Monthly Archives: October 2009

Calendar 2011

The front Cover depicts a species making a comeback into Ireland the Great Spotted Woodpecker.
In an attempted to raise funding to update our Web Site, The Clare Branch of Birdwatch Ireland
have just produced a Birdwatching Calendar for 2011.  The Calendar depicts 12 bird species that
are commonly found throughout Clare and the rest of the country during any year.
The Calendar is on sale at all local bookshops and small retailers around Clare.
Birdwatch Ireland Head Office will also have a supply in the Wings Giftshop.
They can be purchased directly from Clare Branch members at a cost of €7 allow 
€2 for post and package (Republic of Ireland).
UK & Northern Ireland: £7 plus an additional £2 Post and Package.
Europe: €7 also allow €2 Post and Package.
US: $10 this price includes Post and Package.
To Order Now contact:
Tom Lynch:   Telephone: + 353-65-6822145
John Murphy: Telephone: +353-61-476885
Species depicted in the Calendar are (see below back cover):
January: Reed Bunting
February: Grey Heron
March: Turnstone
April: Swallow
May: Common Tern
June: Razorbill
July: Common Swift 
August: Glossy Ibis
September: Osprey
October: Whooper Swans
November: Black Redstart
December: Brent Geese
On the back you can see the 12 species chosen for each month
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October 2009

Saturday 31st October 2009
A Yellow-browed Warbler was seen at Kilbaha earlier today, alongside five Chiffchaffs.
and two Bullfinches.
Five male and three female Yellowhammers were seen close to Mullaghmore.
One Little Egret was at Doonbeg.
Two Little Egrets and a Whooper Swan were at Kilcredaun.
There were 727 Wigeon, three Gadwall and ten Whooper Swans at Lough Murree,  New Quay.
At the Shannon Airport Lagoon there were three Little Egrets, 18 Gadwall, 28 Shoveler and 
320 Black-tailed Godwits. 
Yellow-browed Warbler at Loop Head Dave mcNamara
Friday 30th October 2009
Two Black-throated Divers and 16 Great Northern Divers were off Aughinish Island.
Four Black-throated Divers were at Finvarra Point.
A Ring-billed Gull,  two second-winter Mediterranean Gulls and 33 Great Northern Divers
were at the Flaggy Shore.
One first-winter Velvet Scoter and ten Great Northern Divers were at Bishops Quarter.
There were twenty three Great Northern Diver seen between Aughinish and the Flaggy Shore.
Two Woodcock were at Clifden Hill, Corofin.
Ten Whooper Swan were on Lough Murree.
Second-winter Mediterranean Gull at the Flaggy Shore Dave McNamara

Thursday 29th October 2009
A juvenile American Golden Plover was at Kilcredaun Marsh this evening (John N Murphy)
within a flock of 80 Golden Plovers and alongside one Whooper Swan and one Whimbrel. 
At Kilcredaun Lighthouse there was one female Wheatear.
There were four Chiffchaff, one Willow Warbler, one Swallow and 56 Rock Doves
at Kilbaha, Loop Head.
One Black-throated Diver was off the Flaggy Shore, with 10 Whooper Swans, one
Pintail and one Gadwall at Lough Murree.
Wednesday 28th October 2009
At the Shannon Airport Lagoon this afternoon there were six Little Egrets, five 
Whooper Swans, 24 Gadwall, 3,000 Golden Plover, 22 Grey Plover, 400 Knot,
600 Redshank and four Water Rails.
There were two Water Rails at Ballycar Lough, Newmarket-on-Fergus.
A family party of five Whooper Swan were at Ballymacguiggan Lake this evening

Tuesday 27th October 2009
Five Snow Buntings were at George’s Head, Kilkee.
Seven Whooper Swans were seen flying over Killard Bay, Doonbeg this morning. 
Monday 26th October 2009
One Kingfisher was at Lough Atedaun.
There were 57 Black-tailed Godwits and 16 Gadwall at Lough Inchiquin.
Large numbers of Redwing were observed throughout the county today.
Sunday 25th October 2009
The immature Garganey and 14 Gadwall were at the Shannon Airport Lagoon this late 
this evening and one Merlin was seen chasing 4,000 Starlings going to roost.
At the Bridges of Ross this morning there was one Sabine’s Gull, three Arctic Skuas,
one Bonxie, one Sooty Shearwater, one Storm Petrel and thousands of Kittiwakes.
On Loop Head there were six Chiffchaffs.
One second-winter Mediterranean Gull was at Cloghaun Lough.
A flock of 75 Sanderling were at Seafield with three birds wearing colour band combinations.
Also at Seafield were three Purple Sandpipers.
A flock of 300 Golden Plovers, 170 Lapwing and one Little Egret were at Doonbeg.
Two Peregrines were at Farrihy Lake.
One Whooper Swan was at Kilcredaun Marsh while another seven Whoopers were at Lough Atedaun.
There were 13 Gadwall at Lough Inchiquin.
There were six Greenland White-fronted Geese at Tullagher Bog.
Whooper Swan at Kilcredaun Marsh Dave McNamara
Colour ringed Sanderling at Seafield Dave McNamara
Saturday 24th October 2009
The immature Garganey was still at the Shannon Airport Lagoon this afternoon
along with 12 Little Egrets, 470 Teal, 30 Shoveler, 12 Gadwall, 70 Wigeon,
60 Lapwing, 200 Black-tailed Godwit, 300 Golden Plover 200 Knot and 200 Dunlin.
The adult Little Gull was still in the  fllooded field outside Quin.
There were 13 Gadwall and two Pochard at Ballyallia Lake, Ennis.
Friday 23rd October 2009
One adult-winter Little Gull was in a wet flooded field just outside Quin village.
One Willow Warbler and three Siskins were at Loop Head.
A large number of Redwings were noted moving through the county today.
Adult Little Gull in a wet field on the Ennis road just outside Quin John N Murphy
Thursday 22nd October 2009
One Blackcap, three Chiffchaffs and two Bullfinches were at Loop Head.
One Swallow was at Applewood, Ballycar Newmarket-on-Fergus along with
ten Greylag Geese.
Wednesday 21st October 2009
The BUFF-BELLIED PIPIT was showing well at Clahane this afternoon (Dave McNamara).
A flock of 34 Greylag Geese flew over Applewood, Ballycar heading to Ballycar
Lough, Newmarket-on-Fergus.
A Swallow was seen over Ennis..
Tuesday 20th October 2009
At Kilbaha, Loop Head today there was one Pied Flycatcher, one Reed Warbler,
a male and female Blackcap, one Willow Warbler, nine Chiffchaffs, one second-winter
Iceland Gull and one Merlin.
One Green Sandpiper and two Little Egrets were at Moyasta.
One juvenile Curlew Sandpiper and a Little Egret were at Doonbeg. 
Merlin near Loop Head Lighthouse John N Murphy
Green Sandpiper at Moyasta John N Murphy
Monday 19th October 2009
The BUFF-BELLIED PIPIT was at Clahane this evening (Dave McNamara),
along with one Merlin and two White Wagtails.
One first winter Glaucous Gull and a Merlin were at Kilbaha.
One Whooper  Swan was at Kilcredaun Marsh, Rineville.
Sunday 18th October 2009
The BUFF-BELLIED PIPIT was at Clahane (Dave McNamara).
Also at Clahane were one White Wagtail and a Merlin.
There was no sign of the Little Bunting at Loop Head today but two Yellow-browed
Warblers were still present along with the first-winter Pied Flycatcher, one male Blackcap,
one Jack Snipe, the juvenile Brent Goose and four Chiffchaffs.
One Wheatear and 16 Great Northern Divers were at the Flaggy Shore.
There were 13 Little Egrets at Finvarra.
A flock of 17 Gadwall were at Lough Inchiquin, Corofin.
Five Greylag Geese were at Fenloe Lake (Fin Lough), Newmarket-on-Fergus. 
Saturday 17th October 2009
A LITTLE BUNTING was seen just up from Kilbaha Cottage, Loop Head (John N Murphy, Nuala and Tom Lynch, Dave McNamara).
Also at Kilbaha were  two Yellow-browed Warblers, a first-winter male Pied Flycatcher, a Garden Warbler, six Chiffchaffs, one Swallow, 30 Reed Buntings, ten Lesser Redpoll, seven Choughs, seven Ravens,  ten Snipe, one Peregrine, 20 Redwings and five Fieldfares.
At Loop Head Lighthose a Storm Petrel was rescued and returned to sea. A dead Blackcap
was found there also.
A Brent Goose was in Kilbaha Harbour.
One Barn Owl was at Dysert this evening.
Little Bunting at Kilbaha John N Murphy
Pied Flycatcher at Gibsons Garden Loop Head John N Murphy
Storm Petrel found at the base of Loop Head Lighthouse Dave McNamara
Friday 16th October 2009
The BUFF-BELLIED PIPIT was at Clahane (Dave McNamara).
One Pied Flycatcher was in Gibson’s Garden Loop Head.
One second-winter Ring-billed Gull was at Quilty Beach.
One first-winter Glaucous Gull was in Kilbaha Harbour.
Two male Hen Harriers and two Jack Snipe were at Tullagher Bog.
One Ruff was at Willow Park, Ennis.

Thursday 15th October 2009
A Raven was at Lees Road Wood this afternoon.

Wednesday 14th October 2009
A Yellow-browed Warbler was seen at Kilbaha earlier today. (John N Murphy,  Brian Finnegan
& Dave McNamara).
Also at Loop Head were four Garden Warblers, one Common Buzzard, one Brambling, 16 Chiffchaffs,
16 Chough, six Tree Sparrows, 10 Redpolls, one Jack Snipe and five Redwings.
Two Green Sandpipers and a Little Egret were at Moyasta.
Two males and one female Hen Harriers were near Doonbeg.
One Whooper Swan was at Ing, Newmarket-on-Fergus.
Yellow-browed Warbler at Kilbaha John N Murphy
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2009pic/buff-bellied pipit clahane 06-10-2009 10-47-59.jpg
Garden Warblers at Loop Head John N Murphy
Tuesday 13th October 2009
The BUFF-BELLIED PIPIT was at Clahane this morning (Dave McAdams).
At the Shannon Airport Lagoon the Garganey was still present along with 
35 Little Egrets, 80 Shoveler, 320 Teal, three Water Rails, 200 Black-tailed
Godwits, 3,000 Golden Plover and eight Gadwall.
Three Black-throated Divers were at Aughinish Island along with 85 Black
Guillemots, 55 Red-breasted Mergansers, five Great Northern Divers
and two Red-throated Divers.
One Ruff was at the Claureen River Attenuation Pond in Ennis.
Two Greylag Geese and nine Redwing were at Applewood, Ballycar,
One Arctic Tern was at Seafield, Quilty.
Monday 12th October 2009
The BUFF-BELLIED PIPIT re-appeared at Clahane today (Dave McNamara).
A second-winter Ring-billed Gull was still at Spanish Point.
Two Black-throated Divers , four Little Egrets and 50 Black Guillemots were off Aughinish.
Also at Aughinish Point were one Snow Bunting and three Swallows.
One Green Sandpiper, a Kingfisher and 14 Black-tailed Godwits were at the Claureen River
Attenuation Pond in Ennis.
One Whooper Swan was at Lough Atedaun, Corofin.
Ring-billed Gull at Spanish Point Jeff Copner
Sunday 11th October 2009
An immature Garganey was at the Shannon Airport Lagoon this afternoon along with
280 Teal, 65 Shoveler, 20 Little Egrets, two Curlew Sandpipers, one Spotted Redshank, 
1,000 Redshank, 270 Knot, 190 Dunlin, 4,000 Golden Plover, five Grey Plover, 600 Black-tailed 
Godwits, two Water Rail and one female Hen Harrier.
There were 10 Chiffchaff at Loop Head, with one second-winter Iceland Gull at Pilot Hill,
one Fieldfare in a garden near the bog road and five Jack Snipes in the pond at Kilbaha.
Five Swallows were at Cross Village.
Saturday 10th October 2009
A male Redstart was found on the outskirts of Kilbaha Village.
One adult Ring-billed Gull and a second-winter Mediterranean Gull were at Bell Harbour.
One adult Mediterranean Gull and a Little Egret were at Corronroo Bay.
One Green Sandpiper was at Moyasta, along with one Water Rail and two Little Egrets.
A Ruff and 38 Black-tailed Godwits were at the Claureen River Attenuation pond in Ennis.
One Jack Snipe was at Cloughan Lough Loop Head, along with two Snow Buntings.
At Loop Head there was one female Blackcap, two Wheatears, six Chiffchaffs, two Merlins
one Peregrine, 10 Chough and five Ravens.
A Whooper Swan was at Lough Murree, the first this autumn.
One Wheatear and a Little Egret were at Bishop’s Quarter, Ballyvaughan.
One Jay was near Manusmore, Clarecastle.
There were 33 Gadwall at Lough Inchiquin.
One Merlin and three Raven were at Clahane.
Friday 9th October 2009
The second-winter Ring-billed Gull was at Spanish Point along with a Merlin.
One Wheatear was at Clahane, Liscannor.
Thursday 8th October 2009
The second-winter Ring-billed Gull was still at Spanish Point.
There were two Black-throated Divers off Aughinish.
One Arctic Skua, 14 Great Norther Divers and 150 Black Guillemots were off the Flaggy Shore.
Four Little Egrets were at Finvarra Point.
There were 30 Red-throated Divers, five Great Northern Divers and 12 Common Scoter at Liscannor.
Two Jays were at Darragh.
A Jay was seen at Lees Road Wood this evening.

Wednesday 7th October 2009
The BUFF-BELLIED PIPIT was once again seen at Clahane (Dave McNamara).
One second-winter Ring-billed Gull was in approach fields to Kilbaha with other  large gulls.
At Loop Head there was two Snow Buntings, one male and three female Blackcaps, 10 Chiffchaffs,
three Wheatears, two Merlin, one first-winter Little Gull, one second-winter Iceland Gull,
one Jack Snipe, one Redwing, one Red-throated Diver, three Great Northern Divers
and 44 Reed Buntings.
One Redwing was seen near Rineen National School, Moy, Lahinch.
A flock of 36 Great Northern Divers were at Liscannor Bay.
There were 19 Gadwall and 35 Black-tailed Godwits at Lough Atedaun.
A flock of 150 Golden Plover were in fields on the south side of Kilkee Bay.
There were two Swallows near Kilrush.
Tuesday 6th October 2009
The BUFF-BELLIED PIPIT was still showing well at Clahane today. (Jeff Copner & Maurice Hannafin)
There were 100 Golden Plover and nine Chough at Lahinch Marsh.
Buff-bellied Pipit at Clahane Jeff Copner
Monday 5th October 2009
The BUFF-BELLIED PIPIT was showing well in Clahane this afternoon. (Finbarr MacGabhann)
At Loop Head today there was one male and one female Blackcap, one Redwing, one Willow 
Warbler and 17 Ravens.
One Common Sandpiper was at Cloghaun Lough.
One Curlew Sadnpiper was at Rinville Beach, Carrigaholt.
One Little Egret and one Raven were at Kilcredaun.
There were 21 Gadwall at Lough Inchiquin.
One Ruff and 43 Black-tailed Godwits were on the Fergus River near Willow Park, Ennis. 
Two Water Rail and two Raven were seen at Ballyallia Lake this morning.
Ruff in Ennis Barry Howell
Male & Female Blackcaps at Loop Head Dave McNamara
Sunday 4th October 2009
The BUFF-BELLIED PIPIT was showing well all day at Clahane beach (Neal Warnock, Jane 
and Ger Griffin et al).
A Buzzard was at Killard Bay, Doonbeg, alongside one Tree Sparrow, one Wilow Warbler, 
one Peregrine and 11 Chough.
One second-winter Iceland Gull was at Doonbeg.
One Snow Bunting, one female Blackcap, one Willow Warbler, seven Chiffchaffs, three Swallows, 
two Wheatears, and two Merlin were at Loop Head.
One Curlew Sandpiper was at Rineville beach, Carrigaholt.
One male Hen Harrier was Lough Muckanagh, the Burren.
A Raven was at Ballyallia Wood and another at Islandavanna where 307 Redshank were also present.
Saturday 3rd October 2009
The BUFF-BELLIED PIPIT was at Clahane today (Barry Howell).
Today at the Bridges of Ross there were, five Sabine’s Gulls, 11 Leach’s Petrels, eight Storm Petrels,
208  Sooty Shearwaters, 100 Manx Shearwaters, two Pomarine Skuas, nine Arctic Skuas, 15 Bonxies,
five blue phased Fulmars, five Puffins, 51 Brent Geese, three Common Scoters, 29 Arctic Terns , one
Wigeon and one Peregrine Falcon.
A Common Sandpiper was at Kilbaha Harbour.
At Kilbaha village there was one female Blackcap, three Chiffchaff, a female Hen Harrier and one Peregrine.
At the Fodry a Raven, six Chough, fifty Golden Plover and a male and female Merlin were seen.
Also at Loop Head there were two Wheatears and one second-winter Mediterranean Gull was at Ross Bay. 
One Peregrine was at Lough Donnell with another at Tullagher and possibly the same bird at Killard Bay.
One Snow Bunting was at Killard.
There was a Whimbrel and 50 Brent Geese at Seafield.
There were seven Little Egrets at Moyasta.
Friday 2nd October 2009
The BUFF-BELLIED PIPIT was at Clahane again this morning (Eamon McLochlainn, John N Murphy
Brian Finnegan, Tom Chadwick).
One Long-tailed Skua, two Leach’s Petrels, 22 Sooty Shearwaters and a Peregrine were at the
Bridges of Ross.
Also at Clahane was one Common Sandpiper.
One Common Sandpiper and a Kingfisher were at Clarecastle Quay.
Two Brent Geese flew over the blue pools at Kilkee.
Two Little Egrets were at Blackweir Bridge, Poulnasherry.
Two Little Egrets were at Querrin.
Eleven Gadwall and twelve Black-tailed Godwit were seen at Ballyallia Lake.
There were 11 Barnacle Geese at Doonbeg Bay.
Buff-bellied Pipit was showing well at Clahane John N Murphy
Thursday 1st October 2009
There was a BUFF-BELLIED PIPIT at Clahane this afternoon (Dave McNamara & Jeff Copner).
This is the second county record found in the exact location where the first one 
turned up on 7th October 2007 and found by the same observer, well done Dave.
One Green Sandpiper, one Jack Snipe and 25 Black-tailed Godwits were at
the Claureen River atenuation Pond in Ennis.
One Long-eared Owl was at Clifden Hill, Corofin.
A Merlin and two Ravens were at Doonagore Bog.
A flock of 50 Little Grebes and 26 Tufted Ducks were at Lough Gash, Newmarket-on-Fergus.
One Merlin and one Peregrine were at Lough Donnell.
Buff-bellied Pipit at Clahane Dave McNamara
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