Monthly Archives: October 2014

Saturday 11th October 2014

Saturday 11th October 2014

Lesser Whitethroat at Senie Costelloe’s garden, Kilbaha John N Murphy

At Loop Head today there was good migration with the following seen, one Lesser Whitethroat, three Turtle Doves, seven Bramblings, one Lapland Bunting, one Snow Bunting at the Fodry, one female Blackcap, one Redwing, one Willow Warbler, three Chiffchaff, two Redpolls, 14 Reed Buntings around the lighthouse, six Goldfinch and two Greenfinches in the lighthouse garden, five Wheatears, 14 Golden Plover, four Swallows off the tip of the headland, 40 Skylarks, 26 Chough, one Merlin, one Peregrine coming off the sea at the Fodry with a Storm Petrel in its tallons, one Sparrowhawk and two Great Northern Divers flew out the mouth of the Estuary.  One first-winter Mediterranean Gull was at Kilkee beach.  One Short-eared Owl was at Killow Roundabout near Ennis.

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Friday 10th October 2014

Friday 10th October 2014

Brambling in Kilbaha Harbour, one of three birds at Loop Head today John N Murphy

At Loop Head today there were 16 Crossbills seen flying past the lighthouse and out to sea. Also at Loop were three Brambling, two Lapland Buntings, one Snow Bunting, seven Chiffchaffs, one Peregrine, one Merlin, one Sparrowhawk, 28 Choughs, 16 Golden Plover, eight Snipe, two Redpolls, eight Wheatears, one Bonxie off The Bridges of Ross and six Barnacle Geese flew over the headland.

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Tuesday 7th October 2014

A  Borolo’s Little Shearwater was seen from the R V Celtic Explorer 8km west of Quilty (Ciaran Cronin).

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Tuesday 7th October 2014

Tuesday 7th October 2014

Hoopoe ©Tom Tarpey

The Hoopoe was seen again today at Ballyvockogue, Askeaton (L O’Brien, M Flanagan, G Hunt & T Tarpey).
Two Green Sandpipers were seen at a private reservoir near Templeglantine.

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Monday 6th October 2014

At the Bridges of Ross today there were 71 Sooty Shearwaters, ten Manx Shearwaters, one Leaches Petrel, one Storm Petrel, four Pomarine Skuas, one Arctic Skua, one Bonxie and five Arctic Terns.

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Monday 6th October 2014

A Pectoral Sandpiper was seen at small lake at Dromtreasna, Abbeyfeale (Geoff Hunt).

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Sunday 5th October 2014

Sunday 5th October 2014

Dotterel at Loop Head John N Murphy

The Dotterel was still at Loop Head today (Finbarr MacGabhann) along with 50 Golden Plover, a flock of 30 Snipe, one Lapland Bunting, one Merlin and one Bonxie.  A female Marsh Harrier was at Tubber this afternoon.


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Saturday 4th October 2014

Saturday 4th October 2014

Swainson’s Trush at Loop Head Jeff Copner

A Swainson’s Thrush was seen along the Lighthouse Road this evening just freshly in off the sea (Jeff Copner) (19.00).  This is a first county record of this rare North American Thrush and a sixth for Ireland.  Also at Loop Head today was one Dotterel (Tony Mee, Tom Tarpey, Gerry Butler et al). There was also one Snow  Bunting at the tip of the headland, a flock of 50 Golden Plover, two Whimbrels, 40 Chough, 38 Rock Doves, four Swallows, two Wheatears, four Chiffchaff in the gardens, one Common Sandpiper in the Harbour and one Greenshank.  At the Bridges of Ross there were 2,00 Sooty Shearwaters, 50 Pomarine Skuas, one Arctic Skua, 12 Bonxies, two Leaches Petrels, 12 Arctic Terns and one Grey Phalarope.

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Friday 3rd October 2014

The Hoopoe was seen again today in a private garden near Askeaton (Linda O’Brien).

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Thursday 2nd October 2014

A Hoopoe was seen in a private garden near Askeaton daily since last Monday (Linda O’Brien). This is the fourth record of the species in the County. The previous records date back to the 19th century, 1965 and January 2010.

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