Monthly Archives: October 2014

Friday 31st October 2014

Friday 31st October 2014

Lesser Yellowlegs at Moyasta Creek John N Murphy

The Lesser Yellowlegs was still at Moyasta Creek this afternoon ( Jeff Copner & Barry Howell).

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Thursday 30th October 2014

Thursday 30th October 2014

Lesser Yellowlegs ©Tom Tarpey

The Lesser Yellowlegs was seen at Moyasta Creek again this evening (Tom Tarpey).
Two Arctic Skuas were present with a feeding flock of Kittwakes and Gannets just south of Kilbaha Harbour today. There was a flock of 65 Golden Plover and a Snipe near Loop Head, 55 Lapwing at Ross Bay, c. 60 Chaffinchs and at least 12 Song Thrushes at Kilbaha. A Peregrine, three Greenshank, five Redshank, 22 Teal and 20 Mallard were at Cloghaun Lough.

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Tuesday 28th October 2014

Three Jay and a Raven were at Lees Road Wood.

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Monday 27th October 2014

Monday 27th October 2014

Lesser Yellowlegs at Moyasta Creek Aidan G Kelly

There was a Lesser Yellowlegs at Moyasta Creek late this evening (Aidan G Kelly et al).  This is only a fifth county record of this rare North American wader.  At Loop Head there were three Snow Buntings, one Jack Snipe, four Chiffchaff and 55 Golden Plover.

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Sunday 26th October 2014

A Yellow-browed Warbler was heard calling in Keatings garden, Kilbaha this morning (John N Murphy).  Also at Loop Head were three Snow Buntings, two Chiffchaff, two Jack Snipe, 120 Golden Plover, one Peregrine, two Sparrowhawks, 40 Choughs, one adult Pomarine Skua, three Arctic Skuas and a first-winter Mediterranean Gull were off the Fodry. One Woodcock was at Feard East Loop Head this evening.  One Barn Owl was between Carrigaholt and Cross.

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Saturday 25th October 2014

At Loop Head today there was one Turtle Dove, four Snow Buntings (3 at the tip and one at the Fodry), four Chiffchaffs in the gardens, one Merlin, three Brent Geese at Ross, three Pomarine Skuas, two Arctic Skuas, one Jack Snipe and 80 Golden Plovers. One first-winter Ring-billed Gull was at Kilkee beach.  Off the Bridges of Ross there were 14 Great Northern Divers, four Storm Petrels, 16 Arctic Skuas and one Great Skua.

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Friday 24th October 2014

There were two Green Sandpipers and 15 Whooper Swans at Lough Gash, Newmarket-On-Fergus this evening.  A flock of 15 Great Northern Divers were at Bonfil’s Creek, Ross, west Clare today.

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Wednesday 22nd October 2014

Two Purple Sandpiper were at Quilty. A Chiffchaff and eight Golden Plover were at Loop Head.

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Tuesday 21st October 2014

There were 53 Pomarine Skuas, 14 Arctic Skuas, 5 Great Skua, a Grey Phalarope, 2 Storm Petrel, a Red-throated Diver, 10 Great Northern Diver and a Merlin were seen at Black Head.

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Monday 20th October 2014

One Yellow-browed Warbler, a Turtle Dove, one Fieldfare and a Redwing were at Kilbaha this morning (Keith Langdon & Simon Mitchell).  Off the Bridges of Ross there was 42 Sooty Shearwaters,  one Arctic Skua and five Pomarine Skuas.

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