Westfields.
Thursday 14th January 2010
The Hoopoe was seen again today in Castletroy.
Wednesday 13th January 2010
A Hoopoe turned up in a private garden in Castletroy today.
Sunday 10th January 2010
A Ring-billed Gull was seen at Bishop’s Quay in Limerick City.
Three Blackcaps, a male and two females, were in a garden in Raheen.
Saturday 9th January 2010
There was a report of a Firecrest in Lisnagry today on a UK birding website.
Two Blackcaps, a male and female, were in a garden in Raheen today.
Black-headed Gull White 2H59 © James Hayes
Wednesday 6th January 2010
A Ring-billed Gull was present in Westfields.
Blackcaps in Castletroy © Tom Tarpey
Tuesday 5th January 2010
Two male Blackcaps were in a garden in Monaleen, Castletroy today.
Saturday 2nd January 2010
A Twite was found in a mixed finch flock near the boatyard at Newquay, Askeaton today.
An adult Ring-billed Gull was seen at Tarbert Bay.
Further afield Ballylongford Pier, Co. Kerry had two Kingfishers an a Common Sandpiper.
Redpoll © Tom Tarpey
Friday 1st January 2010
A Buzzard was seen at Killeline, Newcastle West this evening.
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