One Little Egret and 68 Greylag Geese were at Bunlickey.
Leave a commentSaturday 31st December 2011
There were two Great Northern Divers, 19 Greylag Geese and five Goldeneye at Lough Muchanagh.
Leave a commentFriday 30th December 2011
Tundra Bean Goose at Lough Muchanagh © Howard Williams
A Tundra Bean Goose was at Lough Muchanagh this afternoon (Howard Williams), it looks very like the bird that was at Liscannor two days earlier.
There was one Little Egret, 12 Scaup and seven Great Northern Divers at Carrigaholt.
One Great Northern Diver was in the lake at Kilcredaun Marsh.
Two Purple Sandpipers, seven Razorbills, 36 Guillemots, 20 Fulmars and ten Gannets were off the tip of Loop Head.
Tuesday 27th December 2011
Teal ©Tom Tarpey
15 Pochard, five Shoveler as well as good numbers Tufted Duck, Mallard and a single Teal were seen at the annual Christmas Outing to Westfields. A flock of Siskins was also present on the alders.
Leave a commentWednesday 28th December 2011
The female Marsh Harrier was at Lough Cullaun, the Burren.
The Pink-footed Goose, 25 White-fronted Geese, 55 Greylag Geese and a female Hen Harrier were at Muchanagh.
There were 13 Crossbills, four Woodcock and a Jay at Gortcoirce.
Tuesday 27th December 2011
Tundra Bean Goose with Pink-footed Geese at Liscannor © John N Murphy
One Tundra Bean Goose was near the Pitch and Putt Course at Liscannor (John N Murphy, Austin Cooney, Brian Finnegan et al), along with three Pink-footed Geese. This is the first living record of Bean Goose in Clare. The first bird in the county was shot in the Shannon Estuary in February 1903.
There was one Pink-footed Goose at Lough Muchanagh along with 45 Greylage Geese and a Great Northern Diver.
There were 74 Whooper Swans and 36 Greylag Geese at Tool’s Lough.
A flock of 100 Common Scoter were at Lahinch with one Little Egret at Lahinch Marsh.
One immature and two male Hen Harriers were near Tubber.
A flock of 400 Wigeon and two Goldeneye were at Lough Atedaun as well as an Otter.
Nine Goldeneye were at Lough Cullaun, the Burren.
Monday 26th December 2011
Pink-footed Goose with Greylag Geese at Lough Muchanagh © John N Murphy
The female Marsh Harrier, the immature Pink-footed Goose, one Hen Harrier and 67 Greylag Geese were at Lough Muchanagh.
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